1: Dovedale

Oct 15, 2022 2:36 am
Experience Points
The Dovedale district is one of the many farming areas nestled in the foothills of a long mountain range, east of Thornfall in Caldan. The district takes its name from the narrow wooded valley known as Dovedale. The like-named Dovedale River flows out of the dale and provides water for many of the farms in the area. The Dalewold forest skirts the northwest edge of the valley.

The farmers of the Dovedale district have a problem: It is midsummer, and the river has suddenly dried up. A small trickle of water remains, but not enough. Without water, most of the farmers' crops (which rely on irrigation) are doomed to fail. The locals are convinced that the abrupt drop in the river is yet another evil plot of a tribe of wicked goblins that live in the steep, winding dale. It's only a matter of time, they say, before the goblins issue a long string of unreasonable demands in return for restoring the river.

The farmers spend much of their time standing around and grousing that someone should do something. However, none of the farmers have volunteered to go sort out the goblins. The local farmer' cooperative has offers a 100-gp reward to anyone brave enough to go up the Dovedale and force the goblins to restore the river. You have learned that interested parties should apply to Mrs. Cogs, the leader of the cooperative.


We begin our adventure in Ashbourne. Four roads come together in the town of Ashbourne, a small fortified place where cattle and sheep are driven in at night, and where travelers can rest in relative comfort. Because of its proximity, Ashbourne is considered to be part of the Dovedale area. The Dovedale River flows past Ashbourne.

The village has a farmer's market, a bakery, a church, several passable inns, and a couple boarding houses. Some of the villagers may have old family armor and weapons for sale, but they will likely be sold at considerable cost if at all. But most people earn their livelihood from farming, as occasional adventurers spend their monies only in the outfitting shops and at Ma Nettle's boarding house, in the middle of town.

And it is at Ma Nettle's that we find our adventurers. The boarding house, in the center of town, is built on two levels. The ground floor is walled with fitted stones, while the timber-framed upper story rests on this base. There are several windows, both downstairs and upstairs. A metal stovepipe protrudes from the wall of the southwest gable, where a gentle stream of wood smoke rises.

Outside, posted on a piece of wood, is a notice beseeching any adventurers to help the Dovedale district with their goblin problem. The common room is warm and pleasant, with a bar counter opposite the entrance and plenty of space between the tables. To the left, as one walks in, is a wide staircase rising to the bedrooms on the second floor. The twin doors to the kitchen open and close regularly as Ma Nettle bustles in and out with trays and plates. The bar is Ned the gnome's responsibility, and he can be found (after some searching) behind it.

Should visitors wish to rent a room, they must register in the visitor's book that Ned keeps tucked away when not in use. Fees for rooms are 5sp per night or 3gp weekly, paid in advance. Beer and wine are cheap enough: 2sp for an eight-pint credit. Though meals are only 3sp each, they're uncommonly good, and it would seem that many business people in the town prefer to take dinner at Ma Nettle's rather than prepare their own, based on the crowds tonight.

Before we get too far, let's learn a little about our would-be heroes (if heroes are what you would be). Who is your adventurer, with whom did they arrive, and how did they end up in Ashbourne with rumors of goblin-troubles?
Oct 15, 2022 4:21 am
Maon dismounts the Giant Spider he rode through the rough country and after bidding Sheskarith to hide in the wood north of here, he walks the next mile or so to the village of Ashbourne.

Although he is an acolyte of his order, they have judged him to be ready to begin interacting with the world around him not just the insects and spiders he has made friends with. Not very many Hivemasters exist and so his value as a Druid has made him an anomalie among the druid circles.

Nonetheless, Maon finds comfort in his calling. He arrives at Ma Nettles around the time one has early dinner. He orders a honey mead and sits with one of the bee farmers, he can tell by the scent, and begins small talk while he subtly inquires as to Mrs. Cogs and the goblin dilema...


Oct 15, 2022 12:54 pm
Odilo sits, rubbing both sides of his temple; trying to coax a blossoming headache into a swift exit.

Giving up, he rubs his red and runny nose into his sleeve. Would that the nose on his face would dry up, and not the damned river. His nose; and the troubles of the common folk; of which there were plenty. The mage had sat since breakfast, hearing the woes of the people of Ashbourne. Most, as expected, were accounted to the river, and the Goblins by extension, but not all. And only some of those could he solve. But one thing at a time.

