Sepulcher of the Mountain God

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Jan 29, 2023 8:56 am
Riffen snatches the cloak from the wretch, a smugly swings it around his shoulders tying it in place. He looks at the others with glee.
"What next?"
Jan 29, 2023 8:57 am
Seifi; Riffen has a pitchfork that used to count as a spear, should it be a staff now? He cut the end off as part of his hermit life and the fact that his turnip farm is effectively overgrown and unattended now.
Jan 29, 2023 8:59 am
Odric looks at Riffen with contempt. "If everyone else is ok I will take this breastplate. I have no use for these other things."
Jan 29, 2023 9:00 am
Saddened by the passing of his companion, Duri looks away from the looting that's going on and sheds a few tears out of sight of the others.
Jan 29, 2023 4:47 pm
Wyna will pick up Walt's dagger and pass her's to Jasen. "You may need to poke something that's to close to shoot sometime."
Jan 30, 2023 5:50 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodTomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring
@Redwhippet The change of the weapon makes sense, feel free to switch the pitchfork for the staff!

Odric now wields the Tribal bone breastplate.

Jasen now wields a Dagger +1 (1d4+1).

The rest of the loot had been added to Party loot and its gold value would be distributed after the end of the dungeon.
The group divides some of the equipment among themselves and continues onwards through the only path that leads onward through the cave.

They go through a dusty passage that reveals a small chamber carved from the living rock. An obsidian and basalt shrine decorated with a crude hooded idol crowds the space. At the southern end of the passage is a door of blue-tinged metal.

The shrine is clearly dedicated to Ira and examining it reveals a crude bowl carved into the flat surface of the stone block. The symbol of Ira (a mountain with magma-like roots) is carved into the bottom of the bowl. The symbol in the bowl is partially obscured by flakes of dried blood.
Once Riffen with his new cape comes near the shrine, the holy symbol of Ira begins to pulse with a reddish orange glow, illuminating secret writing on the wall over the shrine. Mother Breadwife recognizes the script as the historical language of the tribes and could possibly translate it with a DC 8 check.
The writing has some similarities with the dwarfish speech and could be understood by a person speaking Dwarfish with a DC 15 check.
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Feb 4, 2023 6:24 am
Mother Breadwife steps forward, mumbling a prayer to Ida as the writing glows. She squints as she tries to make it out, running her fingers along the script.


Writing Check - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Feb 8, 2023 2:05 pm
"So?! Out with it! What does it say?"
Feb 10, 2023 5:45 pm
Unfortunately, Mother Breadwife is not yet proficient enough in the script to gain even a basic understanding of what is being written upon the altar. Meanwhile, the two dwarves of the party recognize some of the symbols...
Kari and Duri may try their luck as well!
Feb 16, 2023 6:41 am
Duri takes a long look at the writing. "Hmmmm"


Writing check - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Feb 20, 2023 12:23 pm
seifi sent a note to Redwhippet
Feb 22, 2023 2:51 pm
"Ah I see, well it's not pretty..... It's some sorta blood ritual and we'd need quite a bit of it spilt in this bowl. Then you chant something and slosh the blood over the door to open it...... I don't like it...."
Feb 22, 2023 2:54 pm
Riffen snatches up the wretch by the arm. "Come here wretch, I have a solution for the blood" He snarls....
Feb 27, 2023 6:40 am
"Hang on now Riffen! Let's see if we can handle this differently" Odric blocks Riffen momentarily and looks to the others for support....
Feb 27, 2023 12:55 pm
Josen steps up beside Odric, "Stink as they might, I'm not sure killing the wretches is the way to go here. We probably don't want to deal with whatever that ritual summons."
Feb 27, 2023 10:28 pm
Apologies for the delay people!

Riffen's Wretch has 8HP and 4HP is needed for the ritual, so he should be able to survive it.

As for the ritual itself - well it's kind of on the boundary there. On one hand, it is a sacred rite practiced by the faithful of Ira for centuries, on the other hand it IS a bit outdated, barbaric and painful by todays standards.

Nonetheless, apparently this is so far the only way of how to proceed!
[ +- ] Words of Chant of Stone
Mar 6, 2023 5:09 pm
"O rubbish, come here wretch!" Riffen pulls the wretch up by the arm and stretches out a gnarled hand for a knife.

"Hand me a knife! This wretched creature has had worse and does as he asked regardless!!!"
Mar 7, 2023 12:29 pm
"Oh bother, Here. " Josen offers his dagger.
Mar 7, 2023 3:17 pm
The Wretch whimpers as Riffen cuts the poor soul with the dagger and starts reciting the Chant of Stone. The magma-like sigils on the altar glow ever-more bright as he proclaims the sacred words, until they finally flash with the last words and dissapear.

There is only one way to test if the ritual succeeded and as the party paints the door with the blood ornament, they slowly creak open. Behind them, a dusty passage slopes down to a set of bronze double doors with brass fittings. The doors depict a world-spanning mountain on which lounges a giant of horrific countenance.
At the base of the mountain carving a man is depicted with a strange horned helmet raising an iron-shod club, as if in triumph. Two plain brass rings are secured to each door.
Riffen now has the following item:
Blood sanctified by Ira (2/2) - Grants +4 Stamina for 1d4 days when anointing a worshipper of Ira with it.
seifi sent a note to Redwhippet
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Mar 11, 2023 4:26 pm
Redwhippet sent a note to Redwhippet,seifi
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