Session 1

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Nov 5, 2022 12:45 pm
Bailin lowers his rapier, but keeps it ready. Remember's parry, parry, slash, thrust..not parry, parry thrust, slash. It's a rookie mistake so I'll let it slide this time.
Nov 6, 2022 11:14 am
A look of disgust comes of Darrok's face. "You have no spine. Fine, give us your gold and your goods and we'll spare your lives."
Should we disable their ship? Or take them prisoner? I don't want them coming back to haunt us later.
Nov 6, 2022 12:36 pm
Would ransoming them be worth it?
Nov 6, 2022 12:53 pm
I think that's a question for the GM.
Nov 6, 2022 1:12 pm
You can ransom them and the ship if you want to. Or you can take the gold and goods and go.
Nov 6, 2022 1:25 pm
I say we take them prisoner to ransom them and sink the ship.
Nov 6, 2022 3:53 pm
Pinky wriggling in his ear, Marcos raises his hand and addresses the pirate crew:

"Um, excuse me! I'd like to be included in the cargo you're plundering. I'm not a member of this crew, nor would I be aboard of my own choosing."
Nov 6, 2022 8:35 pm
I don't see a benefit to scuttling the ship once we've taken the crew prisoner. I vote we sail it to a pirate-friendly port and either sell it to a non-empire buyer or disassemble it.
Nov 6, 2022 11:54 pm
"Sorry about that"

Seraphine smiles at Markos with a belated apology and then turns to wave at the crew of the other ship.

"You're welcome!" she calls cheerfully, "Are you pirates?"

Seraphine is unable to keep the excitement out of her voice.

"I'm with him, she says poking her thumb at Markos, "Also, not a member of the crew, but you should know that the guy is now in the brig. Well, he's the reason that me and him are on board in the first place. Don't rescue him. He's a bounty hunter. I guess he won't be collecting now. Ha!"
Last edited November 7, 2022 6:40 am
Nov 10, 2022 12:19 pm
Elwood's eyes shift from side to side. He observes his crewmates, who seem wary to speak to this pair of mysterious strangers. Elwood is also uncertain what to make of their story, but he has a question of his own, so he clears his throat and speaks up.

"Yes, I suppose that's what we are." he says in response to Seraphine's question. "But what sort of person are you? Am I right in thinking you were the source of that thunderclap we all heard a moment ago?"
Nov 12, 2022 12:07 pm
One of the crewmen on the patrol ship points to Seraphine and speaks. "You'll get a pretty penny for that one. I'll tell you who she is and what's she's worth if you give your word to let us go free."

Several crew of the Mad Mare get excited. "Let's take her. I bet she can't thunderclap all of us."

The Mad Mare crewmen reload their crossbows and another of them shouts, "hands up little lady. Don't try any tricks or you'll end up full of holes."
Compelling Seraphine's Chosen one on the run and Bailin's Quick to defend women and children.
Nov 12, 2022 3:11 pm
Bailin calmly steps over and stands in front of Sersphine. Casually waving the point of his rapier in the crew's general direction, Bailin speaks in a controlled tone.

Put the weapons away before I take them from you and show you where you can store them. You know better than to behave like this in front of guests.
Nov 12, 2022 10:32 pm
"Hey, I thought we were friends here!"

She glares at the crew of the Mad Mare from behind Bailin.

"I'm pretty grateful for my freedom, so I'd hate to find out just how many of you I could 'thunderclap'"
Nov 12, 2022 10:50 pm
Darrok steps next to Bailin, adding his imposing figure to his friends persuasive efforts.
Granting Bailin a +1 to his Rapport roll using the Combine skills rule.
Nov 13, 2022 1:01 pm
Rapport roll...



0 Positive, 2 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -2 (+4) = +2

Nov 13, 2022 2:35 pm
The crew see the imposing figures of Bailin and Darrok and begin lowering their crossbows, "fine, find you old softy. But her value comes out of your share of booty."
Succeeded with a cost
The crew is brought back under control, hostages are taken. The ship was sabotaged below decks during the exchange, and was rendered inoperable. Luckily, there was plenty of treasure aboard.
Adding the aspect, rolling in money. With a free invoke.
Nov 13, 2022 3:31 pm
Glad the pirate crew has backed down and accepted himself and Seraphine Marcos breathes easy.

"What makes you so valuable, anyway? And who was to pay the ransom," he asks the one-eyed sorcerer. He keeps his voice down as he watches the crew around him work in loading the large amounts of booty.
Nov 14, 2022 12:56 am
I considered drip-feeding information from a suspicious Seraphine, and that might be the smart play, but it seemed like a bit of a drag, so I'm going to play Seraphine as recklessly open and honest with anyone she trusts.

Any of the pcs are welcome to be in on this conversation directly (or overhear it if they choose to). She's only trying to be careful to ensure that the crew don't overhear but doesn't mind telling anyone who sided with her (or at least didn't obviously side with the crew who wanted to turn her over).

Seraphine leans back against the railing as she watches the crew with Marcos. She regards her fellow captor for a moment, but then sighs, the desire to confide in someone overcoming her suspicion.

"I knew they'd probably come looking for me when I left. Didn't realize just how keen they'd be."

"Have you heard of the Scions of the Abyssal? They're my family, at least the only ones I know. They raised me, taught me, gave me this mark."

She taps her eyepatch meaningfully.

"I guess they don't want one of their own on the loose."

"As to what I am,"
she says directly addressing Watley, "The lightning, that 'thunderclap', is just a little something I can use when I need to."

"This is what I really do."

She taps her staff on the deck. A distant roll of thunder issues out of the clear sky. A breeze comes out of nowhere, gently ruffling the feather in Seraphine's hat.

"I am what the Abyssal made me, a Tempestarii, a storm witch"
Last edited November 15, 2022 1:13 am
Nov 14, 2022 4:50 pm
Elwood, who had been keeping an eye on Seraphine since the first lightning bolt cannot help but speak up now. "A storm witch! I've heard of people with such magic, but I never thought I'd meet one!" A thousand questions flash through Elwood's mind. He tries to restrain himself, not wanting to overwhelm the girl, but he can't help but blurt out a couple. "People say witches like you can fly—is that true? Oh, what about sailing conditions? Can you create perfect wind for every voyage?"
In addition to this conversation, I'd like to inspect the damage to the other ship and perhaps attempt repair if that's a possibility.
Nov 14, 2022 9:39 pm
Marcos nods along ro Seraphine's tale. Scions of the Abyssal he thinks and catalogs in his mind for later.
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