Session 1
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Looking over his shoulder at a nearby crewmember, Bailin issues simple instructions. Let everyone know we're about to engage the enemy. Break out weapons, but keep it quiet. Lest we lose surprise.
As he makes his way to the main deck, he arms himself with a crossbow and turns the crank to cock it. For fear of accidental discharge, he is always careful not to load a weapon until the last possible moment before firing.
On the deck, Elwood joins the crew in quiet anticipation as The Mad Mare swings around towards her target.
Combat begins.
Let's actually switch from the Fate Condensed Initiative to First-Come First-Serve.
You get 1 action per round, but you can post whenever.
That should work better for PBP.
Bad enough that she had been tossed in the brig, but being hog-tied, blindfolded and gagged made trying to work out what was going on doubly difficult.
"I ain't taking no chances wit' you," the big, scarred, bastard had said, "You're worth a tidy sum of gold to me."
He had grabbed her as she came out of the tavern a few days ago. And, as far as she could tell from the view of his boots, he hadn't taken his eyes off her until now.
Rolling Shoot
2 Positive, 2 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +2 (+2) = +4
1 Positive, 2 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4
1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2
They scramble to defend themselves from the onslaught.
Elwood and fellow sailers will take-out the marines on the other ship.
Darrok will tie the defender, so you get a boost on your next turn, or you can use the boost to get 2 shifts.
Bailin will miss the enemy, unless he wants to use the boost to turn that into a 1 shift hit.
Athletics to avoid Elwood's crossbow shot
0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+2) = -1
Fighting to parry Darrok
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+3) = +4
Fighting to parry Bailin
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+2) = +3
Deck of the Mad Mare
Deck of the Patrol Ship
Below Decks on the Patrol Ship (aspect: cramped quarters)
In the water
"She won't be worth anything if this ship gets taken. None of us will. Unlock me," he raises his hands and shakes the chains, "and I'll add my arm to our cause."
Overcome The Jailers Wits - (4d6+1)
(2434) + 1 = 14
Overcome The Jailers Wits
3 Positive, 1 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +3 (+1) = +4
If I could just get this gag off I'd given him a piece of my mind, she rails furiously in her own head.
Maybe, just maybe her captor is sufficiently distracted that she has a chance to get out of her bonds. Maybe loosen her gag or some of the ropes binding her.
I'm happy to spend a Fate point if I end up close enough to succeed by spending one.
trying to get free
1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1
Seraphine tucks her head down and manages to wiggle out of her gag and can speak freely now.
OOC: You can spend a fate point to completely wiggle out of your bonds.
Spending a fate point to invoke element of surprise. Fate 4 --> 3
"HA! Very well indeed. Now how about you hold your hands where i can see them, fool!" he says to the jailer.
"Unless you want to be skewered like the pig you are."
He motions for the jailer to get in the cell.
Elwood is heartened by this sight and yells out exuberantly to the crew. "Excellent shooting boys! We've got them now!"
I'm on the deck of the Mare.
The marines charge at Bailin stabbing with their shortswords (defend against a +2).
The gruff jailor looks at Marcos, "I'm gonna gut you like the rat you are." And stabs at Marcos (defend against a +3).
Bailin and the marines are fighting on the gangplank.
Darrok and the leader are fighting on the deck of The Mad Mare.
Elwood is on the deck of the Mad Mare.
Notice to Dodge the Incoming attack!
0 Positive, 2 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -2 (+2) = +0
As the jailer flies past, Marcos gives him a kick in the butt sending him sprawling in to the cell. "In you go you fiend!"
He slams the iron gate closed on his dazed opponent then goes to help Seraphine finish freeing herself from her bonds.
Overcoming Jailer
2 Positive, 2 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +2 (+2) = +4
Darrok Fight to Defend
1 Positive, 2 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4
After days of being bound and gagged, only being ungagged for meals, Seraphine is finally freed by her fellow inmate. The sound of clangs of steel and shouts can be heard coming from outside the ship.
Fight to defend against attack
1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+4) = +5
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+4) = +5
"Hey, I had some stuff with me. Can you see it anywhere around here?"
Shoot to Attack
1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1 (+2) = +1
In answer to her request he hustles over to some barrels and crates tucked against the bulkhead. He starts prying lids off.
"Any idea who could be attacking," he asks her.
"I'd hate to end back in irons."
"I've just spent the last day face down in a tiny cell. Whoever they are they have to be better than this guy, so let's go introduce ourselves."
She shoots a look of venom at her captor. Her height only barely brings her head to the same level as the big scarred mans chest.
"I should... do so many painful things to you, but, right now, your lucky I'm in a bit of a rush"
She barges through the door onto the deck and surveys the melee. Holding one of the lightning crystals in her hands she makes a few mystical signs.
