IC - Village of Yoblora

Looks like shattered wolves are hard to put back together!
Attack Roll for Shard Wolf - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Maples Hooves of Fury - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Ognimir and a 10-ft pole - (2d6)
(65) = 11
attack - (2d6+1)
(15) + 1 = 7
"No! Move! Forward!" As the horse sidesteps stubbornly, he digs in his pack for his sling. I they haven't put the beasts down with this charge, I'll let a few stones fly in assitance!
The two swordsmen shout a wordless greeting and attack wolves of their own.
One, shorter and burlier than the other, slashes a wolf across its face and that mirrored beast skitters backward with a howl.
The second man tries to skewer a wolf, but his target twists away from his blade and then ... it savages his forearm with its teeth. He screams in pain and drops his sword.
first swordsman v armor 6 - (2d6)
(55) = 10
second swordsman v armor 6 - (2d6+1)
(13) + 1 = 5
wolf 6 v swordsman 2 armor 8 - (2d6+2)
(35) + 2 = 10
Still mounted, Quintus primes his crossbow and sets a bolt in its groove. From this higher vantage, he may be able to fire upon one of the wolves without endangering his fellows. Should any of the creatures stray far enough from the heart of the melee, Quintus will make his attempt.
Ognimir wheels around for another pass, but gives out a roar as best his scratchy voice can manage, swinging the pole with as much menace as he can muster. A bit of a performance before he re-enters the fray, with the goal to scatter them back to the veil, where such abominations belong.
attack - (2d6+1)
(11) + 1 = 3
Sling Attack - (2d6)
(34) = 7
Attack w/ Crossbow - (2d6)
(61) = 7
There are seven wolves. Two turn upon the swordsman who dropped his sword. Three lunge for Ognimir and Maple. Two go after Damir and his steed.
wolf 1 v swordsman - (2d6+2)
(54) + 2 = 11
wolf 2 v swordsman - (2d6+2)
(45) + 2 = 11
wolf 3 v Maple - (2d6+2)
(53) + 2 = 10
wolf 4 v Maple - (2d6+2)
(63) + 2 = 11
wolf 5 v Maple - (2d6+2)
(25) + 2 = 9
wolf 6 v Damir's horse - (2d6+2)
(63) + 2 = 11
wolf 7 v Damir's horse - (2d6+2)
(36) + 2 = 11
Ognimir and Damir are thrown from their mounts as the wolves savage the horses, who scream in terror.
With a mighty stroke, he shatters one of the pair into a cloud of glittering tiny fragments that slowly drift to the ground; the afternoon sunlight gleams in rainbows in the cloud. The other mirror wolf leaps aside from the ravaged corpse and crouches, snarling.
surviving swordsman v wolf 1 - (2d6)
(65) = 11
Danill acts before any wolf that he rolls HIGHER than, and can then specify which wolf he attacks. The wolves telegraph their moves.
Wolf 1 attack roll - Danill - (2d6+2)
(41) + 2 = 7
Wolf 2 attack roll - Ognimir - (2d6+2)
(13) + 2 = 6
Wolf 3 attack roll - Damir - (2d6+2)
(35) + 2 = 10
Wolf 4 attack roll - Danill - (2d6+2)
(64) + 2 = 12
Wolf 5 attck roll - Ognimir - (2d6+2)
(35) + 2 = 10
Wolf 6 attack roll - lone swordsman - (2d6+2)
(51) + 2 = 8
Swordsman attack roll - wolf 6 - (2d6)
(24) = 6