The wagon train

Nov 10, 2022 2:32 pm
The wagons trundle along over the rough trail being shaped from the rough countryside. Consisting of over 10 large wagons reinforced with magics and pulled by large tailless salamanders and over 50 people the group has had a rough time blazing the trail up to the expedition.
As this is the first major group from the kingdoms, to the west of the expedition, it has a large contingent on guards with a mercenary group of 30 plus acting as the caravan guard and the odd adventurer paired up and used as scouts. Much of the travel has been a mix of exhausting drudgery and occasional frantic activity fighting of beats and the occasional wild tribe.
The Basecamp should be reached within the next several days if the parties druid is correct and you are excited to be done with the trail.
Nov 10, 2022 2:41 pm
Eddisham you have been paired with a bear beastfolk warrior. The two of you have become the wagon train masters favorite scouts as you always find the easiest routes for the wagons.
Once again today you are ranging ahead of the wagons and need to find the best path. The Basecamp is somewhere to the west north west. To the west you are approaching a river, according to the druids scrying, and to the north are a mix of rolling hills and patchy woods.



Nov 10, 2022 2:53 pm
Looking about as he absently scratches himself he asks in his deep rocking voice So Ed, which way?
Welcome to the game @tibbius
Nov 10, 2022 3:25 pm
Huh, responds Eddisham. He grips his beardless chin a moment, indicating thought. I wonder what will happen if we try to ford that river ... so do we know which side of the river is the base camp?
Nov 10, 2022 3:44 pm
The Basecamp is on this side of the river. While the enchanted wagons can and have floated to cross smaller rivers the river to the west is much larger and filled with dangerous beasts, similar to those for have encountered recently. (Dinosaurs)
Originating in the heavily wooded kingdom of your homeland the wagons traveled to the south eastern regions before being forced to leave the roads behind. This was done to reach this lighter wooded area that has been becoming increasingly wet with many more streams and small rivers but less dense foliage. The druid indicated that as your near the river, and Basecamp, you will likely encounter regions of swamp and marshes. To the north is another branch of the river. Though the land by the northern branch is dryer it also becomes increasingly rocky. Your task is a matter of finding the optimal mix of not to rocky, overgrown, or muddy.
Nov 10, 2022 5:09 pm
go ahead and roll for Precognition for the day and mark it on your sheet
Nov 10, 2022 5:19 pm
Eddisham reflects back on the journey so far. The wagons had gone south east from the homeland along the river, then at the triple fork of the river we had crossed the middle branch and turned back west north west. This route had avoided (gone around) the dangerous line of hills where triceratops roamed. Going north toward the middle branch again would get into drier land but also closer to the triceratops territory. In the marshes near the western branch were other dinosaurs, as well as alligators - regular size, and giant. Between the two branches there should be some ground that is dry but not as high and rocky as the hills north of the middle branch.

We will follow the edge of the marshes, he tells the bear warrior, Grund. I wonder what will happen ... let me meditate upon it, if you don't mind.
Last edited November 13, 2022 1:22 pm


how many minutes to foresee the events? - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Nov 10, 2022 5:21 pm
I feel like this precog mechanic almost invites you to fast forward to the next unavoidable incident and then I flashback to how we prepared for it ...
Nov 10, 2022 6:36 pm
[ +- ] Precognition
Sounds good. You can get a glimpse into either the next major event or conclusion if no difficulties arise. Cut seen upcoming
Now familiar with this Grund keeps watch while you seek trigger your gift.


Secret Roll

Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Nov 10, 2022 7:00 pm
Precognition says:
Your decision to skirt the marshes appears to have been born out as you gain quick glimpses of the trail ahead being suitable for the wagons. However the vision ends with you and Grund encountering a group of Kobolds. The seen flickers between possible encounter locations but the encounter seems inevitable.
Nov 10, 2022 7:48 pm
Ok Eddisham says quietly to Grund. I think we will run into some kobolds - maybe they are patrolling between the marsh and the hills. I can't predict how they will respond to us. Do you know any good way to get on kobolds good side?



Nov 10, 2022 8:28 pm
A look of concentration, approaching pain and suffering, appears on Grund's face. You have come to recognize this as his attempts at thought. While his memory is good he is neither creative nor quick witted, though by no means a moron. After a moment his face relaxed indicating he came to a brilliant conclusion or just gave up. Well I recall they are proud of their claims to a dragon heritage and they don't like big people looking down on them.. Glancing down at you then to his towering frame Maybe you should talk with them?
Nov 11, 2022 1:25 am
Eddisham thinks about this. He is a quick thinker, but suspects that Grund will not appreciate a rapid answer as a serious one. That makes sense, he responds after two breaths. When the time comes, I will step forward and talk. He wishes that he had the ability to foresee how that will go, but it's good at least to have foreknowledge of the kobolds. He will talk about this with the rest of the guards, who will be with the wagon train about a half mile behind Grund and Eddisham scouting ahead. Maybe they will want to stay a little further back, maybe just at line of sight. That will make an ambush harder to accomplish. Kobolds like to ambush, Ed says to Grund. I think that's right. Have you heard of kobolds ambushing people?



Nov 11, 2022 1:51 am
Thinking for a brief, for him, moment he replies. They are kind of famous for it. Not as much as goblins but yeah, ambushing is their style. I heard they sometims have dragonborn or winged leaders. Those are less into ambush and more about proving their strength and power. If we can talk with one of those it migh be better.
Nov 11, 2022 12:34 pm
ok I'm ready to cut scene ... :)
Nov 11, 2022 12:39 pm
What arrangements do you want to make with the caravan, guards, othet scouts? And attempts to control the probable ambush site?
Nov 11, 2022 1:29 pm
I'm gonna run a bit with this prompt
Eddisham persuades the other guards to keep the wagon train a good distance back from him and Grund, near the edge of sight, which in this terrain is about a mile due to the uneven land and the occasional clusters of trees. There are a pair of outrunners to each side of the caravan, more than a bowshot distant. As far as controlling the ambush site, he knows that he will first see a group of six armed kobolds emerging from a small grouping of willow trees at the top of a small rise. So he will keep his eyes open for willow trees, and when he sees them, he and Grund will split to come at the group from two directions.
Nov 11, 2022 2:09 pm
That's fine. I have seem multiple games reference collaborative story building but only a few examples in action but think it should make a more interesting campaign so feel free to color where there are no lines. :)
After relaying having seen signs of kobold activity the guards and other adventurers are alerted to the situation. The guards always stay with the waggons with their patrols keeping them withing easy shouting distance. The other adventurers, of which there are 3 other teams that roam to the left-front, right-front, and rear, shift a to a front, right, and left arrangement with the team to the front consisting of a catfolk scout named Krin ann and elf ranger named Talthis who is able to talk with animals. They have been the next best team to yours at handling the environment and were it not for your precognition you are certain they would have been the lead scouts.
Krin and Talthis will try to stay a bit closer but focus on remaining hidden and keeping an eye out for you and the kobolds. Once you encounter the kobolds Talthis will have one of his companions allert the wagons whey they aproach in stealth or in a rush if needed.

Havings selected the most open terrain sites for the probable encounter (You have learned that the future changes and not to think of your visions as a certainty) you set out. Drwaing on your memories from the scattered scenes of your vision you let Grund do most of the trail blazing and soon pass midday without event. Knowing you are aproaching the kobold area you remind Grund to not look to hard for th kobolds and just stay aware of and avoid potential ambush sights.

After Grund finishes placing the lates marker to indicate the wagons route you and Grund move beyond the sparse corpse of trees. It is one of the few places the wagons will have to move through any kind of tall growth but the guards will make quick worth of the thin young trees needed to be removed for the salamander pulled wagons. Steping out into the knee high grass you feel the wind on your face with even higher traces of water scent on the breeze. Reveling in the feeling for a moment you pause and let your eyes scan the area ahead only for them to freeze as you spot a cluster of wilow atop a low hill to the NW.

