1. Verses le vin…

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Jan 18, 2023 3:38 am
"How about we find this lamb, eh?" He could use the coin. One never had enough. And that dastardly book. Had he any idea his day would end up like this he would have run far away. Now he was stuck in the middle of who knows what.
Jan 19, 2023 2:58 am
"Make it quick. Merciful," Magdalena says. "And if something seems amiss, leave the animal. We are not bound to any fate just yet."
Jan 19, 2023 3:19 am
"Oui," Gilles agrees, glancing to Magdalena as he stands back slightly from the group. "Expect deceit. Watch for it."
Last edited January 19, 2023 3:19 am
Jan 19, 2023 1:56 pm
"Should we meet at the ether of the village after sundown. Bloody work is best down when no one is watching." Raddieux has killed lambs before, for the dinner table. This seems different, and they will not want to save the meat -- despoiled by the demon as it will be.
Jan 19, 2023 10:24 pm
"I find that I am bound for those coins, Magdalena." Farfule chuckled but he was serious. "But yes of course we will be mindful of the poor lamb's suffering."

"After sundown makes perfect sense Raddieux. Are we in agreement then? All of us? And Alderic will not share in the spoils by his own volition, oui?"
I never refreshed the page but I suppose the post can stand? If not please delete.
Last edited January 19, 2023 10:26 pm
Jan 19, 2023 11:21 pm
Scattering before they could be noticed, the collective got to hear of very peculiar tales indeed. The curate was missing, the Monsignor attacked viciously had remained in a coma, and chunks of torn flesh in the church grounds signified some very dark work. But the one thing, mistaken as it may be, that the villagers assumed as they spread their ever growing rumors, was that Marianne had been killed by some beast, the same thing that must have attacked the Monsignor. Nothing else could explain the remains they found in the grounds and her general absence.

Throughout the day you have heard of this beast as a boar, an escaped mountain cat, a bear, escalating still further until most villagers could swear they had seen the devil himself fly out of the spire of St. Etienne. This wasn’t true of course, but it served the villagers as well as any other reason.

As dusk fell, your gathering on the edge of village near the allotted field had gone unnoticed. Scouting the docile sheep, one lamb stood out. It was as black as the night and had a strange growth spawning from the middle of its head, a crude imitation of a horn. Coaxing over the unsuspecting creature was simple enough, but plunging a dagger took some resolve. Finally, its carcass torn and disembowelled, the soft clank of a leather fold containing the promised money from Sehk presented itself. This was no fortune by any means, but more than a profitable farmer could expect to see in months. Perhaps it could provide some comforts that would ease the burden of slaughtering the innocent. With the money now in your possession, it was now just a matter of how to proceed.
Jan 23, 2023 9:30 pm
Alderic had to suppress a macabre chuckle and shudder as he heard the squawking villagers whispering their fears of a beast and the devil himself flying from St. Etienne. Today had proved to him that such things were in no way unrealistic. The horrible wound across the mans chest only lent credence to it as well, which was disturbing...

Whispering to his new comrades as he pocketed his share of the coins, Alderic says I think there may indeed be a violent beast about. Whether it be a beast in truth or simply a beastly man I do not know. But, since we are now equally beholden to one another, I feel that I should tell you I saw a murdered man when he stumbled into the church with a bestial slash across his chest, like an animal. I do not know what killed him, but it is my assumption that this disturbing tale was a cruel method of...disposing of the body and the evidence.

I think it would be best if we did not stay in town tonight. Surely we can make good time walking to the next village, or perhaps an inn along the road where no one will be familiar with us.
Alderic would also provide a loose description of the murdered man.
Last edited January 23, 2023 11:02 pm
Jan 23, 2023 10:01 pm
"It's wise to do so, yes Alderic. But tell us about this murdered man. and more importantly the man that killed him. Did you see him engaged in the act?"

