I have a couple of funny stories about
find familiar. My group was playing in the Forgotten Realms and, upon reaching Arabel, my wife's character decided that she wanted a tressym familiar. A tressym is a flying cat and they are greatly prized as familiars. I told her that she would have to cast the spell and take her chances just like everyone else, but that if the result was a "special", it would be a tressym. So she scrimped and saved to get the 1,000 gp worth of components. The night that she was ready to cast, she went out to a large field outside of Arabel and seeded the field with plates of chopped fish (several hundred gold pieces worth)! I decided that if she got any result other than special, it would be a cat, and a result of "no familiar" would stand.
She cast the spell and fell into a deep sleep (being exhausted by 20+ hours of spellcasting). She awoke to the sound of meowing. Incredibly loud meowing! She opened her eyes and there was her new familiar, a tressym. But in the field were hundreds of cats and tressym! She had lured every stray, pet, and familiar in Arabel out to the field! The local mages were quite put out with her, not to mention a few dozen pet owners.
On another occasion, my bard cast
find familiar. The GM rolled the dice in secret and my character awoke with a great weight upon his chest. Opening his eyes, he saw a giant lynx staring back at him. I was ecstatic! Then my bard heard the voice inside his head; "I spend weeks gathering components, waste a day casting the spell, and what do I get? A bard!" Turns out that the lynx was more intelligent than my character. For the rest of the campaign, we argued about who was whose familiar!
Last edited October 18, 2022 1:16 am