The wagon train
In Play by Post it is always better to do too much than too little.
None of you have any combat skills that allow 3d6 at this time, only traits and trades that allow advantage.
That said, if you roll too much I will point this out and then read them left to right and drop unneeded rolls
@GooberMcSnorford just post what you are doing and intend to do and I will let you know the results.
My rule is characters can TRY any thing, not saying it will work but go ahead and try
I am assuming Ulkar is just full on digging
Alright everyone, things go real South here, we can jump down the hole and see if that's any better than what's in front of us. Maybe falling onto a cloud is as soft as I'm hoping
Ulkar then steps up to one of the forms and slashes across them twice hoping he can have some kind of effect on it.
Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with light weapon - (2d6)
(24) = 6
Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with light weapon, same target - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Creatures of flesh and bone! Hear my voice! Arise to aid me!.
She releases the magic and the bones scatter before her...
Raise Undead - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Seren attacks with Dagger - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Zombie attacks separate target - (2d6)
(32) = 5
As Seren completes the spell something that has never happened occurs. whisps of cloud and ice swirl together around the bones forming a rough form that Seren feels a connection with. The elemental zombie moves to engage the lightning elementals.
Now fully engaged the elementals arc on the party and Zombie, who is blasted to bits, leaving Ro to continue digging(?)
Elemental Attack vs Vlax Ulkar Seren Raggy zombie - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (42) = 6
2d6 : (43) = 7
2d6 : (24) = 6
2d6 : (11) = 2
2d6 : (55) = 10
Attack with both actions - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (21) = 3
2d6 : (64) = 10
gahd, who would have thought lightning entities would be so QUICK?!
Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack with kukri - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - attack same target - (2d6)
(46) = 10
Seren takes 2 more damage.
Raggy attack - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Ro attack - (2d6)
(55) = 10
Ro attack - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Attack - (2d6)
(26) = 8
Evade - (2d6)
(52) = 7
You doing still seems solid but not quite feeling safe yet you press on a bit further
The weather held off till past mid day when Vlax suddenly felt the urgent drive to regroup. And then the rain struck. Moving quickly to return to the wagons you are knocked off your feet by a violent thunderclap.
As you clamber to your feet you are a bit somewhat to find mist in the storm reducing visibility even further. The wagons were just a minute away when the thunder struck but not the train and mist obscured everything. Hurried footsteps begins you cause you to turn...
Suddnly your vision blurs and waves of dissyness and a headache cause you to stagger as memories of something that hasn't happend are trying to add themselves to your mind.
You are back to when the two groups first met but remembre everything that "happened" in the furure where you ran to follow the divination.
Have fun with the do over
Ah geez, what . . . happened? You guys are feeling that too? It was when those things all went down, them being together caused all sorts of bad. I agree, lets head a different direction to look for a way back to our dimension and if we come across those things, keep range and keep them separated.