what's next? Continue searching or wait out the storm? How are you going whatever you decide to do?
The wagon train
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May 31, 2023 3:17 pm
You move of in another direction, still peeled by rain and strung winds. After searching for a will guided by Vlax and Seren who both seem to have a 6th send on certain things. After suffering for about an hour you find yourself on solid ground with rocks, bushes and trees. The storm is still raging and the wagons are bouquets to be seen.
what's next? Continue searching or wait out the storm? How are you going whatever you decide to do?
what's next? Continue searching or wait out the storm? How are you going whatever you decide to do?
May 31, 2023 3:39 pm
Look girl solid ground Raggy says to Ro. Lets find a over handing or a big tree to ride this storm out in. Its impossible to track in this. We might get more lost. Raggy looks for a good place.
Last edited May 31, 2023 3:40 pm
Looking for somewhere to ride out storm with focus - (3d6)
(464) = 14
May 31, 2023 10:22 pm
That may be best, assuming the storm will even end. We're crossing over with the air plane right? Maybe its always this stormy there.
Experiencing a time loop or whatever that was is very unsettling to Seren. She has never known time to wrap back in on it self like that. Her companions notice that she becomes pensive for quite a while while she tries to deal with this new information.
Experiencing a time loop or whatever that was is very unsettling to Seren. She has never known time to wrap back in on it self like that. Her companions notice that she becomes pensive for quite a while while she tries to deal with this new information.
May 31, 2023 10:23 pm
Psybermagi, I made the assumption that we have a general understanding of the Shattering. If thays not the case, i can run it back.May 31, 2023 10:52 pm
Everyone knows the Shattering "broke" the world and it involves the outer planes. Beyond that what a character knows depends on background, proficiencies, etcJun 1, 2023 1:20 am
Ulkar looks around at the ground the group had found. While following Raggy towards the place he'd found to shelter at, he is trying his hardest to discern whether they're back in the mortal realm or still in the plane of air.
Maybe this is still the plane of air. I mean, there's some solid ground in the plane right?
Maybe this is still the plane of air. I mean, there's some solid ground in the plane right?
[ +- ] Perceptive
You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep
Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - Perceptive Trait to discern which plane we're in - (3d6)
(344) = 11
Jun 1, 2023 3:13 am
When time is not an issue I usually assume any serious undertaking is "Focused" on before performed. Focused improves the odds of succeeding on a test by reducing the required roll from a 5 to a 4. So those two 4's count as a success You are all exhausted and nauseous from crossing planar borders twice, entering the plane of storms and leaving it. Crowding into the little dryness you managed to find you huddle for warmth, sharing blankets and cloaks. Ro becomes everyone's favorite neighbor as his thick fur even out does Raggy's for keeping him warm while wet. You arrange a rough watch and try to sleep. But with the storm and nausea this become difficult for any, except of course for the one who is actually supposed to be alert and on watch.
You wake in the morning to find Ro gone, Raggy knows he has gone to hunt. Likely To stayed up all night to watch over you as you all fell to slumber somehow through the storm. Other than being cold, wet, and hungry it is a beautiful morning. Morning people instantly become happy and expressive while everyone else grumbles about getting dry and fed.
Jun 1, 2023 3:45 am
As the others awake, Seren is hunched over a pot simmering above the flames. She rose a little earlier to gather some herbs and other such ingredients to prepare a tea. It's sweet and warming, the inclusion of willow bark eases some of the stiffness out of everyone's joints.
Once the party had drunk and eaten there fill, and dried damp clothes around the morning fire. She suggests a path forward.
Perhaps we should return to the caravan. If any of it remains, we'll still have a job to do. And there may be other survivors.
Those who notice such things will see that she doesn't look anywhere in particular, just sort of stares into the middle distance. The events of the Border Storm have left her shaken.
Once the party had drunk and eaten there fill, and dried damp clothes around the morning fire. She suggests a path forward.
Perhaps we should return to the caravan. If any of it remains, we'll still have a job to do. And there may be other survivors.
Those who notice such things will see that she doesn't look anywhere in particular, just sort of stares into the middle distance. The events of the Border Storm have left her shaken.
how do i add those little dropdown attachments, like in Ulkar's post and perceptiveness?Rolls
Divination trait, each day roll 2d6. Use that roll in place of another - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Jun 1, 2023 4:10 am
Marmy49 says:
how do i add those little dropdown attachments, like in Ulkar's post and perceptiveness?Jun 1, 2023 6:33 am
Ulkar rises to his feet, and twists around each direction to pop his back.
Wow! That coulda been a lot worse, huh guys? Just never know what you'll find out here. Have any of you guys ever been through anything like THAT?!
He walks over to Saren's fire and what she's cooking.
that smells great.thanks for cooking. Hopefully this gets us all moving along like you said we should. Not sure how well we'd all fair on our own so getting back to the wagons surely will help us.