Having paused at the treeline, thin as it is, you backtrack a bit, to stay in the cover of the trees, then move north then west. The hill is a long slow rise and wooded on the north and less so on the west side but open to the southe and east. You are curently a bit to the SW still in cover.
Your vision was of the kobolds stepping out to confront you and Grund as you assended the hill in the open from the south. Any change to this approach will likely change how the scene plays out.
How will you proceede?
Asking as the vision is based on probable action based without fore knowledge which would not include splitting up with your partner. This is just to play out how knowlede of the future can change it. If you just want to skip the lead up next time let me know and I will go with what you said you would do entering the scene
Nov 11, 2022 2:43 pm
Psybermagi says:
Asking as the vision is based on probable action based without fore knowledge which would not include splitting up with your partner. This is just to play out how knowlede of the future can change it. If you just want to skip the lead up next time let me know and I will go with what you said you would do entering the scene
This is great and makes total sense. I like the lead in, it helps set context.
Eddisham pauses. Grund, I think the kobolds are in the group of willow trees there. I was thinking that when we saw that, we would split and come at it from two directions. But now that I'm remembering my vision, it was both of us going up together straight to the trees, and the kobolds came out to meet us. I'm worried that if we go with the plan I had, the kobolds might get nervous and feisty because they feel like we're attacking them. It would be less sinister to go straight at them, and maybe yell ahead to let them know we know they're there. Sound good?
Nov 11, 2022 2:54 pm
With a shrug he agrees.
You set out up the hill with Grund being very casual . Nearing the top you call out in common, hoping they speak the trade tongue.
After a few moments 5 kobold step out, one with a large shield ahead of you and two pair slightly to either side with swords drawn. The 4 to the sides are glancing between you and the shield bearer.
Give me a standard test for observations
Nov 11, 2022 6:09 pm
Eddisham studies the scene. Good day, he says with what he hopes is a polite tone. We're passing through. Is that ok?


Check DC: 5 - Basic - observe scene - (2d6)

(65) = 11



Nov 12, 2022 1:40 pm
As you watch the kobolds you notice one of those to the side glancing back into the woods.
The Shield Bearer , who is bigger than the others, answers in a hissing and growling choice This depends on where you go and what you want. Our great lord and ancestor claims this land but cares little for vermin who infest it. He demands a tithe. Any who refuse are his enemy, and so ours as well!
Nov 13, 2022 1:20 pm
What's the tithe? asks Eddisham with a pragmatic tone.



Nov 14, 2022 1:56 pm
The kobold looks at the pair of you and exclaims in a domineering tone The great ancestor is benevolent and only requires your to return to him half of what you take from his lands! You should be grateful of his leniency in allowing you to work his lands. But for now, a good piece each.
This little speech seems to both delight and confuse the other Kobolds as you note several with confused expressions any time he uses multisyllabic words. But at the mention of gold all smile, showing sharp fangs in grins of glee.
Nov 14, 2022 6:08 pm
We'll return to our host and discuss this, Eddisham says confidently. Farewell for now, new friends.

He takes a few steps backward from the kobolds, and taps Grund's arm to indicate that the bear man should come with him.
Nov 14, 2022 6:50 pm
The kobold glares as your begin retreating and raises a hand but a snapped command from from the brush behind makes him freeze.
The sixth kobold you expected to see, this one in robes, steps into sight. He looks at you then back the way you came and asks You travel with others?
Nov 14, 2022 10:34 pm
Yep, Eddisham says cheerfully. Many more than your group.
Nov 14, 2022 10:34 pm
A few of them are watching us, right now, he adds helpfully.



Nov 14, 2022 11:31 pm
The other Kobolds look around nervously but the shield bearer and mage seem unfazed, mostly. The two leaders have a quick and quiet consultation then the mage speaks up.
Very good. We had some contact with earlier people who came here but they never showed proper respect or paid the expected tithe. We will take a token payment of 1 copper per person plus 1 silver per vehicle or 1 copper per pack animal. We will escort you through our territory so the many other Kobolds will cause no trouble for you. However one of your group must come to meet the ancestor to explain to him this transgression.
As he talks to you the shield bearer give a couple quick commands and two of the kobolds turned and quickly set of into different directions.
Nov 15, 2022 12:08 am
That sounds completely reasonable, Eddisham responds. Grund, can you inform the caravan of this decision please? I will go to meet the ancestor.



Nov 15, 2022 1:01 am
Looking over the Little dragonoids he mumbles Um, you sure you don't want to wait a bit and we both go? Like after we check with the caravan? The boys likes is too stay with our partners.. You can tell he is unsure what to do with conflicting orders and you can push and likely send him away now
Nov 15, 2022 1:25 am
No, yes, that's a good point, Eddisham reassures Grund. Listen, friends, he turns to the kobolds, my old friend here, he wants us to stick together. We'll go back and talk to our main group and then the two of us will meet you here to go see the ancestor. Sound good?
Nov 15, 2022 2:00 am
OK. We will come with you, to avoid missunderstandings
You start heading back with the kobolds trailing behind about 60'. In a couple of minutes you see the wagons and quickly make contact with the other adventurers and pass the word that these kobolds are here to negotiate but to watch out for more.
Markham Southwell
Markham, the caravan master, is not happy about payingbut conceeds it is likely better than having to skirmish who knows how many of the kobolds all the way to the expedition base camp. H goes back out with you to where the kobolds waited and counts out the coin after getting and oath of conduct on thei "Great Ancestor" which seems to iritate the shield bearer but reausres Markham. Though he doesn't like the idea of you heading off with the kobods he thinks it may well be agood thing, as long as you return. He spends a few frantic moments trying to pump you full of all the dragon lore he know about dealing with. Mostly it involves showing respect, a bit of fear but not too much, and focusing on not offending the dragon while making no promises you cant keep as the expedition may simply write you off as lost. As you and Grund head out he reitterates he most important thing is to come back and even covertly hands you a small pouch of semi precious gems to gift to the beast.
Nov 15, 2022 2:11 am
Your course seems to paralell the path you planned for the wagon for about an hour though you notice you are tending more towards the south. You begin winding you way through thicker and larger marshes untli at last you aproach a hill surounded by thick bog that the kobolds seem to know quite well. It is at this point that you start noticing more kobolds though Grund says he spotted a few earlier on. Once you set foot on the solig ground of the large hill you realize this is no small band of kobolds. Estimating based on the camps you see there are likely several hundred kolbolds camped at the base of the hill.
The trail you folow winds though several camps, with Kobolds hissing in supprise or anger when they see you, then up the hill. Nearing the top you spot a large cavern surrounded by piles of rocks and dirt leading you to believe thie cave was excavated not too many seasons ago. At the mouth of the cave the mage instruct you to enter but warns No lights if you want to live.
The tunnel is steep, wide, and strait enough at first that the lack of additional light is not an issue. However the slight curve of the tunnel eventually puts you in near total darknes before you realize there are "Star Grub", a small worm like creature that gives off faint light in darkness, on the ceiling. With the "stars" lighting you way you continue decending until you reach a large cavern. The ceiling is too high to light much of the cavern floor but you are able to discern the cave floor is very uneven with mounds well over 20 though the size is hard to guage due to the poor light.
Nov 15, 2022 2:13 am
As you come to a stop and silence fills the cavern you notice a faint rhythmic low and slow sound of wind.
what would you like to do?
Nov 15, 2022 12:11 pm
Eddisham touches Grund's elbow. Steady, friend, he says quietly. Then he speaks more loudly. Oh great dragon, ancestor of kobolds, we are an elf and a bear man. We have come to greet you.
Nov 15, 2022 12:29 pm
At you words the breathing changes into a rumble that takes you a moment to recognize as laughter. Then a voice that goes strait to your mind and soul Though the kobolds may claim such as I as their ancestor, no dragon claims them as descendants. It isn't until this point that you realize the words are not in common, yet still understood. Why have you come to"greet" me little ones? A scraping sound is heard and you are suddenly shocked at the appearance of two great glowing eyes.
Give me a save to resist dragon charm


Grund Save Check DC:5 - charm - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Nov 15, 2022 2:41 pm
Ah ... this is your land, it seemed polite to stop in and say hi, maybe ask if you'd like ... a present or something? Eddisham tries to sound confident but it doesn't quite work.