The mage sniffles, and rubs the small wetness into his sleeve again. He stands, pushing up from the table, and feeling the morning’s sitting in his legs.

"Aye, fresh air…" he speaks, low enough so that he could only be talking to himself. He leaves his hat where it lays on the table, entrusting the thing to keep his seat if Ma Nettles saw a sudden boom in business.

"That’s what I need." and he steps out from the bench, and heads for the front door, and fresh air.
Last edited October 15, 2022 12:58 pm
Oct 15, 2022 1:33 pm
cowleyc sent a note to KCC
Just as Odilo is heading out, a strange figure is walking in. A human, sure, but wearing the clothes of a traveler and not of a farmer.

cowleyc sent a note to umbraldragon


Odilo Rumors

Maon Rumors

Oct 15, 2022 2:58 pm
Which die exactly sir to roll? :)
Oct 15, 2022 3:00 pm
umbraldragon says:
Which die exactly sir to roll? :)
No need to roll! I made some rolls in the background to see what kinds of rumors you may have heard.
Oct 15, 2022 4:13 pm
Ah, I thought...nevermind. You were talking to yerseff again! Lol
Oct 15, 2022 11:00 pm
Maon steps out for a breath of the crisp air. He lights his pipe and notices Odilo.

"Here now good man, I'm sure you've grown weary of all the hearsay surrounding the blockage of the river? Perhaps tis only a beaver family busy doing what nature calls them to do...? How do you see it?"
Last edited October 15, 2022 11:01 pm
Oct 15, 2022 11:23 pm
Having grown terribly bored with camping in the Dalewold, Oren decides today is the day to try his luck in town. As he nears the boarding house he immediately spies the sign requesting help with the local goblins and figures today must be his lucky day after all! Even better still, two of his friends are standing outside of the boardinghouse enjoying a pipe!

"Maon! Odilo! Still letting you lot through the gates I see? Seems providence that we should meet here with such trouble brewing to the North. What say we form a band and see what trouble we might abate?"
Last edited October 15, 2022 11:40 pm
Oct 16, 2022 12:18 am
"Oren! Always up for a brawl. How goes it lad?"
Maon takes a long drag off his pipe and blows smoke rings into the gables.


Oct 16, 2022 12:32 am
Odilo steps to the side to allow the man entry, ushering him in with a wave of his hand. He looks back to where his straw hat lay, and then left for outside, safe in the knowledge that the gnome bartender would direct the traveller to Odilo’s table, if that was his purpose for being here!

He sniffs in the fresh air, making a wet sound as he does! The grumbles to himself for a moment or two, wondering on origin of ‘The Three Giants, until Maon approaches.

"Our duty is never done, is it?" the mage answers the notion of him being weary. He rubs his temple again.

"If you were to ask them, they’d say the beavers had been pressed into service by the goblins. An industrious lot, these greenskins, to hear it told."

The wizard waves his hand as if to push away the notion.

"The goblins are real enough. Though I doubt that dull band of brigands could stopper a river."

And then Oren arrives. Odilo rubs wet into his sleeve and then raises his hand in greeting.

"Letting us in easily enough. Though I do wonder if they’ll ever let me back out!"
Last edited October 16, 2022 12:34 am
Oct 16, 2022 12:41 am
"Couldn't help but overhear you two don't believe goblins are behind this!"

Oren takes out his own wooden pipe and packs a bowl of dried leaf as he speaks,

"Not so far fetched is it? Devious little fey things that they are. Still... I'd hear their side of things before a slaughter."
Oct 16, 2022 12:50 am
"Hold that thought..."

Oren leads his mule, Eeorr, over to the stable and hitches it to the post.


he tells Garcon as the great mutt hunkers down instinctively by the ass. Heading then back to the others, Oren casts about with his eyes for a light to his pipe.
Oct 16, 2022 1:34 am
Jabrano wiped the sweat of her brow as she approached Ashbourne. It seemed like a nice place to rest up for a couple of days and maybe earn some coin.
Caldan summers burnt brighter than those back home. She had entered the country late in spring, when the weather was milder. She was glad her armour was packed away in her backpack. She wore simple but well-made clothes, and a somewhat expensive looking but very dusty dark green cloak.

