The wagon train

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Nov 15, 2022 3:15 pm
Sometimes, a daring plan just ... doesn't go the way one hoped.
Nov 15, 2022 3:24 pm
You come out of the fogue with Grund looking oddly at you as you hear the dragon say Remember, the forces at work here are more than they seem.
Ware that you are not caught up in schemes beyond your ability. And warn those people not to get in my way.

With a grating of scale on stone you hear his bulk settle back.
You have been properly respectful and may ask a question now before taking your leave.. At this point you note the pouch of gems is no longer on your person.
Nov 15, 2022 3:34 pm
Your honor, it would be helpful to us if we knew what you intend to be doing around here. That would make it possible for us to stay out of your way.
Nov 15, 2022 5:11 pm
I am looking to stop certain parties who are imbalancing the realms. They do this by collecting ancient powerful magics best left alone. In simpler terms, if you find something that alters reality beyond what simple spells may do, leave it alone. If you inform me then I will reward you. If any take these or try to use them I will become very wroth with them!
Nov 15, 2022 9:05 pm
Eddisham blinks in surprise. That seems remarkably easy to comply with.
Nov 15, 2022 9:07 pm
He bows, and taps Grund on the elbow again. Let's leave the ancient to slumber a while. We should get back to the group and inform them of our conversation.
Once well outside the diggings, and away from kobolds, he will ask Grund what happened while he was entranced.



Nov 15, 2022 11:07 pm
As you leave you hear in your mind
Simple, yes. Curiosity and greed get more killed than common sense. See you keep your training in mind

Retracing your steps is the tunnel you step into daylight to a continent of Kobolds and dragonborn. Their expressions, what you can read of the reptilian faces, are a mixture of mild surprise, arrogance, hostility, and curiosity.
An old looking dragonborn steps forward and commands Present your weapon or spell hand. Doing so your hand is clasped by the dragonborn and you feel a slight burning on your palm. When you examine it you see what appears to be a blackened scar in the shape of a dragon.
Show this to any of the people of our ancestors when you wish to talk.

You are guided back out of the swamp via a different route leading NNE. Once out of the swamp your guides leave you. After several minutes hiking you ask Grund about what happened in the cave. He recounts how you talked for several minutes and seemed normal except you referred to the dragon as "My Lord" and gave rather detailed answers though nothing crucial.
Nov 15, 2022 11:22 pm
You continue north until you come across the tracks of the wagons and begin following these. As you walk you note that the mark on your hand no longer burns and looking at it are no longer able to see it. Casting a simple divination you detect the magic has sunk into your flesh. Presumably it will be visible again should you meet any of the dragons people. As you are simply folowing the wagon train tracks you make good time and look to have almost caught up when Grund grabs your arm and signals for quiet as he pulls you behind a nearby shrubery.



Nov 15, 2022 11:25 pm
Hey, Ed, how you feel about bringing in some meat?
pointing ahead and to the left you follow the gesture and spot a beast unfamiliar to you. There are several of them and range in size from a large dog to a small goat. The caravan has encouraged the scouts to hunt when the oportunity presents itself and Grund is obviously thinking of fresh meat for dinner instead of hard trail rations or flavorless stew, again.
Nov 16, 2022 1:17 am
Eddisham grins. Watch this trick, Grund, he says.

Reaching forth with his Spelltouched powers, he momentarily stops the heart of the goat-sized critter.
The Spelltouched ranged attack can do 1 point of damage. That should kill a Fodder type like a sheep.


Check DC: 5 - Basic Spelltouched attack - (2d6)


Nov 16, 2022 1:41 am
One of the smaller beasts suddenly collapses. The other beasts startle a bit then a nearby adult moves to investigate and nuzzles the fallen figure before bellowing in dismay. Soon the small heard moves off at a slow trot.
You recover the body and Grund cleans the carcass before your set out and sub catch up with the caravan
Nov 16, 2022 1:32 pm
The caravan master is glad to have you back but imediately sends you back to point to help find a way, anxious to rech base camp before nightfall. You encounter more strange large beasts some even largre (dinosaurs) before you reach a region with fewer an fewer hills endin in a swamp. You were told of this earlier and spend a bit of time finding a decent beach head where the wagonc can be rolled down into the river to finish the journey as boats goin up the slow river.
Nov 16, 2022 1:34 pm
Eddisham's story continues on the docks ink here
May 23, 2023 2:31 am
Raggy, Ro, and Seren
[ +- ] Recruitment
Seren has been paired with Raggy and Ro to try and balance a bit of mystic with the wild. Or at least that is what the wagon train leader said. You both think it has more to do with the fact you tend to make others nervous and they simply saw this as getting both of you away from the rest of them. The pair of you have been tasked with ranging ahead of the main group to scout out any potential troubles. The wagons have made this trek multiple times over the last couple of months so Len, the wagon master, if familiar with the route but he keeps grumbling about the increase in monster activity.

Introduce yourselves to each other and feel free to add to the story. If you have something beyond your character you want to add to the story then go ahead as long as it doesn't conflict with existing story content. I can make minor changes as needed to smooth any minor inconsistencies out.
May 23, 2023 2:32 am
@Marmy49,@Mnrtoler welcome to the story. Have fun
May 23, 2023 4:38 am
I'll skip the hi Im Raggy part and assume that already happened lol.
Raggy is a wolf beastfolk with his beautiful wolf companion Ro. The two are like a well oiled machine working to hunt and track anything of interest. This is anything from rabbits to monsters. Ro is more sneaky and stays in front, but informs Raggy of anything of importance.
Last edited May 23, 2023 1:40 pm
May 23, 2023 12:43 pm
_____________________ _____________________ Most of the trip has been through wooded hilly terrain with the road winding around larger hills. Your job mostly consists of looking for anything out of the ordinary. Ther are two other pairs of scouts with you to the front left and another to the front right of the road. The third pair is mounted and roves around the area maintaining contact with the scouts and wagon train.

As neither of you are unfamiliar with the wilds and often out on your own conversation has not interfered with listening to your surrounding but over the last couple od nights you have al least worked out a working understanding of each other.

Raggy's ocasional small kills have added fresh meat to the cooking pot of the wagon you join each night. This has brought you a bit more acceptance from the hard working drivers who are all too wiling to accept any variety to the preserved trail rations.
May 23, 2023 4:00 pm
Seren breathes deeply the scent of dark earth and admires the flora both familiar and new. She enjoys traveling with Raggy and Ro since they are also familiar with the wilds, much of their time together is spent listening and ranging across the trail.

Seeing how well, Raggy's contribution to the pot was recieved, Seren also gathers herbs and roots to add a little much needed flavor to the otherwise bland stews.

As night settles and the caravan gathers around the fire, Seeen gathers her cloak a little closer to her frame and takes in the smell of smoke and warmth of conversation, but rarely participates.
fate is a fickle friend.
She chews thoughtfully on a couple of mint leaves and aimlessly scratches Ro's ear.
if youre okay with that Mnrtoler.
May 23, 2023 4:33 pm
Sitting around the fire with a group enjoying his and Seren's contributions to the pot makes Raggy remember why he loved his job at home so much. Maybe it's the wolf in him, but making people happy made him happy. Almost as much as being in the woods. You like our new friend girl? Raggy says to Ro who looks like a lap dog laying beside Seren enjoying scratches. Someone might think you are a dog not a fearsome wolf acting like that. he chuckles at his on joke. I also have enjoyed your company Seren. The wilds seem to be your home also.
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