Check DC: 5 - Basic Save v Dragon Charm - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Nov 15, 2022 3:02 pm
As you speak you feel your mind growing hazy and lose yourself for a moment till Grund nudges you
would you like to try that save again using a foresight point?
Nov 15, 2022 3:07 pm
Yes! I have one point to spend today, so that's one additional d6.
Eddisham sighs. Things feel very confusing, lately.
Last edited November 15, 2022 3:08 pm


Check DC: 5 - spending a precog point - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Nov 15, 2022 3:15 pm
Sometimes, a daring plan just ... doesn't go the way one hoped.
Nov 15, 2022 3:24 pm
You come out of the fogue with Grund looking oddly at you as you hear the dragon say Remember, the forces at work here are more than they seem.
Ware that you are not caught up in schemes beyond your ability. And warn those people not to get in my way.

With a grating of scale on stone you hear his bulk settle back.
You have been properly respectful and may ask a question now before taking your leave.. At this point you note the pouch of gems is no longer on your person.
Nov 15, 2022 3:34 pm
Your honor, it would be helpful to us if we knew what you intend to be doing around here. That would make it possible for us to stay out of your way.
Nov 15, 2022 5:11 pm
I am looking to stop certain parties who are imbalancing the realms. They do this by collecting ancient powerful magics best left alone. In simpler terms, if you find something that alters reality beyond what simple spells may do, leave it alone. If you inform me then I will reward you. If any take these or try to use them I will become very wroth with them!
Nov 15, 2022 9:05 pm
Eddisham blinks in surprise. That seems remarkably easy to comply with.
Nov 15, 2022 9:07 pm
He bows, and taps Grund on the elbow again. Let's leave the ancient to slumber a while. We should get back to the group and inform them of our conversation.
Once well outside the diggings, and away from kobolds, he will ask Grund what happened while he was entranced.



Nov 15, 2022 11:07 pm
As you leave you hear in your mind
Simple, yes. Curiosity and greed get more killed than common sense. See you keep your training in mind

Retracing your steps is the tunnel you step into daylight to a continent of Kobolds and dragonborn. Their expressions, what you can read of the reptilian faces, are a mixture of mild surprise, arrogance, hostility, and curiosity.
An old looking dragonborn steps forward and commands Present your weapon or spell hand. Doing so your hand is clasped by the dragonborn and you feel a slight burning on your palm. When you examine it you see what appears to be a blackened scar in the shape of a dragon.
Show this to any of the people of our ancestors when you wish to talk.

You are guided back out of the swamp via a different route leading NNE. Once out of the swamp your guides leave you. After several minutes hiking you ask Grund about what happened in the cave. He recounts how you talked for several minutes and seemed normal except you referred to the dragon as "My Lord" and gave rather detailed answers though nothing crucial.
Nov 15, 2022 11:22 pm
You continue north until you come across the tracks of the wagons and begin following these. As you walk you note that the mark on your hand no longer burns and looking at it are no longer able to see it. Casting a simple divination you detect the magic has sunk into your flesh. Presumably it will be visible again should you meet any of the dragons people. As you are simply folowing the wagon train tracks you make good time and look to have almost caught up when Grund grabs your arm and signals for quiet as he pulls you behind a nearby shrubery.



Nov 15, 2022 11:25 pm
Hey, Ed, how you feel about bringing in some meat?
pointing ahead and to the left you follow the gesture and spot a beast unfamiliar to you. There are several of them and range in size from a large dog to a small goat. The caravan has encouraged the scouts to hunt when the oportunity presents itself and Grund is obviously thinking of fresh meat for dinner instead of hard trail rations or flavorless stew, again.
Nov 16, 2022 1:17 am
Eddisham grins. Watch this trick, Grund, he says.

Reaching forth with his Spelltouched powers, he momentarily stops the heart of the goat-sized critter.
The Spelltouched ranged attack can do 1 point of damage. That should kill a Fodder type like a sheep.


Check DC: 5 - Basic Spelltouched attack - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Nov 16, 2022 1:41 am
One of the smaller beasts suddenly collapses. The other beasts startle a bit then a nearby adult moves to investigate and nuzzles the fallen figure before bellowing in dismay. Soon the small heard moves off at a slow trot.
You recover the body and Grund cleans the carcass before your set out and sub catch up with the caravan
Nov 16, 2022 1:32 pm
The caravan master is glad to have you back but imediately sends you back to point to help find a way, anxious to rech base camp before nightfall. You encounter more strange large beasts some even largre (dinosaurs) before you reach a region with fewer an fewer hills endin in a swamp. You were told of this earlier and spend a bit of time finding a decent beach head where the wagonc can be rolled down into the river to finish the journey as boats goin up the slow river.
Nov 16, 2022 1:34 pm
Eddisham's story continues on the docks ink here
May 23, 2023 2:31 am
Raggy, Ro, and Seren
[ +- ] Recruitment
Seren has been paired with Raggy and Ro to try and balance a bit of mystic with the wild. Or at least that is what the wagon train leader said. You both think it has more to do with the fact you tend to make others nervous and they simply saw this as getting both of you away from the rest of them. The pair of you have been tasked with ranging ahead of the main group to scout out any potential troubles. The wagons have made this trek multiple times over the last couple of months so Len, the wagon master, if familiar with the route but he keeps grumbling about the increase in monster activity.

Introduce yourselves to each other and feel free to add to the story. If you have something beyond your character you want to add to the story then go ahead as long as it doesn't conflict with existing story content. I can make minor changes as needed to smooth any minor inconsistencies out.
May 23, 2023 2:32 am
@Marmy49,@Mnrtoler welcome to the story. Have fun
May 23, 2023 4:38 am
I'll skip the hi Im Raggy part and assume that already happened lol.
Raggy is a wolf beastfolk with his beautiful wolf companion Ro. The two are like a well oiled machine working to hunt and track anything of interest. This is anything from rabbits to monsters. Ro is more sneaky and stays in front, but informs Raggy of anything of importance.
Last edited May 23, 2023 1:40 pm
May 23, 2023 12:43 pm
_____________________ _____________________ Most of the trip has been through wooded hilly terrain with the road winding around larger hills. Your job mostly consists of looking for anything out of the ordinary. Ther are two other pairs of scouts with you to the front left and another to the front right of the road. The third pair is mounted and roves around the area maintaining contact with the scouts and wagon train.

As neither of you are unfamiliar with the wilds and often out on your own conversation has not interfered with listening to your surrounding but over the last couple od nights you have al least worked out a working understanding of each other.

Raggy's ocasional small kills have added fresh meat to the cooking pot of the wagon you join each night. This has brought you a bit more acceptance from the hard working drivers who are all too wiling to accept any variety to the preserved trail rations.
May 23, 2023 4:00 pm
Seren breathes deeply the scent of dark earth and admires the flora both familiar and new. She enjoys traveling with Raggy and Ro since they are also familiar with the wilds, much of their time together is spent listening and ranging across the trail.

Seeing how well, Raggy's contribution to the pot was recieved, Seren also gathers herbs and roots to add a little much needed flavor to the otherwise bland stews.

As night settles and the caravan gathers around the fire, Seeen gathers her cloak a little closer to her frame and takes in the smell of smoke and warmth of conversation, but rarely participates.
fate is a fickle friend.
She chews thoughtfully on a couple of mint leaves and aimlessly scratches Ro's ear.
if youre okay with that Mnrtoler.
May 23, 2023 4:33 pm
Sitting around the fire with a group enjoying his and Seren's contributions to the pot makes Raggy remember why he loved his job at home so much. Maybe it's the wolf in him, but making people happy made him happy. Almost as much as being in the woods. You like our new friend girl? Raggy says to Ro who looks like a lap dog laying beside Seren enjoying scratches. Someone might think you are a dog not a fearsome wolf acting like that. he chuckles at his on joke. I also have enjoyed your company Seren. The wilds seem to be your home also.
May 23, 2023 5:14 pm
got my tearing up in 2 posts. Damn. Lol.
Seren sits, brow furrowed, for a long while. The the point where you're not sure she will respond.
Everything seems clearer out here. I have spent the last... well i dont know how long in the woods. Cities are to rigid, too noisy. Nothing can flow freely there. But the woods, they speak. You know what i mean. You hear them too.