The loud sound of thunder breaks the air as a bolt of lightning shoots from her hands towards the marines.
fire a lightning bolt at the marines (Will)
0 Positive, 2 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -2 (+4) = +2
"Warning!" he snarls, ears ringing from the crack.
But he surveys the deck getting a gage on the situation.
"Enough! He shouts, what is it you pirates want? We can give you gold if you let us leave with our ship and lives."
"Um, excuse me! I'd like to be included in the cargo you're plundering. I'm not a member of this crew, nor would I be aboard of my own choosing."
Seraphine smiles at Markos with a belated apology and then turns to wave at the crew of the other ship.
"You're welcome!" she calls cheerfully, "Are you pirates?"
Seraphine is unable to keep the excitement out of her voice.
"I'm with him, she says poking her thumb at Markos, "Also, not a member of the crew, but you should know that the guy is now in the brig. Well, he's the reason that me and him are on board in the first place. Don't rescue him. He's a bounty hunter. I guess he won't be collecting now. Ha!"
"Yes, I suppose that's what we are." he says in response to Seraphine's question. "But what sort of person are you? Am I right in thinking you were the source of that thunderclap we all heard a moment ago?"
Several crew of the Mad Mare get excited. "Let's take her. I bet she can't thunderclap all of us."
The Mad Mare crewmen reload their crossbows and another of them shouts, "hands up little lady. Don't try any tricks or you'll end up full of holes."
Put the weapons away before I take them from you and show you where you can store them. You know better than to behave like this in front of guests.
She glares at the crew of the Mad Mare from behind Bailin.
"I'm pretty grateful for my freedom, so I'd hate to find out just how many of you I could 'thunderclap'"
0 Positive, 2 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -2 (+4) = +2
"What makes you so valuable, anyway? And who was to pay the ransom," he asks the one-eyed sorcerer. He keeps his voice down as he watches the crew around him work in loading the large amounts of booty.
Any of the pcs are welcome to be in on this conversation directly (or overhear it if they choose to). She's only trying to be careful to ensure that the crew don't overhear but doesn't mind telling anyone who sided with her (or at least didn't obviously side with the crew who wanted to turn her over).
Seraphine leans back against the railing as she watches the crew with Marcos. She regards her fellow captor for a moment, but then sighs, the desire to confide in someone overcoming her suspicion.
"I knew they'd probably come looking for me when I left. Didn't realize just how keen they'd be."
"Have you heard of the Scions of the Abyssal? They're my family, at least the only ones I know. They raised me, taught me, gave me this mark."
She taps her eyepatch meaningfully.
"I guess they don't want one of their own on the loose."
"As to what I am," she says directly addressing Watley, "The lightning, that 'thunderclap', is just a little something I can use when I need to."
"This is what I really do."
She taps her staff on the deck. A distant roll of thunder issues out of the clear sky. A breeze comes out of nowhere, gently ruffling the feather in Seraphine's hat.
"I am what the Abyssal made me, a Tempestarii, a storm witch"
"Hmm, flying. I'd never thought that. Maybe I'll try it at some stage."
"As to a 'perfect wind', well that's interesting. The problem is not summoning up the wind, because the sky usually wants to blow and storm. The real problem is keeping it under control and consistent."
"I mean, I'm sure I could," Seraphine boasts with completely unfounded confidence, "but it's not necessarily easy."
She's silent for a moment watching Elwood complete his survey. When he looks to be finished she bombards him with questions, rapid-fire.
"So what are your crew like? Is the big Orc the captain? I never heard of an Orc captaining a ship before. Does he eat prisoners? What about the one who stepped in front of me with the sword? Oh, is he like a disgraced nobleman or something? Where are we sailing to? What's the name of the ship?"
The ship is named, The INS (Imperial Navy Ship) Trenton.
The crew of the Trenton look dejected as they are led below decks and shackled in the Mare.
If the crew of the Mare is split between the two ships, they could manage to sail, but it would be a skeleton crew for both ships.
There is a lull in the conversation before Elwood pipes up with a question of his own. "As for that eye of yours, what's the story there? If it's not sore subject, that is."
"Oh, this? It happened when I was younger. I barely remember it."
She winces. She can still remember the pain.
She gently lifts her eyepatch to reveal what's behind it. In place of her left eye is a bright, translucent pearl.
"My family took my eye and replaced it with this. I can see with it, but not like an ordinary eye. It shows me all sorts of things, but I don't have much control over it. Sometimes it shows me secrets, sometimes ancient, arcane things, lost to memory..."
She lowers the eyepatch back in place.
"but, mostly it just gives me a splitting headache, so I prefer to keep it covered."
"I'm completely fascinated. Is it purely arcane in origin, or have your people developed properties that allow you to bond with these, ah, pearls naturally?"