This was something at least, Farfule decided as he fingered the coins in his pocket as he eagerly awaited the details.
Last edited January 23, 2023 11:43 pm
Jan 23, 2023 11:05 pm
He was fairly nondescript, other than that he was fairly well dressed in what used to be a nice black doublet, before someone or something tore an impressive gash into it. He stumbled into the church as I was leaving and died on the floor. Some damn fool rang the church bell before I could get a closer look. Although now that I think about it, perhaps what rang the bell really was the devil jumping from the tower...
Jan 24, 2023 1:58 am
Raddieux pockets her share of the evil-tainted coin. "That was gruesome business, but these are dark days. This beast around, one would wonder if this entity," she whispers, "the demon", before continuing, "would be our first suspect, no doubt. We have dark deeds to do tonight in the church, and then we can see if there are answers about the beastly attacker."
Jan 24, 2023 2:08 am
Do we dare risk a return? A priest in a coma, an escaped or dead witch and a murdered man are all sure to bring a magistrate, or even some church inquisition. No, for my part I think my blood runs too coldly to return there. Unless there is some pressing need.
Jan 24, 2023 8:03 am
Magdalena holds the weight of the bloody coins in her hand for a moment before tucking them into a pocket in her skirts. Her eyes are wide when she realizes this talk of a beast might be true, or there at least might be something to it. She says nothing; her sole intent this night is to fall back to somewhere safe and remote so she can spend time examining and going through the book...
Last edited January 24, 2023 8:04 am
Jan 24, 2023 4:10 pm
"I actually agree," Gilles chimes in from his spot a bit away from the group. "I don't think going to the church is wise. We can leave in the morning. I'd rather use the deaths in the church as a reason to leave. We can wait until the town is in a panick, tell some others it isn't safe to stay, and make our escape. If we leave under the cover of night, it makes us suspects."
Last edited January 24, 2023 4:11 pm
Jan 24, 2023 10:34 pm
"Yes, yes but ... well ... shouldn't we look to the book for many of these answers? Farfule looks at Magdalena and nods. "We must also find a suitably safe place to do this because as Alderich says there are a number of unwelcome people that will be heading this way. I am with Giles on leaving but not in the dark of night. We would look very guilty indeed."

Farfule shudders at the thought that the bellringer was perhaps the devil himself jumping from the tower.
Jan 28, 2023 2:02 am
Perhaps a compromise then. Alderic looked back and forth between his new comrades. The tavern here in town will surely have a private room we can rent to discuss things over food. Then when the hour grows late we can open the book without prying eyes around.

At the bare mention of food Alderics stomach have a loud, gurgling groan, as if to emphasize the point.
Jan 28, 2023 3:19 pm
Raddieux looks about at the others, and her eyes darken. "You bargained with that creature, agreed to do its bidding, accepted its coin, and now you seek to run? Oh, we all know that running should have come before we took those 100 Louis d'Ors from the belly of that lamb. No, we have a task, and the witch must die at our hands."
Quoting the bargain for reference
LauraChiGio says:
To give me your names is a sign of your trustworthiness. Some of you have shown that trust, others less so. Sehk’s voice was cold and calm with an almost soothing tone in reply to Magdalena.

You can share with me in my plan and for that I will offer you two rewards. The first is that I know secret things, secret places, and secret knowledge. If you do as I bid, some of these secrets will be shared. The second reward is there for your own benefit. Five fates can be avoided. Beast, fire, darkness, hopelessness, and condemnation. I can lift these for you or bring them faster. I hope that is clear?

The air grew slightly warmer and the darkness eased.

I will put things simply for you. My task is a simple one. Finish what you have seen begin. I have a claim on Marianne. You will kill her, though this must be no ordinary death. Through interference and her own conniving, she has lived to see a new sun rise. She must see the full terror of your abilities. I have a debt to claim and you will be my debt collectors.

These are my terms.
Jan 28, 2023 3:21 pm
"Wherever we choose, let us do it now," Beauséjour says as she walks. "If I am to comprehend the forbidden knowledge and the infernal perils this book may contain, I will need quiet. And yes, food and drink would be good."
Jan 28, 2023 11:06 pm
"We are going to spend our hard-earned coin on accommodations then?" He is loath to spend it but it was true, a bargain had been struck and it must be brought to its conclusion.
Feb 3, 2023 9:21 pm
I had not thought to mention it before, since you may find it distasteful. But if free lodging away from prying eyes is all we need, I happen to know the perfect place. There is a large crypt which belongs to the De Fontreveaux family at the outskirts of the cemetery. It would house us all comfortably for the night. I can take us there. Allons-y!

Alderic did not wish to squander his hard earned coin so quickly after getting it either, and gave a nod to Farfule in agreement.

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