High Concept: High Concept
Trouble: Trouble
Relationship: Relationship
Other Aspect: Other
Other Aspect:: Other
[b]High Concept: [_=High Concept]
Trouble: [_=Trouble]
Relationship: [_=Relationship]
Other Aspect: [_=Other]
Other Aspect:: [_=Other][/b]
Stunt 1
Notesdetail 1
detail 1
Stunt 2
Notesdetail 2
detail 2
Stunt 3
Notesdetail 3
detail 3
Physical Stress
Mental Stress
[b](2) Mild[/b]|[_=]
[b](4) Moderate[/b]|[_=]
[b](6) Severe[/b]|[_=]
[table][size=150]Refresh[/size]|[size=150]Fate Points[/size]
Start with one Great (+4), two Good (+3), three Fair (+2), four Average (+1), rest at Mediocre (=0).
Academics | 4df+4
Athletics | 4df+0
Burglary | 4df+0
Contacts | 4df+2
Crafts | 4df+3
Deceive | 4df+0
Drive | 4df+2
Empathy | 4df+0
Fight | 4df+2
Investigate | 4df+0
Lore | 4df+3
Notice | 4df+0
Physique | 4df+1
Provoke | 4df+0
Rapport | 4df+1
Resources | 4df+1
Shoot | 4df+0
Stealth | 4df+0
Will | 4df+1 |
Start with one Great (+4), two Good (+3), three Fair (+2), four Average (+1), rest at Mediocre (=0).
[table="rolls compact"][b]ATTRIBUTES[/b]|ROLL
My Parents Died
My Parents Died
[spoiler="Fate Condensed Rules Summary"]
OUTCOMES (Fate Condensed p.15)
Shifts = [Your effort] – [opposing effort or target difficulty]
Fail: Your effort is less than the target difficulty or opposing effort.
Tie: Your effort is equal to the target.
Success: Your effort is one or two shifts more than the target.
Success with Style: Your effort is three or more shifts more than the target.
ACTIONS (Fate Condensed pp. 18-21)
★ Attack (p.20)
Attack to harm your target.
Fail: You fail to connect.
Tie: Get a boost (p.23).
Success: Deal a hit equal to your effort minus the defense’s effort.
Success with Style: Same as success, but you may reduce the hit by one to get a boost.
★ Defend (p.21)
Defend to survive an attack or interfere with a foe’s action.
Fail: Foe succeeds. If it’s an attack, you take a hit; absorb as described below.
Tie: Opposed action’s tie result applies.
Succeed: You deny the enemy’s action or hit.
Success with Style: As with success; also gain a boost.
★ Overcome (p.18)
Clear obstacles.
Fail: Failure or success at a major cost (p.16).
Tie: Success at a minor cost (p.17), fail but gain a boost, or partially succeed.
Success: You meet your goal.
Success with Style: You meet your goal and gain a boost.
★ Create Advantage (p.19)
Leverage aspects. When creating a new situation aspect:
Fail: Either don’t create it, or do it but the enemy gets the free invoke (success at a cost).
Tie: Don’t create it, but get a boost (p.23).
Success: Create it with one free invoke on it.
Success with Style: Create it with two free invokes on it.
When targeting an existing known or unknown aspect:
Fail: Enemy gets free invoke on the aspect. If unknown, the enemy may instead keep it unknown.
Tie: Gain a free invoke if the aspect is known. Gain a boost instead if the aspect is unknown.
Success: Gain a free invoke on the aspect.
Success with Style: Gain two free invokes on the aspect.
TEAMWORK OPTIONS (Fate Condensed p. 32)
Combine skills: Character with highest skill rolls. Each other participant with at least an Average (+1) in that skill may give up their action to add a +1 to that roll. Maximum allowed bonus equals the rating of the highest skill. Supporters face the same costs and consequences as the person making the roll.
On your turn: You can create an advantage and let your allies use the free invokes on their subsequent turns.
Outside your turn: You may invoke an aspect to add a bonus to someone else’s roll.