Seren reaches into her pouch and grabs a handful of bones before scattering them unceremoniously at her feet. She gazes at them with intent, but by her body language she is still open to further conversation.


Divination, gleaning information about tomorrow's travels - (2d6)

(44) = 8

May 23, 2023 5:32 pm
Ro jumps to her feet thinking the bones are a treat, Wait girl! Raggy sits up to grab her. Those aren't for you. Here you go. He reaches in his pouch and pulls out a few rabbit bones to give Ro.
May 24, 2023 3:08 am
When you wake in the morning an unseasonal storm seems to be brewing and you ware cautioned to keep the wagons in sight.
Now before that storm turns our little dirt track into the worst mud pit within a thousand leagues I want to be as far along as possible! the wagon master shouts as you head out.
The wagons trundle along at a brisk walk you know the thoats will not be able to maintain all day. Your range ahead, but not too far and encounter nothing more dangerous than a squirl running for the next tree
[ +- ] Thoat
The morning wears on and the clouds get thicker and darker with the wind picking up. Just as you are deciding whether to go back to the wagons the world is shaken with a reverberating roar or thunder. Lightning illuminates the sky and you turn for the wagon, that are about a half mile behind you, and a horn starts sounding. Rain falls, instantly reducing visibility to yards only.....

What do you do?
May 24, 2023 4:19 am
Do we know what the horn mean?
May 24, 2023 4:39 am
May 24, 2023 5:07 am
Come on Ro! Raggy says and goes full sprint on all fours.
May 24, 2023 5:10 am
well, thw future was cloudy Seren chuckles to herself
Shouting over the whipping wind
I would prefer to take shelter and wait this out, but Len sounded the alarm and an ill wind is blowing. We should try and find our way back
To Raggy
can you lead? I'll take up the rear and keep an eye out overhead
Seren wrings her hands and scans the treetops for any branches that may break towards them.


Perception - (2d6)

(15) = 6

May 24, 2023 5:16 am
Yes just follow me and Ro girl. Raggy slows back to two legs forgetting himself and rudely trying to leave Seren alone. Any sigh of creatures?


Perception - (2d6)

(26) = 8

May 25, 2023 1:07 am
The pair of you begin to hustle back to the wagons. The rain is unrelenting and the wind is fiercely howling around you. Another crack of thunder directly overhead is so powerful it throws you to the ground. Staggering you rise to your feet deaf and nauseous for the power but move towards where the wagons should be. Suddenly Raggy realizes they are not running on dirt and grass anymore. Almost stumbling he calls out to Seren to look down. Below your feet are clouds. And though you can feel them supporting your weight you also see them shift and can even see through them where they become thin and wispy.

Fear grips you and you try to look around for anything more stable. You are standing on a cloud that is being shredded by the storm but a thicker patch is forwards to your left while below your thinning cloud you can see a larger cloud about 30 feet down that does not seem to be as affected by the violent winds. If you run back the way you came you will be over the larger cloud.

What do you do?
A Retreat to stay over the lower large and stable cloud
B Run towards the thicker stable central portion of your current cloud
C Other
May 25, 2023 1:33 am
Raggy sees no reason to continue forward anymore. Stability is more important. He whistles to Ro and points at the cloud. Reaching out for Seren, Seren! Fall back to safety! Large cloud behind us! If she turns he runs for the safety of the large cloud.
May 25, 2023 12:36 pm
I usually will let democracy + common sence run small groups to keep things moving. So groups of 4 are directed by actions with 2 votes and your group of 2 can be steered by eithr of you. Let me know if you want me to wait for both of you.
In the meantime some claification

The larger cloud does look much safer but retreating to it would require leaving your currently diminishing cloud and either jumping or falling to the larger one. By lower I mean actually below your current cloud as seen through gaps in your crrent cloud as it is getting riped to shredds where you are and behind you.
May 25, 2023 2:54 pm
I want to wait this time. This is a crazy situationans i want to get Seren's full reaction. Plus maybe she has a better idea. How did you even come up with this? Haha
May 25, 2023 3:04 pm
if your read the setting info about the Shattering and the Borders this makes more sense. Basically the world was literally broken, with cracks to the Astral plane allowing other planar energy to leak into the Mortal Realm.
This storm is a new event you guys get to be the first to experience. Yeah you! One of the Borders collapsed but this caused a planar storm as the Border shrinks, like when two bubbles pop into each other, and your party got picked up in it. Welcome to the elemental plane of Air. Try not to get stuck there
May 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Oh cool! I'll have to read that. Sorry there was so much to read I was waiting for the game to start to know what to read and not for my character.
May 25, 2023 3:25 pm
No worries. I don't expect others to know all about the world built only in my head 😁
May 25, 2023 3:42 pm
This is so cool. And terrifying!
Where Raggy (perhaps rightly) sees the cloud crumbling before them, Seren looks and to her the wind is leaving them a path.
I think we should push forward! The only way out is to keep moving!
Realizing that time is short, if Raggy hesitates she'll stick with him. The only thing worse than getting lost, is getting lost alone.
May 25, 2023 3:49 pm
How well did Ro listen to me? Is she close enough to change course?
May 25, 2023 4:27 pm
Ro is pressing to Raggy's legs whimpering
forwards on this cloud +1 Seren
stay/backup & drop to bigger cloud +1? Raggy
The cloud will soon pick for you . . .
May 25, 2023 5:15 pm
Okay good.
Raggy will follow Seren into the winds of fate.
May 25, 2023 9:05 pm
[ +- ] Raggy & Seren
@DaChiefPI,@GooberMcSnorford you two were the other scouts for this caravan. Read the setup beginning here
[ +- ] Vlax & Ulkar
The two pairs of scouts are reunited in a thick fog bank in the midst of a violent storm. Two, Raggy and Seren looking a bit panicked while Vlax and Ulkar are more confused and unfortunate on the storm.

Go ahead and give a brief character description so everyone knows the others. You can also begin acting out the scene or let me know if there are any questions
May 25, 2023 9:26 pm
Vlax and Ulkar see three figures, a wolf, a wolf beastfolk, and what appears to be a fox beastfolk. Raggy, the wolf beastfolk, has Ro, the actual wolf whimper at his legs. He is got a hand on her to not loose track of her. Raggy is simple dressed in greens, browns, and grays. He loose fitting clothes flowing in the wind. Look Seren, people!!!
Sorry i havent had time to read your alls whod who post so I have no clue who I'm lookig at yet lol Nice to have you join the crazy train
May 26, 2023 1:07 am
Ulkar is a stocky human with curly dark hair and a soft face and stands 5'7". He dresses for practicality, but not as a woodsman or scout. There's little pockets all over his clothing giving him quick access to little tools and parts. He always seemed somewhat out of place being away from the group as a scout, but he hasn't shied away from work that needed to be done yet. Ulkar hears Raggy call out, squints his round eyes and puts his flattened hand along his brow as he looks into the fog bank to see the source of the sound.

Oh Gods! Vlax look! Someone else who's in just as much of a pickle. I like our odds more as a team of four than a pair.

Ulkar calls out to Raggy and Seren:
Ho! Any idea how to get back to the caravan?

Ulkar moves to the edge of the cloud he's on towards Raggy and Seren while waving a hand back and forth overhead.
May 26, 2023 2:31 am
As you pause for a moment winds continue buffeting you so hard you struggle to stand and have to shout to be heard. Lightning cuts the sky again so close that Raggy and Ro instantly increase their cuteness factor by 10 as all their hair stands on end and is tussled by the wind.
Psybermagi sent a note to DaChiefPI
Notes, as above, can only be read by the recipient and DM
May 26, 2023 4:10 am
since I didn't really take an action yet I'll seize the liberty of posting again
Ulkar's eyes go wide and his brow raises as he says to himself
oh my, those beasties over there are extraordinarily cute right now

Ulkar shakes his head and looks around for either some peice of land, structure, or some indication where the planes seem to be crossing each other.


