The wagon train

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Jun 2, 2023 5:45 pm
Marmy49 says:
The group of scouts find hpof tracks that lead into the forest. The tracks wind among the trees, occassionally looping in circles. Eventually you stumble upon the mounted scouts however, one pf them is pierced through the torso by a broken sapling which is still firmly attached to the ground. He is alive, but removing the sapling could change that
Trying to stay away from gore here while presenting a decent challenge. I hope this is within the guidelines
Ulkar finds these scouts trying to figure out what to do. Using Ulkar's carpentry knowledge from his family trade, he understands just what it will take to get through the type of wood the sapling is made of so they can cut the sapling at it's base and on the other side of the scout's torso. Ulkar has no experience in healing so he wants to keep the scout and his new woodland friend stabilized and transport them back to the wagon train. Using some nails and a hammer that he has in his pouch he is able to fashion a rickety frame that will hold the scout on his mount while laying down and keep him from falling off or moving too much while they make their way back to a healer at the wagon train.
Jun 2, 2023 6:02 pm
Obstacle: Hearing someone calling for help the scouts follow the voice into the forest. They find a wagon, however it is suspended in thick tree branches about 10 feet off of the ground. Several trees standing next to each other have their branches interlocked between each other creating a bed that is just strong enough to hold the wagon up. Surprisingly the wagon appears to be intact and would work just fine if it was on the ground. The occupants have been able to climb down from the trees and climbing back up would be a generally safe thing to do as well. Getting this wagon back down and able to continue on the trail is essential to make up for all the wagons in the train that have been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Jun 2, 2023 8:21 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Leaning on his survivalist training Vlax searches for the items needed in a forest like setting to create a large lever. The same types of natural "machines" are useful in setting traps and snares, he just needs to work woth his partner to execute the same vision on a much larger scale. Wedges, fulcrum, bending over large trees a d using that perpetual energy to help lift.
Vlax manages to find materials and build a working lever systems freeing the captives. The family has a tale of woe about how the storm washed over them and they were immediately beset by tiny tornados that chased them through the clouds after tearing their wagon apart. With the family so badly shaken Vlax and Ulkar are escorting them back when they find the scouts tracks.
GooberMcSnorford says:
Ulkar finds these scouts trying to figure out what to do. Using Ulkar's carpentry knowledge from his family trade, he understands just what it will take to get through the type of wood the sapling is made of so they can cut the sapling at it's base and on the other side of the scout's torso. Ulkar has no experience in healing so he wants to keep the scout and his new woodland friend stabilized and transport them back to the wagon train. Using some nails and a hammer that he has in his pouch he is able to fashion a rickety frame that will hold the scout on his mount while laying down and keep him from falling off or moving too much while they make their way back to a healer at the wagon train.
Ulkar spends time and care to ensure the wounded scout moves as little as possible. The families mother steps up to chatter with the guard and hold his hand to distract and comfort him as each cut to the tree drains him of color. Eventually the party makes it back to the wagon train where the guard is looked to and given what medicines are on hand.
Jun 2, 2023 8:22 pm
@Marmy49 That leaves Seren with proposing a solution to the wagon up the tree
Jun 3, 2023 1:23 am
[ +- ] Situation
Oh boy
Seren, along with Raggy and Ro, gathers several lengths of rope, a couple axes or saws, and as many strong people as can help. Her plan is to climb up and tie the ropes onto the cart as pulleys before removing branches a one or two at a time until the cart can be lowered by all the volunteers.


Finding rope, rolling for degree of success or failure - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Cutting branches in an appropriate pattern to keep the cart relatively balanced - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Not falling out of the tree when the cart breaks loose - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Jun 3, 2023 1:50 pm
The wagon landing project ends up taking up much of the day. Unfortunately as the limbs are cut away and the wagon lowered it slips the last couple of feet and lands with a thud and crack. One of the wheels snapped off the axle at it hit the uneven ground. Luckily a broken axle is a planned on emergency and the wagon master soon has a spare in place and his men replace the wheel.

After a miserable night and a hard days work everyone from the wagon train is accounted for, but not without injury or fatality. The following morning the wagons set out again but late in the morning and only for half a day. The comrade of the scouts having come through the Border Storm together as well as the respect you now feel from the grateful people of the wagons has given you all a boost in you confidence and abilities.

Everyone can add either a new Trait or gained weapon mastery of your primary weapon. Weapon mastery lets you attack with 3d6
Post details and questions to you personal character threads
We will move the story along on Monday
Jun 4, 2023 4:30 pm
Ragggy uses the down time to practice his new trap master skills. Setting and disarming traps. Even using some to try to bring in some bigger animals for the caravan to eat. Everyone will need energy.
Jun 4, 2023 5:51 pm
Vlax also spends time practicing with a short bow he had recently acquired. Before now, he hadn't used it much, but it's time to refine that skill and at least become proficient. He sets up various targets at different ranges and tries to hone his accuracy.
Jun 5, 2023 1:09 pm
The wagon train continues on, with a wary eye on the weather, and you reach the expedition base. The entire wagon train is on high allert and moving as fast as possible the last day due to known antagonistic forces in the area and leave the hilly forest for a swamp before entering the safety of the base camp walls
Story moving to the BASE thread. Read the fist couple of entries and I wil set up the next stage after giving you a couple of options. Feel free to roll play as you enter or explore the base. Your arrival is noted here

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