Nov 1, 2022 9:40 pm
Redcap says:
I'm trying to think of ways to speed up Fate for PbP games a little bit.How do you guys feel about rolling the defend actions for the NPCs?
Then you can decide if you want to spend a Fate point right away instead of waiting for me to respond.
I can post char outlines for the NPCs at the start of any contest/conflict so you know what to roll.
A couple of things I've tried in different Pbp Fate games is to do the following:
- if a player attacks, then the player rolls attack against a passive defence
- if a player defends then the player rolls defend against a passive attack value.
With fate, there's always going to be discussion and negotiation for rolls given that the GM can spend fate points on a roll. So, maybe a separate thread for roll resolution (the discussion).
For Pbp, I have tried moving fate to be more "Apocalypse World (Pbta) like" where the dice rolls are always from the players reacting to GM actions. It kind of works for reducing dice rolls, but may not be your cup of tea @Redcap.
Last edited November 2, 2022 2:36 am