The wagon train

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May 25, 2023 9:26 pm
Vlax and Ulkar see three figures, a wolf, a wolf beastfolk, and what appears to be a fox beastfolk. Raggy, the wolf beastfolk, has Ro, the actual wolf whimper at his legs. He is got a hand on her to not loose track of her. Raggy is simple dressed in greens, browns, and grays. He loose fitting clothes flowing in the wind. Look Seren, people!!!
Sorry i havent had time to read your alls whod who post so I have no clue who I'm lookig at yet lol Nice to have you join the crazy train
May 26, 2023 1:07 am
Ulkar is a stocky human with curly dark hair and a soft face and stands 5'7". He dresses for practicality, but not as a woodsman or scout. There's little pockets all over his clothing giving him quick access to little tools and parts. He always seemed somewhat out of place being away from the group as a scout, but he hasn't shied away from work that needed to be done yet. Ulkar hears Raggy call out, squints his round eyes and puts his flattened hand along his brow as he looks into the fog bank to see the source of the sound.

Oh Gods! Vlax look! Someone else who's in just as much of a pickle. I like our odds more as a team of four than a pair.

Ulkar calls out to Raggy and Seren:
Ho! Any idea how to get back to the caravan?

Ulkar moves to the edge of the cloud he's on towards Raggy and Seren while waving a hand back and forth overhead.
May 26, 2023 2:31 am
As you pause for a moment winds continue buffeting you so hard you struggle to stand and have to shout to be heard. Lightning cuts the sky again so close that Raggy and Ro instantly increase their cuteness factor by 10 as all their hair stands on end and is tussled by the wind.
Psybermagi sent a note to DaChiefPI
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May 26, 2023 4:10 am
since I didn't really take an action yet I'll seize the liberty of posting again
Ulkar's eyes go wide and his brow raises as he says to himself
oh my, those beasties over there are extraordinarily cute right now

Ulkar shakes his head and looks around for either some peice of land, structure, or some indication where the planes seem to be crossing each other.


Ulkar: Test DC: 5 - Adv for perception trait - (3d6)

(333) = 9

May 26, 2023 1:13 pm
Remember you can spend a bit more time and focus on a test to pass on 4 or higher instead of the regular 5 or higher. Out of combat and find ensued situations i assume this is standard. As this is a stressful situation i will not assume that is the case.
No buildings of any kind are evident to your eyes nor any hints to the Border location or state
Hint, those with special sences or traits may discover more information . . .
May 26, 2023 2:11 pm
Seren takes a deep breath, smelling ozone and rain. She allows the roaring thunder and curling clouds to clear her mind.
After a moment she reaches into her pouch and draws out a dry leaf, crumbles it in her hand and releases the litter into the air. With slightly glowing eyes she will attempt to divine a path forward.
I would like to take time to improve my chances


Divination - (2d6)

(51) = 6

May 26, 2023 3:20 pm
Now that they found more people can are on solid cloud, Raggy will crouch down beside Ro to comfort her. As he sees Seren release crumbled leaf he would like to attempt to follow it to see if it follows a certain way in the wind.


Follow leaf with sight - (3d6)

(256) = 13

May 26, 2023 9:56 pm
The howling wind tears the leaf appart, scattering it evrywhere. Oddly though a few remanent, basically powder, seem to twist into a nearly hirzontal cyclone 1 inch wide that twist and winds away. After a few moment the tiny directional cyclone is also ripped apart but not before Raggy realized the direction it lead was slowly changing.
With Divination please specify what you are trying to detect. This is a basic maic skill that will result in simple phrases or single word equivalant answers. The vaguer the question the vaguer the answer. I am assuming the desire was for a path home at this time.
May 27, 2023 2:05 am
Ulkar catches sight of the remains of the leaf as it twirls and notices the unatural movement. He calls out to the others:

wha . . . What was that?!

He points in the direction of the leaf while starting into a jog in the direction it "pointed".

Did you do that? Do we . . . do we follow it?

