Chapter 4: Bazzoxan

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Jan 27, 2023 11:07 pm
auras nodded slowly after chewing on the changelings words and looked at faelan " I'm aware of the way of the luxon.... more so than you know. sadly my people aren't popular anywhere anymore. we were well regarded once highly respected and proud of our station but in the years after calamity well. we have fallen a great deal. my mother is the reason we stand somewhat in the light now instead of the shadows. though many in our town point to the past as to why we can never stand like before and that mother is a fool for trying. still our patron picked her to lead us and i can only hope to be worthy of following in her footsteps someday." auras then focused her mind closing her eyes and muttering wood that where divine but old very old older than the gods in some cases. her wounds healing and closing up. albeit very slowly. once done auras opened her eyes "there. much better" then smiled "so what the plan now?" she asked.



(3) + 2 = 5


(3) + 2 = 5

Jan 28, 2023 11:02 am
Wondering what the magic user means by "My people", but this seems to be a topic for another time as they are in the aftermath of a very dirty fight.

After they had time to tend to their wounds, clean their equipment from all the mouther-blood the razor in the middle of the square had sprayed everywhere and maybe some food and drink like Kailani had proposed, Faelan comes back to his feet and takes a look around if Taskhand Thelyss had returned in the meantime.

In either case the half-drow fighter remarks: "Let's follow our path further - to Alyxian!" Maybe the priest would be able to spread some much needed light on this extraordinary tale of vague visions and unexpected company.

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