Session 1

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Nov 15, 2022 1:26 am
A wide-eyed Seraphine follows Watley around while he inspects the ship. She seems fascinated by the old shipwright's process.

"Hmm, flying. I'd never thought that. Maybe I'll try it at some stage."

"As to a 'perfect wind', well that's interesting. The problem is not summoning up the wind, because the sky usually wants to blow and storm. The real problem is keeping it under control and consistent."

"I mean, I'm sure I could," Seraphine boasts with completely unfounded confidence, "but it's not necessarily easy."

She's silent for a moment watching Elwood complete his survey. When he looks to be finished she bombards him with questions, rapid-fire.

"So what are your crew like? Is the big Orc the captain? I never heard of an Orc captaining a ship before. Does he eat prisoners? What about the one who stepped in front of me with the sword? Oh, is he like a disgraced nobleman or something? Where are we sailing to? What's the name of the ship?"
Last edited November 15, 2022 1:29 am
Nov 15, 2022 3:06 am
Elwood inspects the ship. After searching high and low, he figures out that the crew disabled the rudder. It is a difficult fix, but not for a master shipwright. Elwood estimates that it would take only a few hours time to fix
no roll needed, his skill is high enough it autosucceeds

The ship is named, The INS (Imperial Navy Ship) Trenton.

The crew of the Trenton look dejected as they are led below decks and shackled in the Mare.

If the crew of the Mare is split between the two ships, they could manage to sail, but it would be a skeleton crew for both ships.
Can I get a ransom letter for the prisoners that can be sent to the authorities of the Malicine Empire? Who wants to write it? How about Derrok?
Nov 15, 2022 10:50 am
I don't think Darrok's would be very eloquent. Is there anyone else willing to try?
Nov 15, 2022 12:47 pm
What skill would be needed?
Nov 15, 2022 1:24 pm
Did we in fact establish whether Darrok is our captain? I sort of assumed he is, but I don't think we said.
Elwood smiles, happy to have someone to talk to while he works on the rudder. "Funnily enough it's the orc who's the nobleman! Or his kind's version of one, at least. He's a son of Barrek Bonebreaker—the only member of his line to escape execution in the Orcish revolution, or so they say. He has a temper, but he's not a bad fellow in the main. And Master Rohmner, that's the swordsman you mentioned, he used to be the weapon master to a noble house. I don't know if he has noble blood himself though—not that such things matter at sea. Our ship is The Mad Mare. Captain Bonebreaker, Master Rohmner, Boatswain Samual and I are the ship's officers, so we're who you come to if you need anything." Elwood's brow furrows slightly as a thought occurs to him. "Although when it comes to Rohmner in particular, maybe steer clear of him. I've never known such a rake in all my life! A young lady ought to be careful."

There is a lull in the conversation before Elwood pipes up with a question of his own. "As for that eye of yours, what's the story there? If it's not sore subject, that is."
Last edited November 15, 2022 2:00 pm
Nov 15, 2022 1:39 pm
I can be the captain if you all wish, although I’d limit my actual orders to the NPC crew.
Nov 16, 2022 11:54 am
Normally Seraphine would be much more guarded in what she was willing to divulge about herself, but there's something in the manner of the old shipwright that puts her at ease.

"Oh, this? It happened when I was younger. I barely remember it."

She winces. She can still remember the pain.

She gently lifts her eyepatch to reveal what's behind it. In place of her left eye is a bright, translucent pearl.

"My family took my eye and replaced it with this. I can see with it, but not like an ordinary eye. It shows me all sorts of things, but I don't have much control over it. Sometimes it shows me secrets, sometimes ancient, arcane things, lost to memory..."

She lowers the eyepatch back in place.

"but, mostly it just gives me a splitting headache, so I prefer to keep it covered."
Nov 16, 2022 8:33 pm
Marcos follows Seraphine's tale of her pearl eye in complete fascination.

"I'm completely fascinated. Is it purely arcane in origin, or have your people developed properties that allow you to bond with these, ah, pearls naturally?"

Marcos takes this time to introduce himself to the shipwright, and any others present as well.

"I'm Marcos Miguélez, master naturalist once forcibly, yet honorably, employed by Empires guild of alchemists. I've recently, ah, branched out on my own."

