The wagon train

Nov 10, 2022 2:32 pm
The wagons trundle along over the rough trail being shaped from the rough countryside. Consisting of over 10 large wagons reinforced with magics and pulled by large tailless salamanders and over 50 people the group has had a rough time blazing the trail up to the expedition.
As this is the first major group from the kingdoms, to the west of the expedition, it has a large contingent on guards with a mercenary group of 30 plus acting as the caravan guard and the odd adventurer paired up and used as scouts. Much of the travel has been a mix of exhausting drudgery and occasional frantic activity fighting of beats and the occasional wild tribe.
The Basecamp should be reached within the next several days if the parties druid is correct and you are excited to be done with the trail.
Nov 10, 2022 2:41 pm
Eddisham you have been paired with a bear beastfolk warrior. The two of you have become the wagon train masters favorite scouts as you always find the easiest routes for the wagons.
Once again today you are ranging ahead of the wagons and need to find the best path. The Basecamp is somewhere to the west north west. To the west you are approaching a river, according to the druids scrying, and to the north are a mix of rolling hills and patchy woods.



Nov 10, 2022 2:53 pm
Looking about as he absently scratches himself he asks in his deep rocking voice So Ed, which way?
Welcome to the game @tibbius
Nov 10, 2022 3:25 pm
Huh, responds Eddisham. He grips his beardless chin a moment, indicating thought. I wonder what will happen if we try to ford that river ... so do we know which side of the river is the base camp?
Nov 10, 2022 3:44 pm
The Basecamp is on this side of the river. While the enchanted wagons can and have floated to cross smaller rivers the river to the west is much larger and filled with dangerous beasts, similar to those for have encountered recently. (Dinosaurs)
Originating in the heavily wooded kingdom of your homeland the wagons traveled to the south eastern regions before being forced to leave the roads behind. This was done to reach this lighter wooded area that has been becoming increasingly wet with many more streams and small rivers but less dense foliage. The druid indicated that as your near the river, and Basecamp, you will likely encounter regions of swamp and marshes. To the north is another branch of the river. Though the land by the northern branch is dryer it also becomes increasingly rocky. Your task is a matter of finding the optimal mix of not to rocky, overgrown, or muddy.
Nov 10, 2022 5:09 pm
go ahead and roll for Precognition for the day and mark it on your sheet
Nov 10, 2022 5:19 pm
Eddisham reflects back on the journey so far. The wagons had gone south east from the homeland along the river, then at the triple fork of the river we had crossed the middle branch and turned back west north west. This route had avoided (gone around) the dangerous line of hills where triceratops roamed. Going north toward the middle branch again would get into drier land but also closer to the triceratops territory. In the marshes near the western branch were other dinosaurs, as well as alligators - regular size, and giant. Between the two branches there should be some ground that is dry but not as high and rocky as the hills north of the middle branch.

We will follow the edge of the marshes, he tells the bear warrior, Grund. I wonder what will happen ... let me meditate upon it, if you don't mind.
Last edited Nov 13, 2022 1:22 pm


how many minutes to foresee the events? - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Nov 10, 2022 5:21 pm
I feel like this precog mechanic almost invites you to fast forward to the next unavoidable incident and then I flashback to how we prepared for it ...
Nov 10, 2022 6:36 pm
[ +- ] Precognition
Sounds good. You can get a glimpse into either the next major event or conclusion if no difficulties arise. Cut seen upcoming
Now familiar with this Grund keeps watch while you seek trigger your gift.


Secret Roll

Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Nov 10, 2022 7:00 pm
Precognition says:
Your decision to skirt the marshes appears to have been born out as you gain quick glimpses of the trail ahead being suitable for the wagons. However the vision ends with you and Grund encountering a group of Kobolds. The seen flickers between possible encounter locations but the encounter seems inevitable.
Nov 10, 2022 7:48 pm
Ok Eddisham says quietly to Grund. I think we will run into some kobolds - maybe they are patrolling between the marsh and the hills. I can't predict how they will respond to us. Do you know any good way to get on kobolds good side?



Nov 10, 2022 8:28 pm
A look of concentration, approaching pain and suffering, appears on Grund's face. You have come to recognize this as his attempts at thought. While his memory is good he is neither creative nor quick witted, though by no means a moron. After a moment his face relaxed indicating he came to a brilliant conclusion or just gave up. Well I recall they are proud of their claims to a dragon heritage and they don't like big people looking down on them.. Glancing down at you then to his towering frame Maybe you should talk with them?
Nov 11, 2022 1:25 am
Eddisham thinks about this. He is a quick thinker, but suspects that Grund will not appreciate a rapid answer as a serious one. That makes sense, he responds after two breaths. When the time comes, I will step forward and talk. He wishes that he had the ability to foresee how that will go, but it's good at least to have foreknowledge of the kobolds. He will talk about this with the rest of the guards, who will be with the wagon train about a half mile behind Grund and Eddisham scouting ahead. Maybe they will want to stay a little further back, maybe just at line of sight. That will make an ambush harder to accomplish. Kobolds like to ambush, Ed says to Grund. I think that's right. Have you heard of kobolds ambushing people?



