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Nov 27, 2024 3:42 pm
Thanks for the introduction to play by post and to tiny D6 @Psybermagi I enjoyed my time.
Nov 27, 2024 5:33 pm
A big huzza to the great Psybermagi! Thank you for the adventures and for pouring your heart into this.

I have lost a bit of momentun from busydays IRL, so considered hanging the otter cloak, but gained motivation now that we have reached what seems to be an important point in the underdark story, so I definitely want to stay tuned for that. After that, it might be a good time to end on a high note.

Still, see you around some more.

Hands you a very round rock.
Nov 27, 2024 7:51 pm
Thank you so very much, Psybermagi! This was my first game here at GP, and I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to PbP gaming and GP.
Nov 27, 2024 7:58 pm
@daryen Were you thinking of merging the Northern Mountains thread into the Underdark or just writing it off?
Nov 27, 2024 11:40 pm
ForeverDED says:
Thank you so very much, Psybermagi! This was my first game here at GP, and I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to PbP gaming and GP.
ForeverDED says:
Thank you so very much, Psybermagi! This was my first game here at GP, and I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to PbP gaming and GP.
Same here, this was my first encounter with pbp And you guided me through Ranger Trials very well. Thank you sir and good luck in all you do.
Nov 28, 2024 6:07 am
ForeverDED says:
@daryen Were you thinking of merging the Northern Mountains thread into the Underdark or just writing it off?
I figured that Psybermagi would be finishing the mountain adventure, the bring you back to New Paphos. Around the same time, the group in the Remnant will be making their way back, too. And, by that point, the Underdark group will be wrapping up, too. So, I expect all three groups to be back in New Paphos when Psybermagi wraps his Veteran groups up. That will leave what's left of the three groups that can run as one or two groups after that. And they will be able to pick where to base out of: New Paphos itself, the Manor, or the recovering Residential District remnant.

There is a lot of stuff available around New Paphos that can be explored, or more Underdark stuff, too. The Underdark groups has found some interesting points, and a potentially very interesting one remains.

The only thing that has to happen is that, assuming he isn't killed by warbands or a dragon (real possibilities at the moment), Skeeve will have to retire to the Gatehouse by the Manor.
Nov 28, 2024 7:25 am
Thanks a lot Psybemagi!!
So far, it's been a great ride, I truly enjoy the system, the setting, your efforts in keeping several threads running, and the group we have formed as players.
Of course, from the beginning you mentioned this adventure as been an introduction to the system for new players. So it's only natural to let all not-new-anymore players go. And I appreciate the way you are doing that: letting us continue under daryen's guide.

Arc will be happy to meet you all at New Paphos.
Nov 28, 2024 4:13 pm
Note to self, have the dragon use the maneuver from Honour among thieves, hehe :)
Nov 28, 2024 4:15 pm
To be clear, this game will continue under new management and I will create a new one around the new year
Jan 23, 2025 9:06 pm
Ok, farewell guys, hope to see you all around in other games, it was a lot of fun but is time to give my spot to someone new.
Jan 23, 2025 9:20 pm
Farewel, Brewner the hopper, and conqueror of worlds.

Now seriously, thanks for sharing the adventure. May we meet elsewhere on the site some other day. A big otterly hug.
Jan 23, 2025 9:51 pm
Fare thee well! Thank you for joining these adventures and I hope your next adventures roll your way!
Jan 30, 2025 3:33 pm
OK, now that we've wrapped up the current activities, here is what I am planning on doing:

First, I am gathering everyone together at the Manor. Basically, Ealdwig will drag the underdark team to the Manor, where the other characters already are. We get to have a nice meet-up and dinner so everyone knows everyone. At this point you can all decide on what you want to do. I can handle one or two threads. I really can't do three. At that point, we will move in whatever direction you want to go in.

For the possible threads, there are many different options, both large scale and small scale. The two broad categories available are fairly stand-alone or background-related. To give some examples, the recent gem hunting and escort missions (Yoci) are perfect examples of stand-alone adventures that can be short or long, but don't really affect the background or advance or slowdown the setting situation. On the other hand, the scouting adventures into the Remnants are examples of background-related adventures that moved the background plot along. They found out about different machinations going on and even got to see that terrible dragon everyone only heard about in action. They moved things along and opened secrets (like the city node network).

The setting is a sandbox with stuff that happens in the background. However, you get to choose whether to be involved in the background activity or not. Threads can be advanced or ignored. It doesn't hurt the setting at all. What you get to do is mostly limited by what direction you want to go in. Feel free to discuss it here, or in character. Either works!
Feb 5, 2025 6:02 am
To expand on the immediately prior post a little, does anyone have preferences on what type of adventures they are looking for? The big things are either advancing the background plots, or just addressing various hanging threads running around.

I was hoping we could divide into two groups to keep the party size reasonable, but if you want to try one thing together, I can work to get a bigger adventure going. This is meant to be a sandbox, not a narrative railroad, but we build some tracks of that is what is desired. I'm flexible!

Also, I was hoping we could hash out what you want to do OOC here so that we can send you out from the Manor as decided.
Feb 6, 2025 7:33 pm
To understand a little, the loose threads are the ones that change stuff around, or are those the background plots?

I'm just not sure whether to understand "background" as secondary or as THE background.
Last edited February 6, 2025 7:34 pm
Feb 6, 2025 9:15 pm
I stated my feelings back in Blornvid's character thread. I guess it depends on what the missions are. I enjoyed going up into the mountains, clearing out the levels beneath the warehouse, starting the caverns which led to the Underdark, clearing out the Manor grounds, traveling on the portals that led to many places, but all those Remnants did was make me feel dizzy.
Feb 6, 2025 11:55 pm
There is an underlying plot that is going on "behind the scenes". There are references to it in the auction some characters witnessed and the artifacts that the wardens of the tower want retrieved. There are various groups (including New Paphos) that a jockeying for position and power, and there is an independent dark plot unfolding. But there is no timeline on that. So, you can engage with that and cause it to advance, or ignore it and let it lie fallow. Obviously, so of the power grabbing and power accumulation still happens slowly, but the other stuff just kinda sits unless engaged. So, there are Big Things (tm) to engage if you so wish.

On the other hand, there are "side missions" you can do, too. There is still the ooze in the caverns near the main Matrix Node, the duendes' problems in the mountain, the Triton civil war that got short-circuited, the spider city, and revisiting the dwarf city. And a couple more I am not thinking of.

We theoretically have nine players right now. We can do a big "fellowship" adventure, or split into two groups and have two independent adventures. Since no one is stating preferences thus far, I am going to have Sylfir and Seer propose an adventure for everyone to go on. It will be related to the big background thing, but doesn't force it into action or anything.
Feb 7, 2025 12:59 am
Never done a fellowship type adventure before. I think it would be fun to be part of. Thanks for giving us the scope @daryen.
Feb 7, 2025 1:26 am
I did a short one earlier. It was fun, but harder to manage to keep up responding to everything. Thankfully several of the players did more self narration as they were already familiar with the setting.
Feb 7, 2025 6:53 am
I have been struggling quite a bit to keep up with the game lately. So I think it is a good time to retire Kaarik.

Thanks a lot daryen and Psybermagi for the game and all the others for the fun. I had a good time.

A good game to you all!
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