+ We have several newcomers starting now so feel free to speak up, here for the group or in your personal character thread (which are still public FYI), if you have any questions.
+ If you see something that does not make sense just know I am not the best speller and spell check likes to garble my posts, which I do not always catch. Take context clues and ask for clarification if needed.
+ There are a couple veterans hanging around who have been quite helpful so don't be shy about asking players for feedback/help as well as myself.
+ I run this game in my own setting with a lot of lore, mostly in my head, but as long as you think high fantasy you do not need to worry about the details, though some things will make more sense if you know the
setting info. It all depends on what you want from your game/story
+ Individuals can post at any pace but if you stick around after your intro story and join a group then just know I tend to try and keep things at the expected pace but this can shift +/- depending on player response and IRL events. Please indicate your preffered posting pace by clicking on teh poll link below
There are currently a couple active groups including a daily group in the Matrix and a weekly group in the library and a couple newcomers still heading into the main sorty area.. All newcomers not in one of these groups please post your preferred posting pace. I can create a new group or merge new players into existing threads after their get their opening adventure. Lets see how thing turn out and go from there.
As this game is public and there are multiple threads in the game you can read up on what the other players are doing as well as past player stories if you want.