Magdalena Beauséjour, a recent arrival in the village, watched the proceedings with a troubled look on her fair face. Her normally bright eyes were clouded, and her fists were clenched as the peasants manhandled Marianne, as they threatened and abused the poor woman, groping and drowning her. It was, of course, very unlikely that the wretch was responsible for any of the real or imagined magicks that afflicted the town, but what if she was? What if Closnot did indeed brew potions, cast curses, and fornicate with devils?
The dark-haired beauty's nails dug into her palms as she considered what it might mean to find a sister, to find another like her so quickly -- but she shrank back from the ugly mob when there were calls for the Monsignor to come. She knew how that would end. She knew the cruel hand of the church all too well.
Barefoot in the mud, Magdalena wore a plain and dark gray dress, peasant's garb that was laced tightly in the back, had full skirts that nearly swept the ground, and offered an attractive and lightly freckled décolletage. The young witch wore a leather satchel across her lean body, and its contents made her heart thump in her chest as she thought of what she might do if presented with a man of the cloth such as Monsignor Dallexrand.
"Will we do nothing?" Magdalena said lowly to those that could hear her, those who, like her, wondered if an innocent and terrified woman was about to be wrongly murdered before their eyes.
To be clear, she's saying this, conveniently, to other PCs. =]