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Apr 26, 2024 2:35 pm
For the Underdark group: I have moved the story to The Base so that the things that happen there will be more visible. I am planning to use that time to get your magic crystal items decided on and made. After that, I am kinda hoping that you all decide to go to the "deeper underdark". I have what I hope are some fun ideas to run with down there, and I can be a bit more experimental because it is kinda off the edge of Psybermagi's framework. It'll give me a chance to do some newer and different stuff that you will hopefully find interesting. At the least there won't be any goblins to be found. (To me goblins are "top level underground" and "bottom ground level" type creatures. They don't go deeper willingly.)
Apr 26, 2024 2:37 pm
Awwww yeah! Exciting stuff!
Apr 26, 2024 2:44 pm
@Smiley, please let us know if you will be able to join. Would love to include you in this!
Apr 26, 2024 3:36 pm
This sounds exciting!
All hail the Blobfish monster!
Last edited Apr 26, 2024 3:37 pm
Apr 26, 2024 3:50 pm
I will try.
Give me a brain dead weekend and we will see on Monday
Apr 26, 2024 4:11 pm

Sounds good! It's gonna take a few days to work through the crystal and setup to get down to the Deeper Underdark, so there isn't a big hurry at the moment. There is still plenty of time.
May 8, 2024 1:41 pm
I believe the underdark want to go back down and daryen will continue to run that thread.

Just a heads up to everyone. I found keeping a single story going for too long without a break burns me out so I am trying to add short breaks between major story arcs. Most teams get this by going back to town and chatting, shopping, etc. I also use this time to develop the nest story arc. With that in mind, can I get a plan for the teams?
Skeeve, Ealdwig, Kaarik, and Ark were exploring the west but did not get too deep in the two Remnants. I will add a bit of spoiler if you need more information on those to help you decide your next mission.
[ +- ] Western Remnants
Other options are to follow up on possible leads to Paphos civil infrastructure :
1. Go talk with Dean, a sapient Golem whos house is in the swamp
2. Look for "citizens" on the island in the river to the east of town
The Fey story is wrapping up or done, depending on how much they want to do after the major resolution. I normally would bring them to town but as they already have a team I am giving them a choice on coming to town now or continue the story as they head that way.
character player pace
Skeeve daryen 1d
Ealdwig Arkmenos ?
Kaarik MoyenBateau 1d
Arc Zeekhad Cathamber
Trouble with Fey
character player pace
Aizashi ChrSch 1d
Mina Tokala-Croille karabooo
Ultime d’Mon-Chelevant QuietPanther
character player pace
Grinfletch Thunder_Lungz 1d
Oliver Bunt 1d
Brewner Ricardoi91

Player Smiley ForeverDED Kaneda_Shepard Felix Flordenlord
Character Ishzu Blornvid Ashlan Six Toes Nuttyartist
Status Hiatus Hiatus Intro Paphos
May 9, 2024 1:42 am
Oooo ... is Felix up for the Underdark? He can heal. That will be a very good thing for them.

Also, Skeeve is very much up for figuring out the other remnants or looking for relevant citizens. He is curious as to who the mystery group is. A trip to the Construct might be useful. Also, any chance that the Underdark team's goblin friends could help us with an invite?
May 9, 2024 2:10 am
Head to the tavern and you should bump into Felix there
May 9, 2024 3:32 am
Yeah, but that wouldn't be Skeeve. That would be Grin, Oliver, or Brewner.
May 9, 2024 3:37 am
well, help them finish up with the clerk and kick them out :)
May 9, 2024 5:58 am
Arc agrees with Skeeve, he prefers to check remnants or to find citizens. While Arc is curious about underground, he won't go there on purpose.
May 9, 2024 5:09 pm
It also sounded like Ealdwig was considering joining the Underdarkers.
Psybermagi says:
well, help them finish up with the clerk and kick them out :)
And yes, once we’re all done with the clerk, we’ll jump into the tavern for a quick chat and planning session, pick up anything we need (if the communicators are ready before we leave), and head out.
May 9, 2024 5:38 pm
Aizashi, beastkin monk, is incoming. The fey story finished up and the others are moving on to other games
May 9, 2024 5:47 pm
Let's just wait, have everyone meet in the Tavern, and subdivide from there. That should give everyone the best chance to pursue what most interests them.
May 10, 2024 2:20 pm
Yeah I'm not sure where to go with Felix. I don't know if he'd like going underground - sounds claustrophobic. I think it might come down to who can sell the job/adventure best in character. If it's sold well, Felix will probably go for it.
May 10, 2024 8:52 pm
I will be putting information learned over your week of light activity into various threads, specifically the Western Remnants. If you decide you want to do something other than follow up on information listed there let me know please.
May 10, 2024 11:05 pm
Yes, Skeeve is interested in following up the three specific items listed in the Western Remnants thread. His goal is to "unlock" the magic of Paphos so that it recognizes its new citizens and leaders. So, if Dean can give information on that, he's interested in getting the information, even if it requires some random fetch-quest to get the information.

He's also on the lookout for more Matrix Nodes that will cut down on the travel time to the various pieces of the fetch quests. He will go back to the Tower, or go visit the Seer, if necessary to find out how to query a Node for its own pattern. He really needs that ability now.
May 10, 2024 11:12 pm
My wife and I have been sick for like 3+ weeks now.
High Fevers, Lethergy, Coughing, sore thoat and such.
We have been to the doctor and it is not Covid nor a Flu they don't know what it is.

I have had no energy to do anything. Barely any energy to check the game I am running.
May 10, 2024 11:35 pm
@Smiley No worries, take it easy man. You are always welcome back when you are up to it. Ishzu can hang out around town for a bit.
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