Anything we might need that no one else is going for? A wizard, maybe? Or a thief?
Character Creation
Anything we might need that no one else is going for? A wizard, maybe? Or a thief?
Can I take Half-Orc? It fits well with the repentant bandit backstory that I'm keeping from that Paladin idea.
+1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Cha (with a max 19 Con and max 17 Dex)
-2 reaction roll in human settlements
A Bard,
A Druid,
A Fighter
so far?
Does anyone have a preference, or are we all playing whatever we want, balanced party or not?
The final sets of roles are:
13, 15, 11, 8, 7, 11
14, 4, 11, 8, 13, 14
7, 15, 9, 11, 13, 9
I don't really feel like any of them is any better or worse that the others so I am just going to go with the first set.
100 GP starting wealth
Attributes - (3d6)
(436) = 13
Attributes - (3d6)
(663) = 15
Attributes - (3d6)
(344) = 11
Attributes - (3d6)
(134) = 8
Attributes - (3d6)
(115) = 7
Attributes - (3d6)
(533) = 11
Attributes - (3d6)
(536) = 14
Attributes - (3d6)
(211) = 4
Attributes - (3d6)
(434) = 11
Attributes - (3d6)
(143) = 8
Attributes - (3d6)
(526) = 13
Attributes - (3d6)
(626) = 14
Attributes - (3d6)
(142) = 7
Attributes - (3d6)
(366) = 15
Attributes - (3d6)
(333) = 9
Attributes - (3d6)
(245) = 11
Attributes - (3d6)
(616) = 13
Attributes - (3d6)
(333) = 9
Starting wealth - (5d4*10)
(23221) + 10 = 20
This isn't a hill I'm trying to die on, just thought I'd see what other folks have to say.
*Decisions decisions
EDIT: I think that I can work with the first set. Now to think about what I want to play... maybe an elven rogue? Or perhaps a halfling rogue?
Set 1 - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (262) = 10
3d6 : (353) = 11
3d6 : (564) = 15
3d6 : (555) = 15
3d6 : (433) = 10
3d6 : (356) = 14
Set 2 - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (312) = 6
3d6 : (422) = 8
3d6 : (125) = 8
3d6 : (121) = 4
3d6 : (542) = 11
3d6 : (125) = 8
Set 3 - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (134) = 8
3d6 : (555) = 15
3d6 : (131) = 5
3d6 : (251) = 8
3d6 : (244) = 10
3d6 : (162) = 9
Infravision? - (1d100)
(72) = 72
Limited infravision? - (1d100)
(27) = 27
Height/Weight - (2d8, 5d4)
2d8 : (85) = 13
5d4 : (43332) = 15
Age - (3d4)
(134) = 8
Money - (2d6)
(13) = 4
That gives us a Fighter, Druid, Bard and a Thief. Off to a good start!