The wagon train

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Nov 11, 2022 6:09 pm
Eddisham studies the scene. Good day, he says with what he hopes is a polite tone. We're passing through. Is that ok?


Check DC: 5 - Basic - observe scene - (2d6)




Nov 12, 2022 1:40 pm
As you watch the kobolds you notice one of those to the side glancing back into the woods.
The Shield Bearer , who is bigger than the others, answers in a hissing and growling choice This depends on where you go and what you want. Our great lord and ancestor claims this land but cares little for vermin who infest it. He demands a tithe. Any who refuse are his enemy, and so ours as well!
Nov 13, 2022 1:20 pm
What's the tithe? asks Eddisham with a pragmatic tone.



Nov 14, 2022 1:56 pm
The kobold looks at the pair of you and exclaims in a domineering tone The great ancestor is benevolent and only requires your to return to him half of what you take from his lands! You should be grateful of his leniency in allowing you to work his lands. But for now, a good piece each.
This little speech seems to both delight and confuse the other Kobolds as you note several with confused expressions any time he uses multisyllabic words. But at the mention of gold all smile, showing sharp fangs in grins of glee.
Nov 14, 2022 6:08 pm
We'll return to our host and discuss this, Eddisham says confidently. Farewell for now, new friends.

He takes a few steps backward from the kobolds, and taps Grund's arm to indicate that the bear man should come with him.
Nov 14, 2022 6:50 pm
The kobold glares as your begin retreating and raises a hand but a snapped command from from the brush behind makes him freeze.
The sixth kobold you expected to see, this one in robes, steps into sight. He looks at you then back the way you came and asks You travel with others?
Nov 14, 2022 10:34 pm
Yep, Eddisham says cheerfully. Many more than your group.
Nov 14, 2022 10:34 pm
A few of them are watching us, right now, he adds helpfully.



Nov 14, 2022 11:31 pm
The other Kobolds look around nervously but the shield bearer and mage seem unfazed, mostly. The two leaders have a quick and quiet consultation then the mage speaks up.
Very good. We had some contact with earlier people who came here but they never showed proper respect or paid the expected tithe. We will take a token payment of 1 copper per person plus 1 silver per vehicle or 1 copper per pack animal. We will escort you through our territory so the many other Kobolds will cause no trouble for you. However one of your group must come to meet the ancestor to explain to him this transgression.
As he talks to you the shield bearer give a couple quick commands and two of the kobolds turned and quickly set of into different directions.
Nov 15, 2022 12:08 am
That sounds completely reasonable, Eddisham responds. Grund, can you inform the caravan of this decision please? I will go to meet the ancestor.



Nov 15, 2022 1:01 am
Looking over the Little dragonoids he mumbles Um, you sure you don't want to wait a bit and we both go? Like after we check with the caravan? The boys likes is too stay with our partners.. You can tell he is unsure what to do with conflicting orders and you can push and likely send him away now
Nov 15, 2022 1:25 am
No, yes, that's a good point, Eddisham reassures Grund. Listen, friends, he turns to the kobolds, my old friend here, he wants us to stick together. We'll go back and talk to our main group and then the two of us will meet you here to go see the ancestor. Sound good?
Nov 15, 2022 2:00 am
OK. We will come with you, to avoid missunderstandings
You start heading back with the kobolds trailing behind about 60'. In a couple of minutes you see the wagons and quickly make contact with the other adventurers and pass the word that these kobolds are here to negotiate but to watch out for more.
Markham Southwell
Markham, the caravan master, is not happy about payingbut conceeds it is likely better than having to skirmish who knows how many of the kobolds all the way to the expedition base camp. H goes back out with you to where the kobolds waited and counts out the coin after getting and oath of conduct on thei "Great Ancestor" which seems to iritate the shield bearer but reausres Markham. Though he doesn't like the idea of you heading off with the kobods he thinks it may well be agood thing, as long as you return. He spends a few frantic moments trying to pump you full of all the dragon lore he know about dealing with. Mostly it involves showing respect, a bit of fear but not too much, and focusing on not offending the dragon while making no promises you cant keep as the expedition may simply write you off as lost. As you and Grund head out he reitterates he most important thing is to come back and even covertly hands you a small pouch of semi precious gems to gift to the beast.
Nov 15, 2022 2:11 am
Your course seems to paralell the path you planned for the wagon for about an hour though you notice you are tending more towards the south. You begin winding you way through thicker and larger marshes untli at last you aproach a hill surounded by thick bog that the kobolds seem to know quite well. It is at this point that you start noticing more kobolds though Grund says he spotted a few earlier on. Once you set foot on the solig ground of the large hill you realize this is no small band of kobolds. Estimating based on the camps you see there are likely several hundred kolbolds camped at the base of the hill.
The trail you folow winds though several camps, with Kobolds hissing in supprise or anger when they see you, then up the hill. Nearing the top you spot a large cavern surrounded by piles of rocks and dirt leading you to believe thie cave was excavated not too many seasons ago. At the mouth of the cave the mage instruct you to enter but warns No lights if you want to live.
The tunnel is steep, wide, and strait enough at first that the lack of additional light is not an issue. However the slight curve of the tunnel eventually puts you in near total darknes before you realize there are "Star Grub", a small worm like creature that gives off faint light in darkness, on the ceiling. With the "stars" lighting you way you continue decending until you reach a large cavern. The ceiling is too high to light much of the cavern floor but you are able to discern the cave floor is very uneven with mounds well over 20 though the size is hard to guage due to the poor light.
Nov 15, 2022 2:13 am
As you come to a stop and silence fills the cavern you notice a faint rhythmic low and slow sound of wind.
what would you like to do?
Nov 15, 2022 12:11 pm
Eddisham touches Grund's elbow. Steady, friend, he says quietly. Then he speaks more loudly. Oh great dragon, ancestor of kobolds, we are an elf and a bear man. We have come to greet you.
Nov 15, 2022 12:29 pm
At you words the breathing changes into a rumble that takes you a moment to recognize as laughter. Then a voice that goes strait to your mind and soul Though the kobolds may claim such as I as their ancestor, no dragon claims them as descendants. It isn't until this point that you realize the words are not in common, yet still understood. Why have you come to"greet" me little ones? A scraping sound is heard and you are suddenly shocked at the appearance of two great glowing eyes.
Give me a save to resist dragon charm


Grund Save Check DC:5 - charm - (2d6)


Nov 15, 2022 2:41 pm
Ah ... this is your land, it seemed polite to stop in and say hi, maybe ask if you'd like ... a present or something? Eddisham tries to sound confident but it doesn't quite work.


Check DC: 5 - Basic Save v Dragon Charm - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Nov 15, 2022 3:02 pm
As you speak you feel your mind growing hazy and lose yourself for a moment till Grund nudges you
would you like to try that save again using a foresight point?
Nov 15, 2022 3:07 pm
Yes! I have one point to spend today, so that's one additional d6.
Eddisham sighs. Things feel very confusing, lately.
Last edited Nov 15, 2022 3:08 pm


Check DC: 5 - spending a precog point - (1d6)


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