That's fine. I have seem multiple games reference collaborative story building but only a few examples in action but think it should make a more interesting campaign so feel free to color where there are no lines. :)
After relaying having seen signs of kobold activity the guards and other adventurers are alerted to the situation. The guards always stay with the waggons with their patrols keeping them withing easy shouting distance. The other adventurers, of which there are 3 other teams that roam to the left-front, right-front, and rear, shift a to a front, right, and left arrangement with the team to the front consisting of a catfolk scout named Krin ann and elf ranger named Talthis who is able to talk with animals. They have been the next best team to yours at handling the environment and were it not for your precognition you are certain they would have been the lead scouts.
 Krin |  Tslthis |
Krin and Talthis will try to stay a bit closer but focus on remaining hidden and keeping an eye out for you and the kobolds. Once you encounter the kobolds Talthis will have one of his companions allert the wagons whey they aproach in stealth or in a rush if needed.
Havings selected the most open terrain sites for the probable encounter (
You have learned that the future changes and not to think of your visions as a certainty) you set out. Drwaing on your memories from the scattered scenes of your vision you let Grund do most of the trail blazing and soon pass midday without event. Knowing you are aproaching the kobold area you remind Grund to not look to hard for th kobolds and just stay aware of and avoid potential ambush sights.
After Grund finishes placing the lates marker to indicate the wagons route you and Grund move beyond the sparse corpse of trees. It is one of the few places the wagons will have to move through any kind of tall growth but the guards will make quick worth of the thin young trees needed to be removed for the salamander pulled wagons. Steping out into the knee high grass you feel the wind on your face with even higher traces of water scent on the breeze. Reveling in the feeling for a moment you pause and let your eyes scan the area ahead only for them to freeze as you spot a cluster of wilow atop a low hill to the NW.
Having paused at the treeline, thin as it is, you backtrack a bit, to stay in the cover of the trees, then move north then west. The hill is a long slow rise and wooded on the north and less so on the west side but open to the southe and east. You are curently a bit to the SW still in cover.
Your vision was of the kobolds stepping out to confront you and Grund as you assended the hill in the open from the south. Any change to this approach will likely change how the scene plays out.
How will you proceede?
Asking as the vision is based on probable action based without fore knowledge which would not include splitting up with your partner. This is just to play out how knowlede of the future can change it. If you just want to skip the lead up next time let me know and I will go with what you said you would do entering the scene