Session 1

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Nov 23, 2022 4:03 pm
"They can't breech the hull with hand weapons. Not unless they have a couple hours to spare. Other than that.." Elwood's eyes widen at the realization "The rudder! That must be what they're after. They can disable it from underwater, and we won't be able to flee!" He jerks his head up and looks around, planning an escape route.
Specifically, I'd like to know the wind direction, our current bearing, the enemy ship's bearing, and the direction to their ship from ours.
Last edited November 23, 2022 5:08 pm
Nov 23, 2022 6:53 pm
Only way to slow them down or to stop them, is to engage them in melee or magic. Bailin says as looks at the water.
Nov 24, 2022 11:53 am
"Yes but how to get to them?" Darrok turns to Seraphine. "Any spells that can reach them down there?"
Nov 26, 2022 10:52 pm
"Go after them," She urges Darrok, "I can give you an advantage down there... I think."
I'm not sure of the result of my create advantage a few posts back, but regardless I feel that Sera should be able to cast some sort of air spell for someone going under the water.
Nov 27, 2022 7:26 pm
The enemy ship holds in a stationary position pointed at the Mare. The wind is moving in a direction sideways of the two ships.

A whirlwind of air howls around Seraphine as she waves her hands through the air, gathering magical energy.

The frogmen continue moving closer to the Mare, while the rowboat holds its position.
Nov 28, 2022 12:30 am
"Well, the galley isn't moving in. At least not yet." Elwood turns from the enemy ship back to his crewmates. "Look, if these frogmen are with the Empire, then our deal has already been broken and we ought to flee."

Elwood considers the situation for a moment. "But we should still signal for their rowboat to come the rest of the way, now that we know the threat is elsewhere. Even if we have to flee, we might still might make off with some Imperial silver." He beckons the nearest deckhand over and orders the signal raised.
What direction is the Mare pointing currently? If we lose the rudder, we can't change our bearing (as easily), so I want to make sure we're in position to get away.
Nov 28, 2022 12:42 am
callan says:
What direction is the Mare pointing currently? If we lose the rudder, we can't change our bearing (as easily), so I want to make sure we're in position to get away.
As the pilot of the Mare (I am assuming you are the pilot given your high sailing skill). You would determine the direction of the Mare.
Nov 28, 2022 1:18 am
Okay, cool. Then let's say the setup is like this:
[ +- ] diagram
Dec 2, 2022 7:14 pm
The flags are raised and the rowboat continues towards the Mare. As it makes progress, a slight tug in the deck is felt by the passengers.

Many of the crew members give a confused look as grappling hooks begin clinking into place around the deck of the Mare.
Dec 3, 2022 4:38 am
Alarmed by the grappling hooks, Marcos looks for a sharp object to, perhaps grabbing a knife from a passing Mare crewmember. He then proceeds to try and cut as many lines as he can!
Dec 3, 2022 10:14 am
"They're going to board us! Men, prepare to repel boarders! Stand to!" Darrok suddenly has a blade in each hand, and stands ready to fight.
Dec 3, 2022 7:00 pm
As armed men start running to the deck, Elwood begins giving directives of his own. "We need someone covering every hook! Fight them while they're climbing and vulnerable—don't let them board! Cut the lines if you can!"

He swivels his head about, pointing out each grappling hook. "There! And there! Someone cover that one too." He keeps a mental count as he goes, then turns to address Seraphine "Did you see how many were approaching? We have to make sure they're all accounted for."
Last edited December 3, 2022 7:00 pm
Dec 6, 2022 7:47 pm
The heroes and crew frantically throw grappling hooks overboard and hack away at the climbing frogmen. A few of them manage to get up on deck, leap up onto the mast, and hack off the main sail. They then dive into the water, and the attack breaks off.

Anyone who looks over at the Malicine galley sees that it is now rapidly rowing in the direction of the Mare.

What do you do?
Dec 6, 2022 11:21 pm
Prepare for battle! Get the guns ready! Break out the weapons! Step to it lads, our lives depend on your speed! Bailin quickly shouts orders as he watches the enemy ship approach.
Dec 7, 2022 2:46 pm
I've been imagining the Mare as a two-masted brigantine, like this:
[ +- ] Diagram
So, the main sail that we lost would be the big fore-and-aft rigged sail in the back. We still have the square-rigged foremast to try and sail away, and I think we should. We'll be slower without our full complement of sails, but galleys are usually slow too, so we might have a chance. And we lose some ability to sail into the wind without the fore-and-aft rigging, but we don't need to sail windward to get away.
Last edited December 7, 2022 2:47 pm
Dec 8, 2022 9:34 pm
"I didn't have time to count," Seraphine snaps back at Elwood, "but, I think we can get away if we have enough sails up."

Seraphine doesn't know a tiller from a topmast, so instead of trying to help in the rigging she concentrates on trying to summon up a powerful wind.
It seems like summoning up a strong wind is a Create Advantage for whoever is going to drive this tub. Depending on the roll I might parlay the free-invoke from reserve of magical energy.

To me, this sounds like ideal conditions for a galley - a short sprint to a ship without all its sails. That's certainly the tactic the Ottoman corsairs used


Create advantage strong wind (will?)

2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+4) = +5

Dec 9, 2022 5:18 pm
Elwood nods to Seraphine "Right." Then he calls out to the crew, "I need men aloft! We're setting sail. I'm taking the helm." He runs to the helm and grabs the whipstaff, ready to try and navigate out of this predicament.
Well, the hope is that we'll stay ahead for long enough that it won't be a short sprint. In the long run a sailing ship can generally outpace a galley, but yeah, they probably have the immediate advantage.


Rolling Sail to flee

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+3) = +3

Dec 10, 2022 4:21 pm
The Mare's remaining sails catch the wind-enhanced by Seraphine's magic. The Mare pulls away from the galley, before suddenly lurching to a stop. Several crewman crab onto ropes and railings to avoid tumbling to the ground.
Dec 11, 2022 12:25 pm
"What devilry is this?" Darrok looks over the side of the ship, trying to spot the problem.



1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+1) = +2

Dec 11, 2022 9:33 pm
As Darrok looks over the side of the ship. He sees a chain attached to the rudder preventing the Mare from fleeing.
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