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Dec 4, 2023 3:46 am
Look for Tiny Supers. It is a full Tiny d6 superhero game that looks pretty good to me. It comes with a default setting, but also includes some rather inventive alternative settings to use or borrow from. The default setting has a single city that the players are assumed to operate from. It also includes their own "Justice League" proxy with several villains to choose from. Players can either be the pregens, or could be understudies or whatever. There is also a second book that also expands on the base setting.

They also have another supplement that covers street-level less powered heroics.

But, to get back to your question, yes you could definitely restructure the base setting, or roll your own, to do what you are describing.
Dec 4, 2023 4:20 am
I have never played Tiny Supers but the basic are the same as Tiny Dungeons but it has a power mechanic that you will want to look into. Even without that the basic TinyD6 engine can easily adapt to any framework. Have fun with it and let us know how it works out for your hero game
Dec 6, 2023 3:19 pm
Too bad Skeeve can't give the Cave Fisher crew any advice ...
Dec 6, 2023 4:25 pm
Super hero TinyD6 sounds like fun!

I'm going to be traveling for work the next couple of days. I should be able to post but it may not be as frequently as I have been. I should be back to my regular posting rate next week.
Dec 6, 2023 4:27 pm
daryen says:
Too bad Skeeve can't give the Cave Fisher crew any advice ...
There may be a way . . . .
Dec 6, 2023 4:38 pm
microtheMacroBear says:
Super hero TinyD6 sounds like fun!

I'm going to be traveling for work the next couple of days. I should be able to post but it may not be as frequently as I have been. I should be back to my regular posting rate next week.
I can't tell you how much I'd love to give Tiny Supers a try! I even have a character I want to try with. But, I haven't found a game yet.
Dec 6, 2023 4:43 pm
Psybermagi says:
daryen says:
Too bad Skeeve can't give the Cave Fisher crew any advice ...
There may be a way . . . .
If so, there is one very specific thing he would tell them about.

Now, whether that is *good* advice, I don't know. But it is the approach Skeeve would focus on.
Dec 9, 2023 6:45 pm
Let’s see how well our knightly fellow fares! Duh duh dom… Lol
Dec 10, 2023 11:32 pm
Just a reiteration of an earlier post : Till after the new years I may not keep posting at previous rates and do not expect you to either. I will try to keep it up daily but weekends will likely be at most once if at all for all games.
If any one knows they will not be posting for a while or will have to change their posting rate just let us know. Newcomers not yet in a group, with and expected posting rate to it (See the Tiny Info sheet), please add yourselves to the Posting Rate Poll

We have 4 newcomers that will need to be worked into a group as they wrap up their solo/introductory missions so I will be pulling them into groups based on polling rate or other specified preferences.
Dec 22, 2023 3:58 pm
I probably won't be able to post until Sunday. However, we should be good for our move through the pit.
Dec 24, 2023 3:54 pm
Happy Holidays!
Dec 24, 2023 5:25 pm
Happy Holidays all! And thanks Psybermagi for keeping this awesome game running. Every day I look forward to seeing what we'll encounter next!
Dec 24, 2023 5:34 pm
Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah

And I agree Psyber You are a Great DM so organized and active. You are amazing!
Dec 24, 2023 9:18 pm
Happy Holidays! I third that! Thanks for running this game, Psybermagi!
Last edited December 24, 2023 9:19 pm
Dec 24, 2023 10:24 pm
Happy Holidays everyone!

Thanks to Psybermagi for masterfully running this game, to ForevenDED and Arkmenos for adventuring with me, and to WhiteDwarf for letting me voice his chess piece!

Looking forward to another year of adventuring and the chance to seeing more of you in-game.
Dec 24, 2023 11:18 pm
Yes friends, Happy Holidays!
Dec 25, 2023 12:05 am
A little year end housekeeping. This game has one newcomer possibly incoming, one still on solo training mission and 3 groups.
Everyone please make sure they have selected one of the options on the Posting Rate poll
I am putting private surveys in each group thread for players to express interests.
[ +- ] group survey questions
Game play will continue through New Years but there should be no major developments so if you don't post you wont be missing much
Dec 25, 2023 9:57 pm
Just a review for those who have been in the game and those new to it or just joining.
I run this with a short tutorial, usually a solo event, for new players/characters then put those that stick around into one of the groups. Groups are primarily organized by preferred posting rates. I request players post a minimum of once a week but am flexible for newcomers in the tutorial session.

Currently there are 3 active group stories
1. The Manor (1+/weekday) : A noble and ancient house has been found and and heir returned to their roots. Help the heiress, Sylfir Alderdrim, reclaim her family's' heritage by restoring order and peace to the manor house, grounds, and surrounding buildings.
2. Curing Eldergroove (3+/week): An ancient city lost to a curse waiting for those brave enough to help restore the balance that once held sway allowing for prosperity and peace to it and the surrounding area.
3. Descent into the Underdark (1/weekday): Explore the reaches underground while helping secure the Expeditions subterranean borders. Hunt vicious monsters, find new trade partners, wander the labyrinthian depths of the Underdark.
There are also 4 ongoing inactive stories
Some characters have touched on these but none are the driving force of a group story at this time
A : The Dragon : An ancient and powerful dragon moved near to the city of Paphos. So far they have had little dealing with the Expedition though their kobold servants have clashed with the gobin, hobgoblin, and orc forces.
B : The Matrix : This ancient magic allows for instantaneous transportation to other known Matrix Nodes allowing the people of the Dawn age to enjoy the diversity of the world though its connections. Help reclaim this forgotten technology as you visit its remote locations and discover new uses of its enchantments.
C : The Necromancers : Created as a weapon of last resort during the Dawn wars, Necromancy has been twisted to an even darker purpose. Those who meddle with the powers of life and death are establishing a foothold in the nearby cemetery of Paphos, to what ends you know not. Stop these
D : The Infinite Tower : A powerful artifact of the Dawn Age built to collect and protect the knowledge of all mortal Peoples. Now broken and of limited power, its wardens seek aid in restoring it by procuring needed resources and reclaiming lost components. Help them in their work and they can show you the wonders of the cosmos.
Dec 26, 2023 4:59 am
Thank and you're welcome to all the players. It nice to be appreciated and have a good game flow. I will take part credit and give some to the TinyD6 system and some hours to good players. The simplicity and flexibility let's the story we build be more central than the mechanics.
Dec 27, 2023 5:21 am
Can all the newcomers submit their prefered posting rate on the POLL

I would like to make groups of newcomers if possible for this/next week to get them started. If your schedule is off right now just and will change next week or the week after just let me know and we will see what we can work out.
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