Just a heads up on exploration. I try not to move characters without player directives though I may occasionally move the story if it seems to need it to me. As play by post has a larger lag in player/GM response this can sometimes slow things down. The basic idea is the players describe their intended character actions and behavior. The more general you do this the more room I have to interpret.
Manual "I walk down the hall to the door" then I will explain what you see moving down the hall and then wait for more user directives.
Automatic "I explore the building, checking doors for traps, opening containers, and searching for anything out of place or interesting" I will move you around more describing multiple rooms, their contents, with particular focus anything that does not fit as well as anything that seems dangerous.
So if you prefer more control and want to go through everything yourself use the first manual method. If you want the story to move along to the next interesting event use the second automatic method.