As it is a new map, you no longer see the full map, only the hexes around your position. You also have gained access to a couple of new exploration activities and I will repeat the old ones for easy reference in one post:
[ +- ] Hexploration Movement:
The Broken Tusks have 1 hexploration activity to spend per day, regardless of the characters’ Speeds, and they can’t make a forced march. It takes 1 Travel activity to move into a hex of open terrain or 2 Travel activities to move into a hex of difficult terrain. The Broken Tusks can’t move into mountainous terrain.
[ +- ] Reconnoiter:
Spend 1 or more Hexploration Activities to ensure the hex is clear before moving on. They will also find any non obvious landmarks and encounters on the hex.
The party can attempt a delay activity only before they’ve used their hexploration activity for the day. Each delay activity requires a check. Only one character can attempt this check, though other characters can Aid as usual. Succeeding at an activity’s check temporarily slows down the Burning Mammoths, but critically failing the check only causes the Broken Tusks to waste precious time. Once the party has attempted a delay activity in a hex, they must Travel to a new hex before attempting another delay activity.
[ +- ] Conceal Tracks
The scouts coordinate their following to conceal the tracks of the followers and the herd. A character attempts a DC 18 Survival check to Cover Tracks or a DC 20 Athletics check.
Critical Success The tracks practically disappear from the face of the earth. The Burning Mammoths waste 2 days at this hex and possibly even proceed in the wrong direction.
Success The Burning Mammoths waste 2 days at this hex before finding the party’s tracks.
Critical Failure The tracks only become more obvious. When they get to this hex, the Burning Mammoths automatically move to an adjacent hex without spending a hexploration activity.
[ +- ] Ford River
Requirements The following is in a hex with a river.
The party searches for a place to ford the river that’s relatively easy for their small following but would be difficult for a larger group. A character attempts a DC 18 Nature, Survival, or River Lore check.
Critical Success The Broken Tusks can automatically Travel to an adjacent hex without spending a hexploration activity. The Burning Mammoths waste 2 days at this hex.
Success The Burning Mammoths waste 2 days at this hex.
Critical Failure The party wastes the entire day searching for a crossing, to no avail. The Broken Tusks can’t use any hexploration activities today
[ +- ] Plant False Tracks
The party plants false tracks to mislead their pursuers. A character attempts a DC 18 Deception check or
a DC 18 Lore check of the hex’s terrain type (such as Hill Lore or Forest Lore).
Critical Success The Burning Mammoths waste 1 day at this hex, and they’re so befuddled that they split up. The next time the party faces any Burning Mammoths in a combat encounter, remove one of the lowest-level Burning Mammoth enemies from that encounter. Any subsequent critical successes on this activity are successes instead.
Success The Burning Mammoths waste 1 day at this hex.
Critical Failure The deception is easy to spot and the effort futile. The party can’t use any hexploration activities today.