Ulkar sees Saren's stare into the distance. He walks up next to her, but doesn't talk. Just standing nearby while sipping his bowl so she knows she's not alone.
Wow! That coulda been a lot worse, huh guys? Just never know what you'll find out here. Have any of you guys ever been through anything like THAT?!
He walks over to Saren's fire and what she's cooking.
that smells great.thanks for cooking. Hopefully this gets us all moving along like you said we should. Not sure how well we'd all fair on our own so getting back to the wagons surely will help us.
Ulkar sees Saren's stare into the distance. He walks up next to her, but doesn't talk. Just standing nearby while sipping his bowl so she knows she's not alone.
Jun 1, 2023 12:39 pm
Vlax sits awkwardly quiet through the meal and doesn't add much. He seems to spend most of his time trying to dry various layers of his clothing, cycling them off and on, after having placed them for a bit of time into a position near the fire or over a rock. To the proposition of returning to the caravan he offers only a nod of agreement.
Jun 1, 2023 1:22 pm
With the last adventure giving everyone a bear death experience everyone texts a bit differently but there is little to do but press on. After everyone is up and you share what little food you have. After a while Raggy returns with a brace of conies downed by his sling. Cooking those traits a bit longer allowing everyone to fully wake and wring dry as best they can they clothing.
You set out well over an hour after sunrise and it didn't take you long to find what is left of the wagon train. Several wagons are fine but a few of are a mix of shattered timber or toppled wrecks. The wagon master is calling orders trying to get things in order to set out. Upon seeing you he instantly orders you to go look for list people. No one has seen the mounted scouts since the storm hit and some people got lost in the storm last night. From what you can tell most, but not all, were pulled into the storm land you visited. Most made it back by simply waiting out the storm.
The two teams separate and begin to search the area for any survivors, or traces of them.
I want everyone to put forward an Obstacle the scouts may encounter and propose a Solution to someone else's Obstacle.
You set out well over an hour after sunrise and it didn't take you long to find what is left of the wagon train. Several wagons are fine but a few of are a mix of shattered timber or toppled wrecks. The wagon master is calling orders trying to get things in order to set out. Upon seeing you he instantly orders you to go look for list people. No one has seen the mounted scouts since the storm hit and some people got lost in the storm last night. From what you can tell most, but not all, were pulled into the storm land you visited. Most made it back by simply waiting out the storm.
The two teams separate and begin to search the area for any survivors, or traces of them.
I want everyone to put forward an Obstacle the scouts may encounter and propose a Solution to someone else's Obstacle.
Jun 1, 2023 1:43 pm
Proposed obstacle:A group of survivors are caught on the opposite side of a ravine. A huge rift in the earth was opened up by the storm, and most of their group are injured, having sustained electrical shocks and injury from wind blown obstacles. There does not appear to be an immediate way around the ravine.
Jun 1, 2023 1:54 pm
you can make use of your own character and their teammate to overcome obstacles but try to rely on and spotlight your own characterTeams of 2 : Raggy Seren / Vlax Ulkar
Jun 1, 2023 3:45 pm
Obstacle: Small family trapped under a large tree way too big for just 2-3 people to move. Jun 1, 2023 3:51 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Proposed obstacle:A group of survivors are caught on the opposite side of a ravine. A huge rift in the earth was opened up by the storm, and most of their group are injured, having sustained electrical shocks and injury from wind blown obstacles. There does not appear to be an immediate way around the ravine.
Edit: I guess the dice gods loved my contraption idea haha.Last edited June 1, 2023 3:52 pm
Finding trees. - (3d6)
(325) = 10
Building contraption - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Jun 2, 2023 12:58 am
Raggy and Seren manage to help the wagon driver and guard who they find out belonged to the tumbled wagon. It had been picked up in the storm and the men grabbed each other as they were flung about. They landed in the clouds and were chased by some hail elementals util they fell off a cloud but somehow managed to survive the fall.. Both men are extreemly battered and the driver has a broken arm but with with some direction head back to the wagon train gratefulll to the duo for helping them.
Jun 2, 2023 1:57 am
The group of scouts find hpof tracks that lead into the forest. The tracks wind among the trees, occassionally looping in circles. Eventually you stumble upon the mounted scouts however, one pf them is pierced through the torso by a broken sapling which is still firmly attached to the ground. He is alive, but removing the sapling could change thatOOC:
Trying to stay away from gore here while presenting a decent challenge. I hope this is within the guidelinesJun 2, 2023 3:48 am
Mnrtoler says:
Obstacle: Small family trapped under a large tree way too big for just 2-3 people to move. OOC:
using 3d6 because not sure if they apply, since his skillset trait is in use. if not, ignore the last die. If he can take time and focus, great. If they have been put here this long, maybe a little more time is ok.Rolls
Gathering items - (3d6)
(234) = 9
Building devices - (3d6)
(425) = 11
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