Character Creation Thread

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Nov 23, 2022 2:59 am
I don't have an issue with an arcane background used in that instance, where it only activates once you enter.
Nov 23, 2022 9:13 am
AbbyssalChimera says:
Out of curiosity, would I be able to take an arcane background, or would that be better to pick up later?
I was thinking of having it be a thing for my character, but only having true effects take place once they step through the portal.
i really like that idea..... :-O
Nov 23, 2022 7:10 pm

Submitted John LaRue! Driven (no pun intended) to be the best, after a horrible race car crash his bones (and dreams) were shattered. Working as a car mechanic/gas station clerk, and addicted to painkillers, he still longs to be the best.
Nov 23, 2022 7:27 pm

that is the best I could find :-P
Nov 23, 2022 10:00 pm
Ha! Love it!
Dec 8, 2022 1:47 pm
Do all skill start at unkonw and buy up from there?
Are hindrences limitd to 1 major and 2 minor?
Basic character is done other than shopping and some clean up. I think.
I will be playing Shawn a robotics engineer who has been into sci-fi fantasy since he was a kid so when the portal opened he had mixed feeling, possible horrible monsters vs new world to explore, but decided to risk it.
Last edited December 8, 2022 2:42 pm
Dec 8, 2022 2:24 pm
Five skills automatically start at d4 (Stealth, Notice, Persuasion, Common Knowledge, and Athletics). All other skills are 'unskilled', which typically roll as d4-2.

Because we're in a modern setting, you now get a total of 15 (instead of the default 12) points to spend to raise any skill.

So you can spend a point to raise an Unskilled skill, let's say Fighting, from d4-2, to d4. You can spend a second point to raise it to a d6, and so on. The caveat being it's one point per die increase, up to whatever your attribute die is. If trying to raise a skill past your attribute die, you have to spend 2 points. So if your Agility is a d6 (which is what Fighting is linked to), and you want to increase your Fighting to a d8, it's two skill points. If you want to raise fighting further to a d10, it's another 2 skill points.

You can take up to four total points of Hindrances. These be two Major (2 points each) or four Minor (1 point each), or mix and match however you want, 1 Major and 2 Minor for example. You can take more Hindrances if it fits your character concept, but you only ever get 4 points total in regards to using them for extra perks at character creation (new Edge, increasing your attribute die, more skill points, etc)
Dec 8, 2022 2:45 pm
Thanks. I found the default skills just after posting earlier then saw your post. Still looking over the rules at this point though I think I am clear on my character. I hate shipping during the holidays but never plan ahead
Last edited December 8, 2022 3:28 pm
Dec 8, 2022 6:21 pm
I was wondering if it was ok to buy a cell phone and a solar charger, to keep the phone powered. I figure the phone is a handheld computer and the charger would cost 50+ but as it isn't explicitly in the rules wanted to check. With my character background I thought it could be interesting to try and see how to use our common comforts and concurrences on an adventure
Dec 8, 2022 8:56 pm
Sure, I'll permit the charger for $50 and the phone is a handheld computer.
Dec 8, 2022 9:21 pm
I think my character is about done except the background which I will add tonight. Take a look and let me know if anything needs work
Dec 8, 2022 10:16 pm
Okay, I'm not sure how you got all your Traits. You get 5 dice to put into Traits and all start at 1d4. By my reckoning, you have 7 dice of traits. You also have five Hindrances, which is fine, but you get a maximum total of four points (either four minor, two major, or two minor and one major). Your skills look okay, and you have two Edges. As a human, you get one free Trait. If you bought four minor Hindrances, you could have gotten one bonus die to put into Traits and one extra Edge, which still puts you at one die too many in Traits.
Dec 8, 2022 10:26 pm
Yep, just miscounted on the traits, removed one. I may remove one of the hindrances. I just added a bunch that fit the character concept.
Last edited December 8, 2022 10:30 pm
Dec 13, 2022 5:30 am
Okay, got my character submitted. I'm still looking for a suitable portrait for her tho.

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