That's entirely up to you, think about what you might carry and any particular possession you might keep in your home that you have collected over the years. It doesn't need to be a detailed list and things can be easily obtained. I don't worry too much about money, you have a certain amount of cash in the bank for large purchases, assets that encompass your home, car etc and you'll have a figure for daily expenses, how much you can afford for things you need immediately.
Credit rating 30 - average
A reasonable level of comfort, three meals a day and occasional treat.
Accommodation: an average home or apartment, either rented or privately owned. Expect to stay in moderately priced hotels.
Travel: standard forms of travel can be used, but not first class. In a modern-day period, this person would be likely to own a reliable car.
Cash in the bank: $60
Assets $1500
Daily Spending level: $10