He bows in greeting.
Nov 16, 2022 8:37 pm
The heroes sail into the pirate port of Valdo. The party sends a ransom letter, and gets a reply. They leave the Trenton behind and take the hostages to the rendezvous point, Smuggler's Cove. With a full crew and hostages, supplies are taxed during the journey.
Ships resource track down to 2.
The traveling is uneventful, but during the trip Seraphine has a dream. They meet up with a Malicine galley. The galley sends a rowboat with a single man as agreed upon. As the rowboat approaches and docks with The Mad Mare a sudden wave rises over the ship and sweeps the crew overboard. Seraphine wakes up in a cold sweat.

When the Mad Mare arrives at Smuggler's Cove, the Malicine galley is already waiting for them. The galley keeps the distance as promised, and deploys a rowboat with a single man onboard.

The scene is identical to the beginning of Seraphine's dream.
Nov 17, 2022 10:54 am
"Oh no. This isn't right", Seraphine cries.

She rushes forward towards Darrok and Bailin, grabbing Elwood by the hand and dragging him forward for moral support.

"I've seen this. Something bad is going to happen!"

"I don't know exactly what. Maybe that man is some sort of wizard, or maybe it was symbolic, but don't let him near the ship."
Nov 17, 2022 11:04 am
Darrok grabs up a crossbow and takes aim at the man in the boat. "Do we kill him? Or just warn him off?"
Roll to create advantage Taking Aim.
Last edited November 17, 2022 11:05 am


Shoot to create advantage

2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1

Nov 18, 2022 9:21 am
"Warn him off! Warn him off!" A slightly panicked Elwood replies. "If we attack, they'll attack too! Just tell him to wait. Use a signal flag."

Then, turning to Seraphine, "What do you know about wizards? Would you recognize one if you got a good look at him? Somebody bring a spyglass over here!" he calls out, without waiting for a reply.
Last edited November 18, 2022 9:26 am
Nov 18, 2022 10:53 am
Darrok lowers the crossbow. "I don't like it, I say we just kill him and be done with it." Turning to a crew member, he bellows, "You heard the man! Signal that boat to wait and bring up a spyglass! Snap to!"
Nov 18, 2022 9:32 pm
A deckhand scurries to raise a signal flag, while another brings a spyglass to Darrok.

If Darrok looks through the glass, he will see a sailor in garb marking her as an Ensign in the Imperial Navy cease rowing. The sailor is a middle-aged female with a long scar across her nose, likely from a knife wound. As she pauses she turns around and gives a puzzled look at the ship.

(Empathy Overcome roll against a +4 to discern intent).
Nov 19, 2022 2:46 am
"Oh, this is going to give me such a headache."

Seraphine leans so that she has a good view of the Malicine galley and the rowboat and then raises the eyepatch covering the Eye of the Ocean. She stares out at the scene, willing the Eye to show her something.
I'd like to invoke my All-seeing Eye stunt, if that's ok. As written, the gm has the choice of what the Eye reveals and can deem that it costs a Fate point if the knowledge is extraordinary.

This may be something different than our opponent's intent, so I'm not intending this to be a replacement for someone making an Empathy roll.
Nov 19, 2022 3:24 am
Bailin stares out and around the ship for any signs of trouble.Keeping his hand on his rapier, Bailin looks back at the others. What are we supposed to be looking for?
Nov 19, 2022 3:43 am
Marcos, leaning on the rail, responds to Bailin. "I think she," points at Seraphine, "is looking for us."

The hair on the back of his neck stands as he watches Seraphine raise her patch, knowing something Arcane is happening. Ick..
Nov 19, 2022 9:55 pm
Seraphine peals back her eye patch. A roar of colors and images rushes towards her. Then things come into focus. She sees a dozen frogmen swimming underwater towards the Mad Mare from the direction of the Malicine galley. They are near, and will be at the ship soon.
Nov 20, 2022 11:31 pm
"They're under us," Seraphine yells, "Under the water."

"Maybe they're going to board, or maybe attack the hull."

"I think I can help if someone wants to go under after them."

Seraphine raises her staff and the roll of distant thunder can be heard.
I was thinking that preparing some magic in case someone wants an air bubble around their head if they dive into the water or for other things, might be a good idea. I thought Willpower sounded might be the best attribute, but if something else seems more appropriate, I'm happy to keep the roll and substitute that skill

The created aspect might be something like: reserve of magical energy


Create Advantage, reserve of magical energy (Will)

1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2 (+4) = +2

Nov 23, 2022 10:55 am
"What? Frogmen? Blast!" Darrok looks down into the water and bellows more orders. "Stand to men! Prepare for boarders!" He draws his blades. "How do we keep them from damaging the ship?"
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