OOC Character Concept and Posting

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Dec 3, 2022 4:41 pm
I think we can make it work!
Dec 3, 2022 6:56 pm
Folks, this doesn't often happen to me, but I think I'm suffering from that "why the hell would these people work together" syndrome. In a fast-paced, pulpy adventure game it's no biggie. Just roll with it! In a moody period piece like this, my suspension of disbelief is just breaking. I don't see this crew hanging out with my (chaotic, devil-worshipping) witch, and vice-versa.

So while I really like the game, the characters and the unfolding plot... (you're doing a great job, LauraChiGio), I'm probably going to step back here and remove Magdalena, greatly simplifying the scene and the story.
Dec 3, 2022 8:18 pm
That’s a shame. I could have seen it being an interesting relationship with her and the grave-robbing, priest-assaulting Alderic, especially since he now knows where the witch lives.
Dec 3, 2022 10:32 pm
Tell you what, I hate being a quitter, so unless folks object I'll play her through at least the end of this scene / chapter. We'll see how things feel then.
Dec 3, 2022 10:35 pm
I'm all for you staying with us.
Dec 4, 2022 4:47 pm
I would be sad to see you go Harrigan but I am sorry if I did something to make this not fun.
Dec 5, 2022 1:55 am
LauraChiGio -- nope, nothing you did. Please don't take it that way! I should have spoke up earlier and been clearer about who I thought Magdalena would be. She's a witch! Like a devil-worshipping, spell-hunting, infernal deal striking witch. And it seems to be just tripping and jumbling us up -- or at least me up.

Like I said, let's finish the scene (if that's okay), then we'll see. Your GMing's been great, and I'd happily play with you again, FYI.
Dec 9, 2022 5:50 am
GM -- based on her class / focus / schtick, is there anything you can tell me that Magdalena would know about a) this book, b) how to protect against or dispel infernal entities like this one, or c) demons generally?
Dec 9, 2022 5:29 pm
Harrigan says:
GM -- based on her class / focus / schtick, is there anything you can tell me that Magdalena would know about a) this book, b) how to protect against or dispel infernal entities like this one, or c) demons generally?
She would not know the particulars of this specific book. It is likely to be a book of magic which has been possessed in a curse ritual. She at this level could not dispel Sehk it she is aware of the power he represents and will likely a demon not to be treated trivially.

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