OK. We will come with you, to avoid missunderstandings
You start heading back with the kobolds trailing behind about 60'. In a couple of minutes you see the wagons and quickly make contact with the other adventurers and pass the word that these kobolds are here to negotiate but to watch out for more.

Markham Southwell
Markham, the caravan master, is not happy about payingbut conceeds it is likely better than having to skirmish who knows how many of the kobolds all the way to the expedition base camp. H goes back out with you to where the kobolds waited and counts out the coin after getting and oath of conduct on thei "Great Ancestor" which seems to iritate the shield bearer but reausres Markham. Though he doesn't like the idea of you heading off with the kobods he thinks it may well be agood thing, as long as you return. He spends a few frantic moments trying to pump you full of all the dragon lore he know about dealing with. Mostly it involves showing respect, a bit of fear but not too much, and focusing on not offending the dragon while making no promises you cant keep as the expedition may simply write you off as lost. As you and Grund head out he reitterates he most important thing is to come back and even covertly hands you a small pouch of semi precious gems to gift to the beast.