Sepulcher of the Mountain God

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Jan 6, 2023 12:42 pm
Redwhippet says:
You're right, sorry I was referring to Odric who I thought was engaged but having a look back his opponent was slain. Can anything be done about Walt at all?
Aye, you can pray for his soul.


Unwanted Wretch attacking Zombie 3 - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Unwanted Wretch Damage roll (Bite) - (1d5)

(4) = 4

Jan 6, 2023 1:03 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Odric lunges with his battleaxe, yet his killing spree is ended as he finally misses with his attack. The fight is becoming too crowded for the man to fight effectively. That does not stop his Wretch however, who bites into the zombie's calf once again, successfully harming the monster!

In the meantime, Duri keeps fighting his enemy. With the zombie still pushing the dwarf it is too hard to fight with a sword, however he manages hit the undead into the jaw with his shield!
Initiative order

Kari (Dsquid) - 20
Walt (Dsquid) - 19
Mother Breadwife (Dsquid) - 17
Cynwe (Dsquid)- Moved through the initiative
Josen (Esidrix) - 17
Wyna (Esidrix) - 15
Dewane (Esidrix) - 10
Odric (Redwhippet) - 10
Duri (Redwhippet) - 10

Jasen (Esidrix) - 7
Riffen (Redwhippet) - 4
Zombie 2, 3 and 4 - Always last

@Esidrix You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
Jan 6, 2023 2:04 pm
"This is a bloody slaughter," thinks Jasen. He fires his bow at zombie 3.


Jasen - (d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Damage if needed + the d3 from above. - (d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 8, 2023 10:27 am

Friendly fire roll:
1 = Kari
2 = Odric
3 = Unwanted Wretch
4 = Wyna


Jasen - Missfire (<51% missfire) - (1d100)

(23) = 23

Friendly fire target - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Friendly fire attack roll - (1d20+1d3)

(3) + (3) = 6

Jan 8, 2023 10:33 am
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Odric's wretch ducks at the last moment as the arrow whizzes through the place where his head was mere moments ago. The fight continues on, the zombies still refusing to go down.
Initiative order

Kari (Dsquid) - 20
Walt (Dsquid) - 19
Mother Breadwife (Dsquid) - 17
Cynwe (Dsquid)- Moved through the initiative
Josen (Esidrix) - 17
Wyna (Esidrix) - 15
Dewane (Esidrix) - 10
Odric (Redwhippet) - 10
Duri (Redwhippet) - 10
Jasen (Esidrix) - 7

Riffen (Redwhippet) - 4
Zombie 2, 3 and 4 - Always last

@Redwhippet you're up! Your Chill touch is ready!
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Jan 10, 2023 3:01 am
Riffen scampers into combat charging the zombie engaged with Cynwe. (2) Howling with animalistic delight he swings the staff down hard on the undead.
How do you read chill touch its more effective against undead so it's +1d6 +2 dmg for undead or its +2 dmg for undead?
Last edited January 10, 2023 3:07 am


Attack - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Crit die - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Staff damage - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Crit damage - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Chill touch? - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 16, 2023 8:20 pm
It is +1d3 + 2 damage to undead, that meaning Riffen did a total of 7 points of damage to the zombie, killing it!


Zombie 3 attacking Kari - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Zombie 4 attacking Duri - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Zombie 3 - Damage to Kari - (1d4+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jan 16, 2023 8:34 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Riffen's hands glow blue as he lunges at one of the remaining zombies. A bright flash appears as his staff connects with the zombie's head. The negative energies clash with a great force that sends most of those nearby staggering, yet as the party refocuses their eyes, they can see the zombie laying below Riffen's feet, limp.

A wet sound wakes everyone from their surprise. The fighting is not done and a horror of a scene opens up before everyone, as they look on the two remaining zombies. Kari lays on her back, her face almost unrecognizable from being claw. The undead above her finally raises his head, ready to strike at the next victim.
Kari is considered Bleeding out, once again you guys have 1 turn to save her!

Initiative order

Walt (Dsquid) - 19
Mother Breadwife (Dsquid) - 17
Cynwe (Dsquid)- Moved through the initiative
Josen (Esidrix) - 17
Wyna (Esidrix) - 15
Dewane (Esidrix) - 10
Odric (Redwhippet) - 10
Duri (Redwhippet) - 10
Jasen (Esidrix) - 7
Riffen (Redwhippet) - 4
Zombie 2, 3 and 4 - Always last

@Dsquid You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
Jan 19, 2023 5:11 am
Mother Breadwife, not about to abandon one of the folks who she summoned to investigate the sightings, kneels down once again next to the Kari and cries out for the aid of Ira in healing the fallen dwarf.

Cynwe, still coming to terms with her new magical powers decides to take a more direct route and swings at the closest zombie with her dagger.


Mother Breadwife spellcheck - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Cynwe Attack - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Healing - (2d10)

(65) = 11

Jan 19, 2023 3:23 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Determined not to let anyone else fall in this dark tomb, Mother Breadwife lays her hands on Kari's body. A familiar light leaves through her hands onto the body of the dwarf, healing her wounds.
@Dsquid go ahead and roll 2d10 to see how much HP Kari heals up!