Ulkar asks this but doesn't wait for a response. He starts bounding that way while looking back to see if the others follow as well.
May 27, 2023 4:13 am
I agree lets move. Raggy starts moving that direction
May 27, 2023 1:59 pm
Waiting on @DaChiefPI / Vlax to post but will move on by Monday either way
May 27, 2023 4:35 pm
I'm right behind you. But we should move as quickly as possible. There's no knowing if the path out of here will shift. Seren begins to jog along with Raggy and Ro.
May 27, 2023 4:45 pm
Your head in the direction the cyclone pointed out with Raggy in the lead. No sooner have you stepped out from the thick middle of the cloud then a lightning bolt strikes the could to your right. The following thunder is not nearly so deafening as you would expect for as close and thick as the lightning bolt was but you keep moving until a crackling sound causes you to turn and look where the bolt struck. Up out of the cloud rise 5 forms made of electrical arcs that advance towards you.
May 27, 2023 7:05 pm
If you guys can imagine it, or know who he is, Ulkar sounds like Paul Giamatti in stressful situations. lol
Those things do not look friendly. nothing has been friendly around here. Dang clouds are disappearing from under us, thunder trying to blow out my ears, and now the lighting wants to SHAKE MY HAND!! This is not what i joined this caravan for ladies and gentlemen! No sir!

Ulkar turns towards the figures, remaining in an athletic/crouched stance with empty hands, ready to move as he calls towards the figures in a pleading tone as if he's exhausted and had enough of today.

What do you want from us?! We don't even want to be here. We're just trying to get home!
May 27, 2023 10:36 pm
You fool! They want to hurt us. Don't stop unless you get injured! Stick together and keep moving
May 27, 2023 10:49 pm
Do we stand a chance outrunning lightning?? Still, Seren trusts Raggy's instincts and surges forward with him. However, she does double check that her dagger and and leather pouch are accessible.
Keep up fellows! Lets see if we can't put some distance between us and them
May 28, 2023 12:06 am
sorry possible day to start. I'm driving for 18 hours today. I've probably still got five or six more hours to go. Not a lot of time to read up on what's going on,

Please feel free to puppet Vlax if needed through the day. I most likely won't be able to stop long enough to read and catch up until tomorrow.
May 28, 2023 2:47 am
No problem, drive safe!
Ulkar sees Vlax doubled over grabbing at his ears. Thinking he's been deafened or otherwise confused, Ulkar grabs his partner's hand to pull him along with the rest of the group.

C'mon Vlax, stay with me, shake it off! Hopefully between us and our new friends we'll be able to find a way back
May 28, 2023 2:30 pm
Vlax is mature middle-aged adult human, and he wears what was once a fine tweed vest suit, now a bit tattered with small stitches and a few patches. It fits snugly over what looks like might be leather armor. A dark charcoal gray weathered cloak covers a belt full of pouches and pockets, bulging with trinkets and baubles. He has a shortsword sheated at oneside and a shield on on arm.

Shaking out of a sort of daze, he blurts out, "We gotta move. Away. Fast. Time for chit chat later." and he follows in behind the others.
been rp'ing for 40 years but my first game on thos platform, and new to this Tiny system, so lmk if there are conventions I should be using. Otherwise, I tend to just write narratively as if it were a novel.
May 29, 2023 12:51 am
The party moves towards the hope of salvations but apparently feet are not as fast as lighting. Each of the impromptu party is targeted by one of the elementals and the creatures pass right through each of you, including Ro. Somehow after arcing through the party the elementals end up surrounding the part like some sort of living electric fence about 10 feet from your party.

I need each of you to roll a Test Save (2d6) If you fail you are paralyzed and can only stumble a few feet and barely control your bodies from the electrical attack. If you succeed, by rolling at least 1 5 or 6, then you still only get 1 action instead of your normal 2
Psybermagi sent a note to DaChiefPI
PS. Don't worry, I am not trying to kill all the newcomers to make my gaming load easier. The thought never crossed my mind. I am sure there is something you can to to get out of this.
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