She wore her twin swords on her back, where she couldn't quickly draw them. The slightly curved blades tied securely to their scabbards with leather peace cords. The two daggers on her belt, hidden under the cloak, were more than sufficient for most regular trouble she could run into on the road.

The Half-Orc sighed as she watched the guards at the gate go from almost asleep to very alert in almost no time as she came closer. Luckily they were good folks, and she didn't even have to bribe them to let her in. One of them informed her about the town's goblin problem and the bounty posted at Ma Nettle's. She thanked him for the information and for asked directions towards the boarding house.

The establishment is a little bit more upscale than she'd like, but it'll do. A childish part of her delights in her ability to make a whole room full of merchants clutch their pearls just by waling through the door. A game that can turn sour real quick, but she's not intending to spend more than two days here unless she can find some good work.

She registers with the gnome as Jabrano Ivanova, and heads up to her room with some lunch and tea. First thing she does after wolfing down the food is taking a bath and washing off the grime of the road. She hands her cloak to a maid to have it cleaned.

After that she goes out, to get the lay of the land, or the town at least. She leaves her armour and swords in her room. A brooch displaying the symbol of Doary is pinned to her light brown tunic.
She doesn't need to look up to know that practically everybody is looking at her. She stops by a merchant and buys a broad-rimmed hat. It's always good to be seen spending coin.
Next she stops by the church. While the teachings of Doary are very important to her, she wouldn't call herself very religious. She's not even sure if she really believes in any gods.
It doesn't really matter. She enjoys the serene atmosphere most holy places have.
She spends some time talking with the priest, about the teachings of his god, and also about the town's goblin problem. And she leaves a generous donation of 10 silver on the altar.

She knows people are still watching her, even if they try very hard to pretend not to when she glances at them. And as she leaves the church, she knows they'll gossip, and that by tomorrow she'll more likely be seen as the devout half-orc instead of what they'd call her otherwise.
Last edited October 16, 2022 1:40 am
Oct 16, 2022 1:44 am
Oren watched the comings and goings of Jabrano with amusement. Trying so hard to fit in, he thought, when she could probably conquer this hamlet single handedly.

"See that? Didn't even say hello. Proud as ever. GOOD DAY TO YOU JABRANO!"

Oren shouted the greeting across the square so as to raise the warriors heckles,

"We were just discussing the woes and weals of the local constabulary. Care to join?"

Though the elf had long roamed these lands he had only a passing acquaintance with the half-orc. A misstep he hoped to soon remedy.
Oct 16, 2022 1:47 am
The chapel to Shisanah, goddess of humans and agriculture, stands open for all who seek it. The largest religious center in the Dovedale district, it attracts many farmers who can afford to make the travel. The priestesses wear earthy greens and browns, as opposed to the more commonly seen reds and oranges of the priesthood of Raev, god of humans and of the sun.

cowleyc sent a note to Carabas


Jabrano Rumors

Oct 16, 2022 2:40 am
Malard takes a seat at a table, and begins eavesdropping on the people around.

"Goblins...," he grumbles. I can't imagine how they exist. Is there no shortage of smallish green unpleasant things in the world? He rubs his back, and looks around trying to determine if this places is worth a meal.

"Tying that ass up outside was probably more work than the whole voyage out here."
Oct 16, 2022 2:48 am
Outside the inn Malard can see small number of individuals who do not look like farmers, but rather adventurers.

cowleyc sent a note to Phil_Ozzy_Fer


Malard Rumors


Oct 16, 2022 5:20 am
"Involved? Most certainly!" the mage says in full assuredness.

"Behind it? I doubt it completely!"

The man let’s out a cough before continuing:

"Unless your experience with the brutes has been different from mine! No mind for forethought!"

And then Oren calls out to the half-orc; to which Odilo remarks:

"I thought I knew every brigand, bully, beggar and baron in these lands. And yet you always seem one step ahead, Oren the Exile!

You’ve yet me introduce to your Druidic friend here!"
Last edited October 16, 2022 5:21 am
Oct 16, 2022 5:31 am
Oren laughs and slaps his leg,

"What a fool I feel! Odilo, this is Maon; Maon, Odilo. Maon is the great and high guardian of the bees in this land. Seems awfully narrow in scope, no Maon? Why not all insects?"
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