Initiative order

Kari (Dsquid) - 20
Walt (Dsquid) - 19
Mother Breadwife (Dsquid) - 17
Cynwe (Dsquid)- Moved through the initiative

Josen (Esidrix) - 17
Wyna (Esidrix) - 15
Dewane (Esidrix) - 10
Odric (Redwhippet) - 10
Duri (Redwhippet) - 10
Jasen (Esidrix) - 7
Riffen (Redwhippet) - 4
Zombie 2, 3 and 4 - Always last

@Esidrix You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
Jan 20, 2023 12:31 pm
Josen spots one of the two zombies is not engaged and fires at Zombie 3.

Wyna and Dewane will converge on Zombie 4 to help Duri out.


Josen, attack shortbow - (d20+d3)

(14) + (1) = 15

Damage (if hit) - (d6)

(6) = 6

Wyna - attack dagger - (d20)

(17) = 17

Damage (if hit) - (d6)

(3) = 3

Dewane attack club - (d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Damage - (d4)

(3) = 3

Jan 23, 2023 4:09 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Finally a streak of good luck! Josen's arrow flies true, hitting the zombie in the forehead and the undead reels back, dead once again! Meanwhile Wyna carves another piece of the last warrior's flesh, yet the beast still stands!
Kari is healed back to full HP!

Initiative order

Kari (Dsquid) - 20
Walt (Dsquid) - 19
Mother Breadwife (Dsquid) - 17
Cynwe (Dsquid)- Moved through the initiative
Josen (Esidrix) - 17
Wyna (Esidrix) - 15
Dewane (Esidrix) - 10

Odric (Redwhippet) - 10
Duri (Redwhippet) - 10
Jasen (Esidrix) - 7
Riffen (Redwhippet) - 4
Zombie 2, 3 and 4 - Always last

@Redwhippet You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
Jan 23, 2023 6:50 pm
Odric sensing that the battle is won circles on the last zombie swinging the axe ruthlessly at its rear.


Odric - Mighty Deed - Attack - (1d20+1d3+2)

(13) + (1) + 2 = 16

Odric damage - (1d10+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Jan 23, 2023 6:51 pm
I believe that's a wrap....
Jan 23, 2023 7:11 pm
Redwhippet says:
I believe that's a wrap....
@Redwhippet it is indeed! How shall the last zombie die?
Jan 25, 2023 4:03 am
The sound of cracking ribs fills the room as Odric drives the axe through the chest of the final zombie. "Rotten bastards!" He looks around at his company, what a disaster...
Jan 25, 2023 4:07 am
Mother Breadwife stands after ensuring Kari was healed and looks upon Walt. The gambler was not a close friend, but she still felt a connection with him from their past experiences together. "I'm sorry we couldn't do more, but we won't let this sacrifice be wasted" Mother Breadwife says and looks more carefully around the tomb now that their foes are dispatched.
Jan 25, 2023 11:03 am
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Eerie quiet fills the cave as Odric crushes the last zombie with his battleaxe. Walt is dead, his luck ran out this time as the gods decided he is no longer worthy of life.
His fine dagger (1d4+1 damage) lies on the ground next to him. Any person ruthless enough to loot him may also find his pouch for gold (8 GP, 4 SP, 30 CP), a hand-sized mirror and a set of gambling dice.

As the adventurers search the tomb, they also find the following:

Next to the place where Aven-Kruz was lying, there is a heavy steel mace that has flanges plated with a silver alloy that is untouched by rust and age. Upon its handle is the symbol of a mountain with magma-like root extensions (a holy symbol of Ira the Mountain God) and along its shaft is the image of a wolf under an outstreched wing (the sigil of Aven-Kruz).
Mace of Aven-Kruz [2-handed, 2d6 damage, requires STR 16 to wield]. (50 gp)

A breastplate made of interlinked bones can be taken from one of the alcoves. The bones are large like that of a sabre-toothed cat or a mammoth. Although the armor feels sturdy the bones have begun to crack with age.
Tribal bone breastplate [AC +3, light armor, shatters on a critical hit to wearer.](25 gp).

Riffen is brought a cape made of multi-colored feathers by his Wretch. It is clear that the cape used to be magical, yet only a tiny remnant of its former power remains. What power it is, Riffen cannot be sure. (20 gp)

A clay urn sits atop the bier. It is filled with a mixed assortment of triagular and square bronze coins. The coins are marked with images of tribal chieftans from ages long ago. (10 sp worth. To a collector or historian they may be worth much more).
I would advise checking the status tracker - some of you have been hurt pretty badly and healing might be wise.

Once you divvy up the loot, we shall continue!
[ +- ] Status tracker
Jan 25, 2023 12:38 pm
Dewane moves to Josen's side and Lays on Hands.


Lay on Hands - (d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Healing (if it works) - (d12)

(1) = 1

Jan 28, 2023 5:42 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

There is no response to Dewane's prayer, her god apparently still unsatisfied with her.
Raising Dewane's dissaproval by 1!
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