Nov 11, 2022 1:51 am
Thinking for a brief, for him, moment he replies. They are kind of famous for it. Not as much as goblins but yeah, ambushing is their style. I heard they sometims have dragonborn or winged leaders. Those are less into ambush and more about proving their strength and power. If we can talk with one of those it migh be better.
Nov 11, 2022 12:34 pm
ok I'm ready to cut scene ... :)
Nov 11, 2022 12:39 pm
What arrangements do you want to make with the caravan, guards, othet scouts? And attempts to control the probable ambush site?
Nov 11, 2022 1:29 pm
I'm gonna run a bit with this prompt
Eddisham persuades the other guards to keep the wagon train a good distance back from him and Grund, near the edge of sight, which in this terrain is about a mile due to the uneven land and the occasional clusters of trees. There are a pair of outrunners to each side of the caravan, more than a bowshot distant. As far as controlling the ambush site, he knows that he will first see a group of six armed kobolds emerging from a small grouping of willow trees at the top of a small rise. So he will keep his eyes open for willow trees, and when he sees them, he and Grund will split to come at the group from two directions.
Nov 11, 2022 2:09 pm
That's fine. I have seem multiple games reference collaborative story building but only a few examples in action but think it should make a more interesting campaign so feel free to color where there are no lines. :)
After relaying having seen signs of kobold activity the guards and other adventurers are alerted to the situation. The guards always stay with the waggons with their patrols keeping them withing easy shouting distance. The other adventurers, of which there are 3 other teams that roam to the left-front, right-front, and rear, shift a to a front, right, and left arrangement with the team to the front consisting of a catfolk scout named Krin ann and elf ranger named Talthis who is able to talk with animals. They have been the next best team to yours at handling the environment and were it not for your precognition you are certain they would have been the lead scouts.
Krin and Talthis will try to stay a bit closer but focus on remaining hidden and keeping an eye out for you and the kobolds. Once you encounter the kobolds Talthis will have one of his companions allert the wagons whey they aproach in stealth or in a rush if needed.

Havings selected the most open terrain sites for the probable encounter (You have learned that the future changes and not to think of your visions as a certainty) you set out. Drwaing on your memories from the scattered scenes of your vision you let Grund do most of the trail blazing and soon pass midday without event. Knowing you are aproaching the kobold area you remind Grund to not look to hard for th kobolds and just stay aware of and avoid potential ambush sights.

After Grund finishes placing the lates marker to indicate the wagons route you and Grund move beyond the sparse corpse of trees. It is one of the few places the wagons will have to move through any kind of tall growth but the guards will make quick worth of the thin young trees needed to be removed for the salamander pulled wagons. Steping out into the knee high grass you feel the wind on your face with even higher traces of water scent on the breeze. Reveling in the feeling for a moment you pause and let your eyes scan the area ahead only for them to freeze as you spot a cluster of wilow atop a low hill to the NW.

Having paused at the treeline, thin as it is, you backtrack a bit, to stay in the cover of the trees, then move north then west. The hill is a long slow rise and wooded on the north and less so on the west side but open to the southe and east. You are curently a bit to the SW still in cover.
Your vision was of the kobolds stepping out to confront you and Grund as you assended the hill in the open from the south. Any change to this approach will likely change how the scene plays out.
How will you proceede?
Asking as the vision is based on probable action based without fore knowledge which would not include splitting up with your partner. This is just to play out how knowlede of the future can change it. If you just want to skip the lead up next time let me know and I will go with what you said you would do entering the scene
Nov 11, 2022 2:43 pm
Psybermagi says:
Asking as the vision is based on probable action based without fore knowledge which would not include splitting up with your partner. This is just to play out how knowlede of the future can change it. If you just want to skip the lead up next time let me know and I will go with what you said you would do entering the scene
This is great and makes total sense. I like the lead in, it helps set context.
Eddisham pauses. Grund, I think the kobolds are in the group of willow trees there. I was thinking that when we saw that, we would split and come at it from two directions. But now that I'm remembering my vision, it was both of us going up together straight to the trees, and the kobolds came out to meet us. I'm worried that if we go with the plan I had, the kobolds might get nervous and feisty because they feel like we're attacking them. It would be less sinister to go straight at them, and maybe yell ahead to let them know we know they're there. Sound good?
Nov 11, 2022 2:54 pm
With a shrug he agrees.
You set out up the hill with Grund being very casual . Nearing the top you call out in common, hoping they speak the trade tongue.
After a few moments 5 kobold step out, one with a large shield ahead of you and two pair slightly to either side with swords drawn. The 4 to the sides are glancing between you and the shield bearer.
Give me a standard test for observations
load next

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