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - Adv for perception trait - (3d6)

(333) = 9

May 26, 2023 1:13 pm
Remember you can spend a bit more time and focus on a test to pass on 4 or higher instead of the regular 5 or higher. Out of combat and find ensued situations i assume this is standard. As this is a stressful situation i will not assume that is the case.
No buildings of any kind are evident to your eyes nor any hints to the Border location or state
Hint, those with special sences or traits may discover more information . . .
May 26, 2023 2:11 pm
Seren takes a deep breath, smelling ozone and rain. She allows the roaring thunder and curling clouds to clear her mind.
After a moment she reaches into her pouch and draws out a dry leaf, crumbles it in her hand and releases the litter into the air. With slightly glowing eyes she will attempt to divine a path forward.
I would like to take time to improve my chances


Divination - (2d6)

(51) = 6

May 26, 2023 3:20 pm
Now that they found more people can are on solid cloud, Raggy will crouch down beside Ro to comfort her. As he sees Seren release crumbled leaf he would like to attempt to follow it to see if it follows a certain way in the wind.


Follow leaf with sight - (3d6)

(256) = 13

May 26, 2023 9:56 pm
The howling wind tears the leaf appart, scattering it evrywhere. Oddly though a few remanent, basically powder, seem to twist into a nearly hirzontal cyclone 1 inch wide that twist and winds away. After a few moment the tiny directional cyclone is also ripped apart but not before Raggy realized the direction it lead was slowly changing.
With Divination please specify what you are trying to detect. This is a basic maic skill that will result in simple phrases or single word equivalant answers. The vaguer the question the vaguer the answer. I am assuming the desire was for a path home at this time.
May 27, 2023 2:05 am
Ulkar catches sight of the remains of the leaf as it twirls and notices the unatural movement. He calls out to the others:

wha . . . What was that?!

He points in the direction of the leaf while starting into a jog in the direction it "pointed".

Did you do that? Do we . . . do we follow it?

Ulkar asks this but doesn't wait for a response. He starts bounding that way while looking back to see if the others follow as well.
May 27, 2023 4:13 am
I agree lets move. Raggy starts moving that direction
May 27, 2023 1:59 pm
Waiting on @DaChiefPI / Vlax to post but will move on by Monday either way
May 27, 2023 4:35 pm
I'm right behind you. But we should move as quickly as possible. There's no knowing if the path out of here will shift. Seren begins to jog along with Raggy and Ro.
May 27, 2023 4:45 pm
Your head in the direction the cyclone pointed out with Raggy in the lead. No sooner have you stepped out from the thick middle of the cloud then a lightning bolt strikes the could to your right. The following thunder is not nearly so deafening as you would expect for as close and thick as the lightning bolt was but you keep moving until a crackling sound causes you to turn and look where the bolt struck. Up out of the cloud rise 5 forms made of electrical arcs that advance towards you.
May 27, 2023 7:05 pm
If you guys can imagine it, or know who he is, Ulkar sounds like Paul Giamatti in stressful situations. lol
Those things do not look friendly. nothing has been friendly around here. Dang clouds are disappearing from under us, thunder trying to blow out my ears, and now the lighting wants to SHAKE MY HAND!! This is not what i joined this caravan for ladies and gentlemen! No sir!

Ulkar turns towards the figures, remaining in an athletic/crouched stance with empty hands, ready to move as he calls towards the figures in a pleading tone as if he's exhausted and had enough of today.

What do you want from us?! We don't even want to be here. We're just trying to get home!
May 27, 2023 10:36 pm
You fool! They want to hurt us. Don't stop unless you get injured! Stick together and keep moving
May 27, 2023 10:49 pm
Do we stand a chance outrunning lightning?? Still, Seren trusts Raggy's instincts and surges forward with him. However, she does double check that her dagger and and leather pouch are accessible.
Keep up fellows! Lets see if we can't put some distance between us and them
May 28, 2023 12:06 am
sorry possible day to start. I'm driving for 18 hours today. I've probably still got five or six more hours to go. Not a lot of time to read up on what's going on,

Please feel free to puppet Vlax if needed through the day. I most likely won't be able to stop long enough to read and catch up until tomorrow.
May 28, 2023 2:47 am
No problem, drive safe!
Ulkar sees Vlax doubled over grabbing at his ears. Thinking he's been deafened or otherwise confused, Ulkar grabs his partner's hand to pull him along with the rest of the group.

C'mon Vlax, stay with me, shake it off! Hopefully between us and our new friends we'll be able to find a way back
May 28, 2023 2:30 pm
Vlax is mature middle-aged adult human, and he wears what was once a fine tweed vest suit, now a bit tattered with small stitches and a few patches. It fits snugly over what looks like might be leather armor. A dark charcoal gray weathered cloak covers a belt full of pouches and pockets, bulging with trinkets and baubles. He has a shortsword sheated at oneside and a shield on on arm.

Shaking out of a sort of daze, he blurts out, "We gotta move. Away. Fast. Time for chit chat later." and he follows in behind the others.
been rp'ing for 40 years but my first game on thos platform, and new to this Tiny system, so lmk if there are conventions I should be using. Otherwise, I tend to just write narratively as if it were a novel.
May 29, 2023 12:51 am
The party moves towards the hope of salvations but apparently feet are not as fast as lighting. Each of the impromptu party is targeted by one of the elementals and the creatures pass right through each of you, including Ro. Somehow after arcing through the party the elementals end up surrounding the part like some sort of living electric fence about 10 feet from your party.

I need each of you to roll a Test Save (2d6) If you fail you are paralyzed and can only stumble a few feet and barely control your bodies from the electrical attack. If you succeed, by rolling at least 1 5 or 6, then you still only get 1 action instead of your normal 2
Psybermagi sent a note to DaChiefPI
PS. Don't worry, I am not trying to kill all the newcomers to make my gaming load easier. The thought never crossed my mind. I am sure there is something you can to to get out of this.
May 29, 2023 1:14 am
Vlax does his best to hold his own. Drawing on all he has known, including a knack for survival l, oth engrained and trained in him, he struggles to understand how they can survive. Mountains have caves to shelter from a storm. How does one protect themselves from the fury of the clouds?


DM requested test - (2d6)

(11) = 2

May 29, 2023 1:15 am
ouch, two 1's. Well, it's been fun if short lived gang. Lol
May 29, 2023 1:33 am

OK you have entered combat. This systems keeps this simple. See the rules here. There are also quick reference in the ~Tiny Info~ sheet, available below the page Rolls section as a grey button, see the info bottom right Guides / Tiny Dungeon spoiler
Basically you normally have 2 action and can pick attack, evade, move, focus
Because of the elemental special attack you will be limited this round.
Let me know if you have any questions
May 29, 2023 2:13 am

Do we act in any kind of initiative based order, or all just post our actions, and wait for you to resolve it?

Also how close or far, are these arch monsters? Anyone getting ganged up on?
May 29, 2023 2:19 am
Combat is one of the things i was most curious aboutso im excited for this!


Save test - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 29, 2023 2:21 am
Somehow after arcing through the party the elementals end up surrounding the part like some sort of living electric fence about 10 feet from your party.
I use side based initiative for play by Post. I go(all npc) you go (all pc any order)
I roll initiative some times and will let you know when.
May 29, 2023 2:21 am
Agh!! As the lightning creature passes through Seren she shouts in pain and her usual fox form gets a little blurry for a moment. She stumbles to her knees clutching her chest and bearing her teeth through the pain.
May 29, 2023 2:27 am
Well my plan to run didnt work.


Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Ro Save - (2d6)

(32) = 5

May 29, 2023 2:38 am
As the figures streak towards him Ulkar cries What are they doing?!


