The World of Lothar

Oct 6, 2022 5:53 pm
Image credits belong to BlackCherryKing at

Caldan: The Land of Princes
Ruler: True King, several princes ruling principalities
Colors: Blue and Gold
This area claims the strongest blood of the ancient Lotharians, and therefore believe they have the right to rule. Typical soldiers: knights and shining armor, spearmen and longbowmen.

Ruler: Tzar of Roshar
Colors: Red and White
This area is a land of deep forests and vast plains that takes pride in community. Typical soldiers: Axemen and polearmsmen, horse archers.

Boramar: The Lost Kingdom
Colors: Green and Silver
Ruler: None, awaiting the Winged Lord
This area fought against the forces of chaos in ages past, and the battles shattered the nation. Now it is a fractured land of small communities and lone wolves. Typical soldiers: Rangers and mercenaries.

Elf Lords of Erian: The Fey Lands
Colors: Blue and Green
Ruler: Oaken Council
This area is some of the most unspoiled in the lands of Lothar, taken care of by the elves. Typical soldiers: Elite swordsmen, warrior-casters, archers.

Dwarf Kingdoms of Bordihr
Colors: Green and Black
Ruler: Stonelord
The dwarven kingdoms extend significantly further outward than one would expect, with Bordihr being the most accessible and powerful. Typical soldiers: Heavy infantry and crossbowmen.
Minor Kingdoms

Old Lothar: The Free City
Colors: Black and Silver
Ruler: Vacant Seat
The Free City of Old Lothar is a metropolis that has resisted the influence of both Caldan and Roshar. It is at best a bastion of commerce and culture, at worst a hive of scum and villainy. Typical soldiers: Elite guard, mercenaries.

Hinlands: Lands of the Smallfolk
Colors: Yellow and White
Ruler: None
This land has been left to the smallfolk, both Halflings and Gnomes to manage. Much of Lothar's crops come from this area. Typical soldiers: Illusionists and ambushers.

Tor-Amon: Land of Splendor
Colors: Orange and Green
Ruler: Iron Pasha
This land is known for its fabulous city located within an oasis deep in a desert filled with spices and lost treasures. It is said that the ruler surrounds him/herself with four strange advisors from lands unknown. Typical soldiers: Skirmishers, assassins

Lands of Chaos
Colors: Red and Black
Ruler: Unknown
The lands of chaos are not an organized land, but rather the result of forces of order and goodness pushing back in countless battles to primarily contain the enemy within the mountain ranges. While danger can be found in every corner of Lothar, it is here that it is most concentrated.
Oct 6, 2022 5:56 pm
Human Pantheon
Primary Deities
Raev - God of The Sun & Law & Humans
Shisanah - Goddess of Harvest & Earth & Humans

Greater Deities
Aeroll - Goddess of the Sky & Storms
Dain - God of Beasts & The Hunt
Scarev - God of Death & The Underworld
Laite - Goddess of The Hearth & Spinning
Malot - Boar God of War
Fraimaver - Androgynous God of Magic

Intermediate Deities
Idin - Goddess of Winter & Ice
Ceranus - God of Untamed Nature
Oret - God of The Sea & Sailing
Taeavae - Goddess of Wisdom & Healing
Crondr - God of The Forge & Craftsmen
Gaephus - God of Revelry & Wine
Razeln - Goddess of Love & Children
Voak & Vetav - Twin Trickster Gods(esses) of Thieves and Liars
Jeazu - The Mad God Without Form
Enor - The Symmetrical God of Law
Jaeklakath - Rat God of Plagues and Witchcraft - Child of Malot
Eraessocon - Spider Goddess of Assassins & Poisons - Child of Malot

Lesser Deities
Ceash - Androgynous God of Fire
Laeyrn - Goddess of the Moon
Kolevus - Shark God of Vengeance and Troubled Seas - Child of Malot
Rete - God of Music & Plays & The Arts
Padan - God of Knowledge
Ilatel - Goddess of Soldiers and Protection
Frosson - God of Ale and Gambling
Doary - Goddess of Destiny
Nonario - God of Crossroads and Fates
Eninath - Goddess of Animals and Streams

Kaetran - Demigoddess of Passion - Currently in the form of a Magic Girdle
Remon - Demigoddess of Wanderers
Thaellea - Demigoddess of Fair Weather
Lanus - Demigod of Archers and Vigilance
Tarrasque - Demigod of Destruction

Elven Pantheon
Arasser Edhellen - Androgynous God of Nature & Elves
Anorher & Ithildil - Twin Gods of The Sun and Moon
Ninniach Faerveren - Goddess of Music & Plays & The Arts
Amdirthan Belthamdir - God of Tactics and Battle
Amdirhel - Goddess of Wisdom & Healing
Tinunil Gwelunil - Goddess of Magic
Ruiben Lavandil - God of Hunters and Wild Places
Dínen Glamorher - God of Jokes and Illusions

Dwarven Pantheon
Thane Silverforge - God of The Forge & Craftsmen & Dwarves
Karga Opalhammer - Goddess of War and Protection
Vala Stonekeeper - Goddess of Law
Kazadar Grimfist - God of Death & Underworld
Grimbul Shortbeard - God of Revelry & Ale
Gottra Hearthwarmer - Goddess of Hearth & Family
Bruci Ashcarver - God of Travelers and Exiles
Vaergahl - Dragon God of Madness

Halfling Pantheon
Adorellan - Goddess of The Hearth & Spinning & Halflings
Verovurn - God of the Harvest
Filaurel - God of Fighting and Hounds
Yesanith - Goddess of Wisdom & Healing
Taenaran - God of Revelry & Mead
Riluaneth - God of Storytellers and History

Gnome Pantheon
Jorner Copperflow - God of Gems & Earth & Gnomes
Xaltor Ironcloak - God of Mining and War
Jegim Shadowthread - Goddess of Illusions and Curiosity
Quorick Darkfern - God of Small Animals and Forests
Ziljin - Mole God of Destruction and Death

Drow Pantheon
1 - War & Drow
2 - Magic
3 - Pests & Plagues (and secretly Dark Magic/Witchcraft)
4 - Assassins & Poisons & Spiders
5 - Fates

Goblinoid Deities
Zogmugot - God of War & Goblinoids
Hadregash - God of Magic & Goblins
Bhaftaaz - God of Trickery & Assassins
Venkelvore - God of Slavery & Bugbears
Zarongel - God of Rulership & Hobgoblins

Orc Deities
Mogor - God of War & Orcs
Uluzgar - God of Murder & Brutality
Ghogar - Hearth & Survival
Zorzum - Death & Poison

Kobold Deities
Szekrurk - God of Ambushes & Kobolds
Scainszaal - God of Traps & Poison
Zrazsziz - God of Stealth
Thruthrosz - God of Packs

Wemic Deities
Khurshir - God of Lions, Sun, and Power

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