Since I had to, unfortunately, pause for a bit, Things have kind of stalled, so I'm going to kick us ahead just a bit. If there's anything you would have liked to do in the space between the last post and this one, go ahead and assume you were able to do it as long as it doesn't involve leaving the tunnels. If you want the kobolds to have done anything for you, they tried. Roll a straight d20 and on a 6+ what they did for you worked out. Five or lower it didn't.
With the semblance of a plan, you all head back to the chamber that holds the elemental. It still stands there, immobile, waiting. But as you look around the chamber again, one eye slowly opens. Whatever happened out there in the tunnel has weakened the bindings around the elemental. If you look closely enough you can just make out one arm moving, striving to get to the edge of the prison that holds it. In a day or so, it might just make it.
Professor Alacandra speaks levelly, probably in an attempt to calm herself just as much as you.

Professor Alacandra
"We have plenty of time to reverse the spell that holds this elemental. The tiles on the floor seem to be the key. In one configuration, they will complete the spell, and the elemental will be fully summoned, fully free. In another configuration, they will reverse the spell, and the creature will be released back to his home dimension. There may be other configurations too, however, so we will need to read the markings as we arrange the tiles to avoid any unknown effects."OOC:
While Alacandra can probably do the arranging herself, she will not be able to keep track of all the runes at once, and if the wrong arrangement is made, the elemental will either be freed or - if it's screwed up too badly - it could quite possibly explode. Successfully finishing will require three things. The first two are:
-- Manually adjusting the runestones set into the floor. This is a job of strength or agility, dc 12.
-- Reading the secondary runes correctly to prevent the spell from going wrong. This is either intelligence or wisdom, dc 15
We need four successes on those before we get three failures. Feel free to narrate your results however you wish.
Once those are done, someone will have to help channel the spell to be cast. That will probably be either intelligence or charisma, dc 15, but I might take arguments for other abilities.
Alacandra will be reading the main runes to make sure they're in the right place, but that means her attention won't be anywhere else, so you're relatively on your own for this!