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - resist taser - (2d6)

(55) = 10

May 29, 2023 2:45 am
Ulkar buckles for a moment and drops to a knee. He looks up and sees the fence form around them. He looks around, seeing they're surrounded, looks up knowing he can't jump very high, then immediately starts clawing at the cloud at their feet, trying to open some avenue of escape for them.
Last edited May 29, 2023 2:49 am
May 29, 2023 5:26 am
Crap I think he may be on to something. Dog away
May 29, 2023 2:29 pm
GooberMcSnorford says:
... starts clawing at the cloud at their feet, trying to open some avenue of escape for them.
OK, was not expecting that LOL
Ulkar and Raggy begin digging and find it odd how the cloud ground can feel solid to their feet but to their fingers is more like working with dough. They begin pulling large chunks out of the cloud ground and form a whole about 2 feet deep rather quickly.

The elementals, somewhat dimmed after that last maneuver advance on you arcing out tiny bolts to strike at you. Each of the bolts strike their target

Everyone, including Ro, takes 1 damage
Everyone can now act normally with 2 actions.


Attack : Vlax Ulkar Seren Raggy Ro - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (26) = 8

2d6 : (25) = 7

2d6 : (51) = 6

2d6 : (36) = 9

2d6 : (35) = 8

May 29, 2023 3:50 pm
Vlax is baffled by the circumstances and unsure how best to survive it but sees the digging and decides to aid in that effort. He takes his shield and while using it as a barrier, he simultaneously tries to dig with it, like a large shovel spade.
So, not sure how to match that to the list of actions Evade while Attacking the cloud? I'm used to just descrbing a narrative combat, Trying to make clever use of the environment ....and the GM sorting out the dice. Lol
Last edited May 29, 2023 3:52 pm
May 29, 2023 4:01 pm
Raggy instructs Ro to dig. We know how hard they hit, but how hard can they take a hit? Raggy takes a pause from digging to pull out his sling, load it and fire at the near lightning.
Tell me if I am wrong, but with ranged one action is required to load and the second is to fire right? And then becaause I am proficient it is 3d6?


Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

Reroll attack - (2d6)

(26) = 8

May 29, 2023 4:23 pm
not proficient is 1d6 / proficient is 2d6 / Mastered is 3d6 but by weapon not group
I start players off with only 1 group proficiency

@Mnrtoler You can edit the post to reroll or just take the first 2 dice rolled

I usually level characters up pretty quickly at the beginning so you can master a weapon or gain new traits after aa couple more scenes
May 29, 2023 5:05 pm
[ +- ] Psybermagi quoted text
Okay sorry. Since you are graciouslygiving me a chance to overcome those doubleones i will.
May 29, 2023 5:18 pm
Raggy shoots one of the elemental causing it to arc and crackle in an unstable manner. It did not seem to take damage to well. . .
May 29, 2023 5:30 pm
Maybe we should stand and fight. They seem very unstable.
May 29, 2023 6:01 pm
I have no idea if I was supposed to post rolls, but I will, no way to kind of know until the GM says if it's 1D 2D or 3D so I guess I'm going to roll 3D and you can take one two or three as needed.
Last edited May 29, 2023 6:01 pm


Evade harm - (3d6)

(441) = 9

Attack cloud woth shield shovel - (3d6)

(153) = 9

May 29, 2023 7:03 pm
DaChiefPI says:
, no way to kind of know until the GM says if it's 1D 2D or 3D so I guess I'm going to roll 3D and you can take one two or three as needed.
for tinyd6 standard rolls are 2d6 trying to get a 5 or a 6 on any die to make a success. Roll 1d6 when you're at a disadvantage or attacking with a non proficient weapon group. Roll 3d6 when you have a trait or background that applies or attacking with a mastered weapon.

GM: when the hole is formed, can I peek down and see anything or is the cloud too thicc to stick my head down there?
May 29, 2023 7:13 pm
for tinyd6 standard rolls are 2d6 trying to get a 5 or a 6 on any die to make a success. Roll 1d6 when you're at a disadvantage or attacking with a non proficient weapon group. Roll 3d6 when you have a trait or background that applies or attacking with a mastered weapon.
I understand how the game system works, what I was saying is that there's no way of knowing ahead of time, how many dice to roll. When you're playing in a normal tabletop setting, you explain to the GM what you're going to do, and they tell you how many dice roll. Here, we either have to wait, or make assumptions
Last edited May 29, 2023 7:15 pm
May 29, 2023 7:37 pm
oh! Gotcha. Sorry didn't understand what you were asking at first.yeah I it's going to take waiting or assuming. From what I read in the forum for this game was cybermage was fine with more assuming than waiting to keep things moving. This form of 0laying is going to take some experimentation for sure.
May 29, 2023 7:58 pm
DaChiefPI says:
I have no idea if I was supposed to post rolls, but I will, no way to kind of know until the GM says if it's 1D 2D or 3D so I guess I'm going to roll 3D and you can take one two or three as needed.
Please roll any time you want to do something that has a chance to fail and/or a negative consequence.
In Play by Post it is always better to do too much than too little.
None of you have any combat skills that allow 3d6 at this time, only traits and trades that allow advantage.
That said, if you roll too much I will point this out and then read them left to right and drop unneeded rolls

@GooberMcSnorford just post what you are doing and intend to do and I will let you know the results.
My rule is characters can TRY any thing, not saying it will work but go ahead and try
Ulkar and Ro work to dig their way to freefall, umm freedom, with Vlax helping while trying to avoid or block the elemental attacks.

I am assuming Ulkar is just full on digging
May 29, 2023 8:34 pm
Ulkar looks down into the hole to see what's immediately below them and then stands up and draws his kukri.

Alright everyone, things go real South here, we can jump down the hole and see if that's any better than what's in front of us. Maybe falling onto a cloud is as soft as I'm hoping

Ulkar then steps up to one of the forms and slashes across them twice hoping he can have some kind of effect on it.


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with light weapon - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with light weapon, same target - (2d6)

(32) = 5

May 30, 2023 12:05 am
Still gasping from the paralysis, Seren reaches into her pouch and draws forth a handful of bones.
Creatures of flesh and bone! Hear my voice! Arise to aid me!.
She releases the magic and the bones scatter before her...


Raise Undead - (2d6)

(35) = 8

May 30, 2023 12:10 am
... The bones begin to rattle as the move towards each other, intertwined with cloud stuff and dark energy they form to resemble an approximation of a woodland creature Attack! she snarls, and the creature rushes at the living fence.
assuming commanding the minion doesnt take an action...
Then Seren draws her dagger and rushes forward with the same fury and abandon as her creation towards a different target.


Seren attacks with Dagger - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Zombie attacks separate target - (2d6)

(32) = 5

May 30, 2023 3:01 am
While the cloud you stand on at this time, and have been digging though feels solid and blocks your sight you are aware from your earlier walk on the edge of the cloud that it is high in the sky with only other clouds and stormy sky underneath you. Ulkar moves to attack but is unable to stike the crackling elemental form.

As Seren completes the spell something that has never happened occurs. whisps of cloud and ice swirl together around the bones forming a rough form that Seren feels a connection with. The elemental zombie moves to engage the lightning elementals.
May 30, 2023 3:03 am
Now fully engaged the elementals arc on the party and Zombie, who is blasted to bits, leaving Ro to continue digging(?)


Elemental Attack vs Vlax Ulkar Seren Raggy zombie - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (42) = 6

2d6 : (43) = 7

2d6 : (24) = 6

2d6 : (11) = 2

2d6 : (55) = 10

May 30, 2023 3:49 am
Does Ro get two actions too? And does that mean two attacks are possible or just one?
May 30, 2023 4:03 am
Cursing, Seren makes two more quick cuts at the elemental with her dagger, hoping to end this quickly.


Attack with both actions - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (21) = 3

2d6 : (64) = 10

May 30, 2023 4:15 am
Ulkar slashes again twice.

gahd, who would have thought lightning entities would be so QUICK?!


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with kukri - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack same target - (2d6)

(46) = 10

May 30, 2023 4:18 am
Ro gets two actions, so yes two attacks are possible
As Seren slashes his elemental its form blurs, crackles, then explodes throwing him back with scorch marks all over his body.
Seren takes 2 more damage.
May 30, 2023 4:21 am
Raggy will instruct Ro to attack. He also will attack.


