1. Verses le vin…

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Dec 2, 2022 8:37 pm
Having made his way back to the village in a circuitous, unobtrusive manner, Alderic finally emerged in the central commons. No sooner had he done so than he spotted the four people who had caused the commotion in the mob. It was curious to him that the same four people should now be gathered around the well. Perhaps they had known Marianne?

Whatever the reason for their being there, Alderic still wanted an alibi for where he had been after coming from the church and people who could verify having seen him in public. With this in mind he approached. Bonjour mon amis! I saw you all earlier during the…incident, did I not? Did you know the poor girl? You seemed more…involved, than the rest. I’m Alderic by the way. I’m sure you must have seen me around before. Pleasure to make your acquaintances
Last edited December 2, 2022 8:41 pm
Dec 3, 2022 1:55 am
Raddieux is about to give Farfule a proper tongue lashing when Alderic appears.

"Alderic, bonjour. I am Raddieux. This is Magdalena, Gilles, and that one is Farfule." She nearly spits the last word out, but her oldest friend knows that is just her temper which often comes when she knows she may be in the wrong. Being wrong does not suit her temperment.

"I saw you, at the church. The witch, she is being treated well? She must make her peace with God, before the morning's gallows." She watches the man, her curiosity stirred.
Dec 3, 2022 2:28 am
As well as can be expected he shrugged. She is being held in the crypt below the church. If you wanted, I could take you there. I tied her binds myself and can assure you she is perfectly harmless. It would be no problem at all. I left her with the Monsignor.

He knew the witch was no longer there but someone besides him needed to know about the murdered man who still lay on the stone floor of the church. The animal-like wounds were troubling and given the witch-terror already gripping the village, Alderic did not want to be the sole person providing yet more bad news
Dec 3, 2022 5:13 am
Beauséjour merely nods at St. George, wanting to go to the abbey.

It was only moments before that she was scolding both Cayn and Farfule. "Do you know how many innocent girls have drowned, hanged, been burned because they refused some lord's gropings? How many women slaughtered by the church because they could not know their place or hold their tongue?! Let us find out for ourselves the story of this book, and whether this girl knows anything of it!"
PS if at all possible Mags now has the book. =]
Last edited December 3, 2022 5:13 am
Dec 3, 2022 12:12 pm
Gilles will not let anyone leave with the book.
"As I said, if you insist on getting the attention of the Devil himself, I will not stop you... but I will not go, and you will not take her the book." Gilles stands, brushing hay off his trousers and tucking the book back under his tunic. "And do not mention me, chere. The less my name is spoken, the better."
Dec 3, 2022 1:51 pm
With respect monsiour, if you believe so strongly in the power of the devil surely you must believe even more strongly in the power of God Almighty? Therefore, what safer place for you than the house of God itself, with a holy man of God inside? Please, come with us. If your courage fails you once we arrive then wait outside the doors. But bring the book—the Monsignor may have need of it.
Dec 3, 2022 4:37 pm
Raddieux seems suspicious. "But sir, why would the Monsignor need this book? They have already deemed her guilty, no further evidence is required. Is he a practioner of the dark arts, to be able to use or understand a witches tools? If that is the case, then it does not seem that the house of God is very safe at all!"
Dec 3, 2022 5:16 pm
Alderic shrugs and grins in what he hopes is a friendly manner. I only thought that he might be able to destroy it or lock it away where it can hurt no one. God defeats the devil, mais non? It frankly seems odd to me that your friend wishes to keep it for himself. But I am not your master so if course, do as you wish.
Dec 3, 2022 5:24 pm
"I will not repeat myself. The answer is no. I have no intention of going to the church, nor am I letting anyone take the book. This is not a difficult concept, why must you all struggle with it so?" Gilles' tone conveys his unwillingness to be swayed. "Insinuate what you will, but I'll not have this book anywhere near that woman, and that is final."
Dec 3, 2022 8:26 pm
Alderic shrugged again. You of course may do as you wish but I do not intend to sit around here discussing it with you all day. If anyone wishes to see the church I will take you there. If not, I will return home. The hour grows later.

