Nov 12, 2022 1:55 am

Welcome to The Borough! All the modern convention and convenience of modern city life, Quaint, friendly neighborhoods. Shopping, dining, parks, schools, offices. The perfect place!
Except, you're not supposed to be here. You had a different life. You are a hero, or were a hero in the place you came from. Here you seemed to be living a quiet "normal" life, until you woke up from that dream and the memories of your real life came flooding back.
In The Borough, everyone gets along. Everything is peaceful. Mutants, humans, inhumans, atlantean, all living side-by-side. Some of the faces you recognize. Some of the names are familiar but you never met them without a mask. Other heroes and villains living right next door to each other like they haven't been knocking each other's teeth out for years.
And it seems you're not the only one who has woken up to this fact. You thought you knew them, but each of them is slightly different. From another world. Can a group of variant heroes from across the multiverse band together and figure out what is going on?
Ok. I've been mulling this idea over in my head for a while and I'm ready to pull the trigger.
I'm recruiting 6 heroes to uncover the secrets of The Borough.
Someone or something is stealing variants from across the multiverse and depositing them in this "bottled-city" and erasing their memories, giving them false, mundane lives. Our chosen team have all woken from the idealic dream and have to work together to find out what is going on and how to get home. If they don't they risk a massive incursion that could destroy all realities
System: This game will be using the system often refered to as FASERIP. It's the first time I've ever tried running it, and I've only played it for about three hours total. So there will be a learning curve. Be gentle.
Adult Content: Marvel comic book style action is a given. There will be punching and shooting and the like. There will be scantily clad or tightly costumed individuals. I'm not saying "Comics Code Authority Approved" all the time, but we're going to veil the gratuitous stuff.
This game is LGBT+ friendly and welcoming to all marginalized groups.
Character Restrictions: I want variants of Marvel characters, at least mostly. If you just have to play your Mutant, or Inhuman, or whatever OC I will allow it, but you will need to tie them to some established Marvel characters. I'm even willing to allow Amalgam characters if you really want to be that variants. Oh...and a villian character who reformed or was never a villian in theor world is fine also.
Experience Required: None. I'll be learning as I go as well. If you've got some experience with the system, input might be sought out from time to time.
Posting Frequency: 4-5 times a week seems good. I don't want an intense game
Specialized Software and Resources: None. All aspects of the game will be handled on this site.
How to Apply: Posting your preferred concept here in this thread, then follow this link to apply.
Last edited November 14, 2022 3:28 am