Raggy attack - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Ro attack - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Ro attack - (2d6)

(51) = 6

May 30, 2023 5:10 am
Not sure what else to do, and unsure if the digging was helpful or not, Vlax joins the fray. Taking up shoeld and sword he decides to charge the closest creature swinging and blocking.


Attack - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Evade - (2d6)

(52) = 7

May 30, 2023 1:00 pm
Oof! Watch out! The explode so try to finish them from range!
May 31, 2023 1:48 am
You lay into the elementals and cause most to destabilize. The result is a chain reaction causing lighnint to arc between all the elementals and crawling over you as well. But this only lasts a moment before they simualtaniously explode in a massive burst of electricity and boom of thunder. You are flung about wildly and the wolrd faids to chaos, pain, and darkness.
May 31, 2023 1:53 am
[ +- ] Raggy & Seren
[ +- ] Vlax & Ulkar
The two pairs of scouts are reunited in a thick fog bank in the midst of a violent storm. Two, Raggy and Seren looking a bit panicked while Vlax and Ulkar are more confused and unfortunate on the storm.

Suddnly your vision blurs and waves of dissyness and a headache cause you to stagger as memories of something that hasn't happend are trying to add themselves to your mind.

You are back to when the two groups first met but remembre everything that "happened" in the furure where you ran to follow the divination.
Have fun with the do over
May 31, 2023 1:57 am
"Wow! Someone here is not as they appear, and they have an ability that I'm familiar with. Let us not discuss it now, we have seconds ....but we were given the unique foresight into what is about to happen and we must change our path immediately. I suggest we flee, and in a much different direction" Vlax says trying to recall.
realistically, this is about the time I was driving and trying to join the game, so I'm not real sure of what was happening at the time this started. Someone else who's been in this campaign longer should make absolutely sure we take a different path here.
May 31, 2023 3:32 am
Ulkar looks up at Vlax as he speaks, grasping his head with one hand and closing the other eye in a wince.

Ah geez, what . . . happened? You guys are feeling that too? It was when those things all went down, them being together caused all sorts of bad. I agree, lets head a different direction to look for a way back to our dimension and if we come across those things, keep range and keep them separated.
May 31, 2023 4:01 am
Raggy staggering and calming Ro takes a second to come to action. Yes a different direction I agree
May 31, 2023 3:17 pm
You move of in another direction, still peeled by rain and strung winds. After searching for a will guided by Vlax and Seren who both seem to have a 6th send on certain things. After suffering for about an hour you find yourself on solid ground with rocks, bushes and trees. The storm is still raging and the wagons are bouquets to be seen.

what's next? Continue searching or wait out the storm? How are you going whatever you decide to do?
May 31, 2023 3:39 pm
Look girl solid ground Raggy says to Ro. Lets find a over handing or a big tree to ride this storm out in. Its impossible to track in this. We might get more lost. Raggy looks for a good place.
Last edited May 31, 2023 3:40 pm


Looking for somewhere to ride out storm with focus - (3d6)

(464) = 14

May 31, 2023 10:22 pm
That may be best, assuming the storm will even end. We're crossing over with the air plane right? Maybe its always this stormy there.
Experiencing a time loop or whatever that was is very unsettling to Seren. She has never known time to wrap back in on it self like that. Her companions notice that she becomes pensive for quite a while while she tries to deal with this new information.
May 31, 2023 10:23 pm
Psybermagi, I made the assumption that we have a general understanding of the Shattering. If thays not the case, i can run it back.
May 31, 2023 10:52 pm
Everyone knows the Shattering "broke" the world and it involves the outer planes. Beyond that what a character knows depends on background, proficiencies, etc
Jun 1, 2023 1:20 am
Ulkar looks around at the ground the group had found. While following Raggy towards the place he'd found to shelter at, he is trying his hardest to discern whether they're back in the mortal realm or still in the plane of air.

Maybe this is still the plane of air. I mean, there's some solid ground in the plane right?
[ +- ] Perceptive


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - Perceptive Trait to discern which plane we're in - (3d6)

(344) = 11

Jun 1, 2023 3:13 am
When time is not an issue I usually assume any serious undertaking is "Focused" on before performed. Focused improves the odds of succeeding on a test by reducing the required roll from a 5 to a 4. So those two 4's count as a success
You are definitely in the Mortal Lands, you think. The storm has lingering traces of the Border, where the Mortal Realms leak influence from the outer planes. You now come to think of what you just went through as a Border Storm and fervently hope it does not become a regular occurrence.

You are all exhausted and nauseous from crossing planar borders twice, entering the plane of storms and leaving it. Crowding into the little dryness you managed to find you huddle for warmth, sharing blankets and cloaks. Ro becomes everyone's favorite neighbor as his thick fur even out does Raggy's for keeping him warm while wet. You arrange a rough watch and try to sleep. But with the storm and nausea this become difficult for any, except of course for the one who is actually supposed to be alert and on watch.

You wake in the morning to find Ro gone, Raggy knows he has gone to hunt. Likely To stayed up all night to watch over you as you all fell to slumber somehow through the storm. Other than being cold, wet, and hungry it is a beautiful morning. Morning people instantly become happy and expressive while everyone else grumbles about getting dry and fed.
Jun 1, 2023 3:35 am
I'll go see what Ro has found to eat and see if I can hunt.
Jun 1, 2023 3:45 am
As the others awake, Seren is hunched over a pot simmering above the flames. She rose a little earlier to gather some herbs and other such ingredients to prepare a tea. It's sweet and warming, the inclusion of willow bark eases some of the stiffness out of everyone's joints.

Once the party had drunk and eaten there fill, and dried damp clothes around the morning fire. She suggests a path forward.
Perhaps we should return to the caravan. If any of it remains, we'll still have a job to do. And there may be other survivors.

Those who notice such things will see that she doesn't look anywhere in particular, just sort of stares into the middle distance. The events of the Border Storm have left her shaken.
how do i add those little dropdown attachments, like in Ulkar's post and perceptiveness?


Divination trait, each day roll 2d6. Use that roll in place of another - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jun 1, 2023 4:10 am
Marmy49 says:
how do i add those little dropdown attachments, like in Ulkar's post and perceptiveness?
See Here
Jun 1, 2023 6:33 am
Ulkar rises to his feet, and twists around each direction to pop his back.

Wow! That coulda been a lot worse, huh guys? Just never know what you'll find out here. Have any of you guys ever been through anything like THAT?!

He walks over to Saren's fire and what she's cooking.

that smells great.thanks for cooking. Hopefully this gets us all moving along like you said we should. Not sure how well we'd all fair on our own so getting back to the wagons surely will help us.

Ulkar sees Saren's stare into the distance. He walks up next to her, but doesn't talk. Just standing nearby while sipping his bowl so she knows she's not alone.
Jun 1, 2023 12:39 pm
Vlax sits awkwardly quiet through the meal and doesn't add much. He seems to spend most of his time trying to dry various layers of his clothing, cycling them off and on, after having placed them for a bit of time into a position near the fire or over a rock. To the proposition of returning to the caravan he offers only a nod of agreement.
Jun 1, 2023 1:22 pm
With the last adventure giving everyone a bear death experience everyone texts a bit differently but there is little to do but press on. After everyone is up and you share what little food you have. After a while Raggy returns with a brace of conies downed by his sling. Cooking those traits a bit longer allowing everyone to fully wake and wring dry as best they can they clothing.

You set out well over an hour after sunrise and it didn't take you long to find what is left of the wagon train. Several wagons are fine but a few of are a mix of shattered timber or toppled wrecks. The wagon master is calling orders trying to get things in order to set out. Upon seeing you he instantly orders you to go look for list people. No one has seen the mounted scouts since the storm hit and some people got lost in the storm last night. From what you can tell most, but not all, were pulled into the storm land you visited. Most made it back by simply waiting out the storm.

The two teams separate and begin to search the area for any survivors, or traces of them.