He turned to leave, not bothering to see if anyone followed. Whoever or whatever had murdered the man in the black doublet might be back to hide the body and Alderic wanted to be there to see who, or what, it was.
Dec 3, 2022 9:56 pm
Raddieux looks at Magdalena, sensing her distrust of this man. Farfule she doesn't know what he'll do on the best of day, which is why he's a fun friend. Gilles has made his position clear.

"I'll going with you, Alderic. I want to see for myself."
Dec 3, 2022 10:34 pm
Magdalena nods as well. "I too will accompany you, so we may see for ourselves," she says while regarding Gilles coolly. her voice lowers.

"And do not misplace that book, sir. It's dangerous in the wrong hands, but also may offer some key as to what may be about to transpire here."
Dec 3, 2022 10:39 pm
"Wouldn't dream of misplacing it," he assures Magdalena. "After all, I need to know where it is so that I can be sure she doesn't get it back. Be careful though, eh? No telling what you're walking into."
Dec 4, 2022 3:00 am
Farfule sighs loudly. He has been beaten down by these women and will acquiesce. He doesn't have the energy to continue pressing his point. Besides, when it really comes down to it, he will not let Radiuex willingly seek danger without him.

"I will accompany you, women. Lead on Alderic. Gilles suit yourself I suppose. Let us hope that God will look upon us benevolently when we are in his house."
Last edited December 4, 2022 3:00 am
Dec 4, 2022 4:45 pm
In the coolness of the moment, a plan secured, a raspy voice of malevolence crept from the recesses of Gilles’ tunic. It was a voice of dread and hopelessness. It’s chilling words and chuckle froze the air but the phrase it uttered was simple enough.

Marianne. Is that you?
Dec 4, 2022 6:37 pm
"Mon dieu!"

A touch of panic setting in as he realizes the truth. "The book, it spoke!" Gilles will immediately retrieve the tome from his tunic and then rush to grab a lantern, dumping the oil out onto the book and setting it ablaze.
Dec 4, 2022 7:00 pm
Raddieux is entirely unprepared for Gilles' outburst and then the book is on fire. "What?" is all she can squeak as she watches the only clue catch in the flame. "Is this the right thing to do?"
Dec 4, 2022 7:12 pm
A ghostly visage with penetrating gaze emerged from the burning book on the rear cover. It chuckled with great relish and malevolence. I was formed in flames far hotter than these little mortal!Its voice was penetrating and both loud and whispered at the same time. Slowly the flames sputtered out and the leather of the book’s cover showed no trace of damage from the fires.

I thought he felt the presence of that little harlot. She ought to be here by now, her neck twisted and broken. No matter. But I do certainly sense the presence of the gift in another amongst you. I have secrets little one, and mysteries. The insidious voice teased perversely and diabolically.

How did you find me? Speak!
Dec 4, 2022 7:39 pm
Alderics’ face drained of color as the book spoke. So the woman really had been a witch! He only hoped that she would remember what he had done for her if their paths ever crossed again. And if the book were to be believed there was yet another witch right here!

A single witch was one thing. But two? It began to occur to Alderic that if he befriended them that perhaps they would help him to seek revenge against the blackguards who had taken his family land and farm. Perhaps even those wastrel nobles who had taxed him to oblivion themselves…

He stayed quiet for now, waiting to see which of these strange new people spoke, and if this new witch would reveal themselves in the process...
Dec 4, 2022 7:56 pm
At first, Farfule is frozen in place, his dark eyes wide orbs of surprise as he hears a voice come from Gilles which is definitely not Gille's voice. But when the man starts to burn the infernal book he tries to interject, "No, wait!" he cries. Too late, yet not as it doesn't burn and he listens to what the talking book has to say, almost not believing what is happening yet he hears the voice and so do the others.

A witch among them? Surely not. He frowns and looks at Radieux.

No, it can't be her or he would have seen hints of it by now with all the shenanigans they'd gotten up to in the past. Was it Magdalena? He assesses her in light of this new and dark information. And Alderic, his face the color of bread dough.

Come on then. Out with it. Who here is a witch? Farfule refused to address the book itself.
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