Marcos takes this time to introduce himself to the shipwright, and any others present as well.
"I'm Marcos Miguélez, master naturalist once forcibly, yet honorably, employed by Empires guild of alchemists. I've recently, ah, branched out on my own."
He bows in greeting.
When the Mad Mare arrives at Smuggler's Cove, the Malicine galley is already waiting for them. The galley keeps the distance as promised, and deploys a rowboat with a single man onboard.
The scene is identical to the beginning of Seraphine's dream.
She rushes forward towards Darrok and Bailin, grabbing Elwood by the hand and dragging him forward for moral support.
"I've seen this. Something bad is going to happen!"
"I don't know exactly what. Maybe that man is some sort of wizard, or maybe it was symbolic, but don't let him near the ship."
Shoot to create advantage
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1
Then, turning to Seraphine, "What do you know about wizards? Would you recognize one if you got a good look at him? Somebody bring a spyglass over here!" he calls out, without waiting for a reply.
If Darrok looks through the glass, he will see a sailor in garb marking her as an Ensign in the Imperial Navy cease rowing. The sailor is a middle-aged female with a long scar across her nose, likely from a knife wound. As she pauses she turns around and gives a puzzled look at the ship.
(Empathy Overcome roll against a +4 to discern intent).
Seraphine leans so that she has a good view of the Malicine galley and the rowboat and then raises the eyepatch covering the Eye of the Ocean. She stares out at the scene, willing the Eye to show her something.
This may be something different than our opponent's intent, so I'm not intending this to be a replacement for someone making an Empathy roll.
The hair on the back of his neck stands as he watches Seraphine raise her patch, knowing something Arcane is happening. Ick..
"Maybe they're going to board, or maybe attack the hull."
"I think I can help if someone wants to go under after them."
Seraphine raises her staff and the roll of distant thunder can be heard.
The created aspect might be something like: reserve of magical energy
Create Advantage, reserve of magical energy (Will)
1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2 (+4) = +2
A whirlwind of air howls around Seraphine as she waves her hands through the air, gathering magical energy.
The frogmen continue moving closer to the Mare, while the rowboat holds its position.
Elwood considers the situation for a moment. "But we should still signal for their rowboat to come the rest of the way, now that we know the threat is elsewhere. Even if we have to flee, we might still might make off with some Imperial silver." He beckons the nearest deckhand over and orders the signal raised.
Many of the crew members give a confused look as grappling hooks begin clinking into place around the deck of the Mare.
He swivels his head about, pointing out each grappling hook. "There! And there! Someone cover that one too." He keeps a mental count as he goes, then turns to address Seraphine "Did you see how many were approaching? We have to make sure they're all accounted for."
Anyone who looks over at the Malicine galley sees that it is now rapidly rowing in the direction of the Mare.
What do you do?

Seraphine doesn't know a tiller from a topmast, so instead of trying to help in the rigging she concentrates on trying to summon up a powerful wind.
To me, this sounds like ideal conditions for a galley - a short sprint to a ship without all its sails. That's certainly the tactic the Ottoman corsairs used
Create advantage strong wind (will?)
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+4) = +5
Rolling Sail to flee
2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+3) = +3
1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+1) = +2
Crafts to unchain
4 Positive, 0 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +4 (+4) = +8
Sail to flee (again)
1 Positive, 2 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4
Just as it approaches artillery range, Elwood finds a rip current and steers the Mare into it. The Mare pulls away from the galley.
They pull around the island chain and are out to the open sea. The galley slows down behind them as the oarsmen tire.
They are free from the galley, and the main sail is repaired, but the Mare is running low on rations due to the extra prisoners to feed (resources track down to 1).
"Honestly, do you really think that the Malicine are going to pay for their sailors? We just saw that they'd rather break a truce to try and catch you than pay for their release."
"Besides, we can't keep them locked up on this tiny ship forever and they didn't do anything to us other than try to be not-pirated. And, if you want to be practical about it, they're taking up space and eating a lot of food."
"And they look so sad...
"But of course we should only release them at a major pirate hub—maybe Ragola or Magallos. Somewhere outside Malicine authority, so they can't go blabbing as soon as we make port."
While in port restocking, Marcus receives a letter from Elton, a weasly cut-throat alchemist who is known to contract out to the Malicine Empire. "I hear you are trying to make up for your past sins. Come see me - I've got a job for you. There might be an antidote to the fire that you helped create."
Let's see what ol' Elton has to offer. Then I can take that offer to the captain of The Mare. Best way to ingratiate oneself with a pirate crew is to bring a paying job. Especially if it's one that clears my conscience even a little...
Marcos' boots hit the cobblestone streets and he heads for the specified meeting location, likely whatever back alley shop Elton has set up.