I want everyone to put forward an Obstacle the scouts may encounter and propose a Solution to someone else's Obstacle.
Jun 1, 2023 1:43 pm
Proposed obstacle:

A group of survivors are caught on the opposite side of a ravine. A huge rift in the earth was opened up by the storm, and most of their group are injured, having sustained electrical shocks and injury from wind blown obstacles. There does not appear to be an immediate way around the ravine.
Jun 1, 2023 1:54 pm
you can make use of your own character and their teammate to overcome obstacles but try to rely on and spotlight your own character
Teams of 2 : Raggy Seren / Vlax Ulkar
Jun 1, 2023 3:45 pm
Obstacle: Small family trapped under a large tree way too big for just 2-3 people to move.
Jun 1, 2023 3:51 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Proposed obstacle:

A group of survivors are caught on the opposite side of a ravine. A huge rift in the earth was opened up by the storm, and most of their group are injured, having sustained electrical shocks and injury from wind blown obstacles. There does not appear to be an immediate way around the ravine.
Raggy looks for a tree that will hold some rope. He ties one in to a rock and uses his sling to throw the end across. Some of the able body tie it to the tree. He repeats this process with another rope about 4-5 feet away. Using aditional rope and wood from the forest he attemtps to make the most primal version of a platform that they will hang from the rope and pull across.
Edit: I guess the dice gods loved my contraption idea haha.
Last edited June 1, 2023 3:52 pm


Finding trees. - (3d6)

(325) = 10

Building contraption - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jun 2, 2023 12:58 am
Raggy and Seren manage to help the wagon driver and guard who they find out belonged to the tumbled wagon. It had been picked up in the storm and the men grabbed each other as they were flung about. They landed in the clouds and were chased by some hail elementals util they fell off a cloud but somehow managed to survive the fall.. Both men are extreemly battered and the driver has a broken arm but with with some direction head back to the wagon train gratefulll to the duo for helping them.
Jun 2, 2023 1:57 am
The group of scouts find hpof tracks that lead into the forest. The tracks wind among the trees, occassionally looping in circles. Eventually you stumble upon the mounted scouts however, one pf them is pierced through the torso by a broken sapling which is still firmly attached to the ground. He is alive, but removing the sapling could change that
Trying to stay away from gore here while presenting a decent challenge. I hope this is within the guidelines
Jun 2, 2023 3:48 am
Mnrtoler says:
Obstacle: Small family trapped under a large tree way too big for just 2-3 people to move.
Leaning on his survivalist training Vlax searches for the items needed in a forest like setting to create a large lever. The same types of natural "machines" are useful in setting traps and snares, he just needs to work woth his partner to execute the same vision on a much larger scale. Wedges, fulcrum, bending over large trees a d using that perpetual energy to help lift.
using 3d6 because not sure if they apply, since his skillset trait is in use. if not, ignore the last die. If he can take time and focus, great. If they have been put here this long, maybe a little more time is ok.


Gathering items - (3d6)

(234) = 9

Building devices - (3d6)

(425) = 11

Jun 2, 2023 5:45 pm
Marmy49 says:
The group of scouts find hpof tracks that lead into the forest. The tracks wind among the trees, occassionally looping in circles. Eventually you stumble upon the mounted scouts however, one pf them is pierced through the torso by a broken sapling which is still firmly attached to the ground. He is alive, but removing the sapling could change that
Trying to stay away from gore here while presenting a decent challenge. I hope this is within the guidelines
Ulkar finds these scouts trying to figure out what to do. Using Ulkar's carpentry knowledge from his family trade, he understands just what it will take to get through the type of wood the sapling is made of so they can cut the sapling at it's base and on the other side of the scout's torso. Ulkar has no experience in healing so he wants to keep the scout and his new woodland friend stabilized and transport them back to the wagon train. Using some nails and a hammer that he has in his pouch he is able to fashion a rickety frame that will hold the scout on his mount while laying down and keep him from falling off or moving too much while they make their way back to a healer at the wagon train.
Jun 2, 2023 6:02 pm
Obstacle: Hearing someone calling for help the scouts follow the voice into the forest. They find a wagon, however it is suspended in thick tree branches about 10 feet off of the ground. Several trees standing next to each other have their branches interlocked between each other creating a bed that is just strong enough to hold the wagon up. Surprisingly the wagon appears to be intact and would work just fine if it was on the ground. The occupants have been able to climb down from the trees and climbing back up would be a generally safe thing to do as well. Getting this wagon back down and able to continue on the trail is essential to make up for all the wagons in the train that have been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Jun 2, 2023 8:21 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Leaning on his survivalist training Vlax searches for the items needed in a forest like setting to create a large lever. The same types of natural "machines" are useful in setting traps and snares, he just needs to work woth his partner to execute the same vision on a much larger scale. Wedges, fulcrum, bending over large trees a d using that perpetual energy to help lift.
Vlax manages to find materials and build a working lever systems freeing the captives. The family has a tale of woe about how the storm washed over them and they were immediately beset by tiny tornados that chased them through the clouds after tearing their wagon apart. With the family so badly shaken Vlax and Ulkar are escorting them back when they find the scouts tracks.
GooberMcSnorford says:
Ulkar finds these scouts trying to figure out what to do. Using Ulkar's carpentry knowledge from his family trade, he understands just what it will take to get through the type of wood the sapling is made of so they can cut the sapling at it's base and on the other side of the scout's torso. Ulkar has no experience in healing so he wants to keep the scout and his new woodland friend stabilized and transport them back to the wagon train. Using some nails and a hammer that he has in his pouch he is able to fashion a rickety frame that will hold the scout on his mount while laying down and keep him from falling off or moving too much while they make their way back to a healer at the wagon train.
Ulkar spends time and care to ensure the wounded scout moves as little as possible. The families mother steps up to chatter with the guard and hold his hand to distract and comfort him as each cut to the tree drains him of color. Eventually the party makes it back to the wagon train where the guard is looked to and given what medicines are on hand.
Jun 2, 2023 8:22 pm
@Marmy49 That leaves Seren with proposing a solution to the wagon up the tree
Jun 3, 2023 1:23 am
[ +- ] Situation
Oh boy
Seren, along with Raggy and Ro, gathers several lengths of rope, a couple axes or saws, and as many strong people as can help. Her plan is to climb up and tie the ropes onto the cart as pulleys before removing branches a one or two at a time until the cart can be lowered by all the volunteers.


Finding rope, rolling for degree of success or failure - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Cutting branches in an appropriate pattern to keep the cart relatively balanced - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Not falling out of the tree when the cart breaks loose - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Jun 3, 2023 1:50 pm
The wagon landing project ends up taking up much of the day. Unfortunately as the limbs are cut away and the wagon lowered it slips the last couple of feet and lands with a thud and crack. One of the wheels snapped off the axle at it hit the uneven ground. Luckily a broken axle is a planned on emergency and the wagon master soon has a spare in place and his men replace the wheel.

After a miserable night and a hard days work everyone from the wagon train is accounted for, but not without injury or fatality. The following morning the wagons set out again but late in the morning and only for half a day. The comrade of the scouts having come through the Border Storm together as well as the respect you now feel from the grateful people of the wagons has given you all a boost in you confidence and abilities.

Everyone can add either a new Trait or gained weapon mastery of your primary weapon. Weapon mastery lets you attack with 3d6
Post details and questions to you personal character threads
We will move the story along on Monday
Jun 4, 2023 4:30 pm
Ragggy uses the down time to practice his new trap master skills. Setting and disarming traps. Even using some to try to bring in some bigger animals for the caravan to eat. Everyone will need energy.
Jun 4, 2023 5:51 pm
Vlax also spends time practicing with a short bow he had recently acquired. Before now, he hadn't used it much, but it's time to refine that skill and at least become proficient. He sets up various targets at different ranges and tries to hone his accuracy.
Jun 5, 2023 1:09 pm
The wagon train continues on, with a wary eye on the weather, and you reach the expedition base. The entire wagon train is on high allert and moving as fast as possible the last day due to known antagonistic forces in the area and leave the hilly forest for a swamp before entering the safety of the base camp walls
Story moving to the BASE thread. Read the fist couple of entries and I wil set up the next stage after giving you a couple of options. Feel free to roll play as you enter or explore the base. Your arrival is noted here

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