The wagon train

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May 23, 2023 5:14 pm
got my tearing up in 2 posts. Damn. Lol.
Seren sits, brow furrowed, for a long while. The the point where you're not sure she will respond.
Everything seems clearer out here. I have spent the last... well i dont know how long in the woods. Cities are to rigid, too noisy. Nothing can flow freely there. But the woods, they speak. You know what i mean. You hear them too.

Seren reaches into her pouch and grabs a handful of bones before scattering them unceremoniously at her feet. She gazes at them with intent, but by her body language she is still open to further conversation.


Divination, gleaning information about tomorrow's travels - (2d6)

(44) = 8

May 23, 2023 5:32 pm
Ro jumps to her feet thinking the bones are a treat, Wait girl! Raggy sits up to grab her. Those aren't for you. Here you go. He reaches in his pouch and pulls out a few rabbit bones to give Ro.
May 24, 2023 3:08 am
When you wake in the morning an unseasonal storm seems to be brewing and you ware cautioned to keep the wagons in sight.
Now before that storm turns our little dirt track into the worst mud pit within a thousand leagues I want to be as far along as possible! the wagon master shouts as you head out.
The wagons trundle along at a brisk walk you know the thoats will not be able to maintain all day. Your range ahead, but not too far and encounter nothing more dangerous than a squirl running for the next tree
[ +- ] Thoat
The morning wears on and the clouds get thicker and darker with the wind picking up. Just as you are deciding whether to go back to the wagons the world is shaken with a reverberating roar or thunder. Lightning illuminates the sky and you turn for the wagon, that are about a half mile behind you, and a horn starts sounding. Rain falls, instantly reducing visibility to yards only.....

What do you do?
May 24, 2023 4:19 am
Do we know what the horn mean?
May 24, 2023 4:39 am
May 24, 2023 5:07 am
Come on Ro! Raggy says and goes full sprint on all fours.
May 24, 2023 5:10 am
well, thw future was cloudy Seren chuckles to herself
Shouting over the whipping wind
I would prefer to take shelter and wait this out, but Len sounded the alarm and an ill wind is blowing. We should try and find our way back
To Raggy
can you lead? I'll take up the rear and keep an eye out overhead
Seren wrings her hands and scans the treetops for any branches that may break towards them.


Perception - (2d6)

(15) = 6

May 24, 2023 5:16 am
Yes just follow me and Ro girl. Raggy slows back to two legs forgetting himself and rudely trying to leave Seren alone. Any sigh of creatures?


Perception - (2d6)

(26) = 8

May 25, 2023 1:07 am
The pair of you begin to hustle back to the wagons. The rain is unrelenting and the wind is fiercely howling around you. Another crack of thunder directly overhead is so powerful it throws you to the ground. Staggering you rise to your feet deaf and nauseous for the power but move towards where the wagons should be. Suddenly Raggy realizes they are not running on dirt and grass anymore. Almost stumbling he calls out to Seren to look down. Below your feet are clouds. And though you can feel them supporting your weight you also see them shift and can even see through them where they become thin and wispy.

Fear grips you and you try to look around for anything more stable. You are standing on a cloud that is being shredded by the storm but a thicker patch is forwards to your left while below your thinning cloud you can see a larger cloud about 30 feet down that does not seem to be as affected by the violent winds. If you run back the way you came you will be over the larger cloud.

What do you do?
A Retreat to stay over the lower large and stable cloud
B Run towards the thicker stable central portion of your current cloud
C Other
May 25, 2023 1:33 am
Raggy sees no reason to continue forward anymore. Stability is more important. He whistles to Ro and points at the cloud. Reaching out for Seren, Seren! Fall back to safety! Large cloud behind us! If she turns he runs for the safety of the large cloud.
May 25, 2023 12:36 pm
I usually will let democracy + common sence run small groups to keep things moving. So groups of 4 are directed by actions with 2 votes and your group of 2 can be steered by eithr of you. Let me know if you want me to wait for both of you.
In the meantime some claification

The larger cloud does look much safer but retreating to it would require leaving your currently diminishing cloud and either jumping or falling to the larger one. By lower I mean actually below your current cloud as seen through gaps in your crrent cloud as it is getting riped to shredds where you are and behind you.
May 25, 2023 2:54 pm
I want to wait this time. This is a crazy situationans i want to get Seren's full reaction. Plus maybe she has a better idea. How did you even come up with this? Haha
May 25, 2023 3:04 pm
if your read the setting info about the Shattering and the Borders this makes more sense. Basically the world was literally broken, with cracks to the Astral plane allowing other planar energy to leak into the Mortal Realm.
This storm is a new event you guys get to be the first to experience. Yeah you! One of the Borders collapsed but this caused a planar storm as the Border shrinks, like when two bubbles pop into each other, and your party got picked up in it. Welcome to the elemental plane of Air. Try not to get stuck there
May 25, 2023 3:18 pm
Oh cool! I'll have to read that. Sorry there was so much to read I was waiting for the game to start to know what to read and not for my character.
May 25, 2023 3:25 pm
No worries. I don't expect others to know all about the world built only in my head 😁
May 25, 2023 3:42 pm
This is so cool. And terrifying!
Where Raggy (perhaps rightly) sees the cloud crumbling before them, Seren looks and to her the wind is leaving them a path.
I think we should push forward! The only way out is to keep moving!
Realizing that time is short, if Raggy hesitates she'll stick with him. The only thing worse than getting lost, is getting lost alone.
May 25, 2023 3:49 pm
How well did Ro listen to me? Is she close enough to change course?
May 25, 2023 4:27 pm
Ro is pressing to Raggy's legs whimpering
forwards on this cloud +1 Seren
stay/backup & drop to bigger cloud +1? Raggy
The cloud will soon pick for you . . .
May 25, 2023 5:15 pm
Okay good.
Raggy will follow Seren into the winds of fate.
May 25, 2023 9:05 pm
[ +- ] Raggy & Seren
@DaChiefPI,@GooberMcSnorford you two were the other scouts for this caravan. Read the setup beginning here
[ +- ] Vlax & Ulkar
The two pairs of scouts are reunited in a thick fog bank in the midst of a violent storm. Two, Raggy and Seren looking a bit panicked while Vlax and Ulkar are more confused and unfortunate on the storm.

Go ahead and give a brief character description so everyone knows the others. You can also begin acting out the scene or let me know if there are any questions
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