1. Verses le vin…

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Nov 29, 2022 11:05 pm
It was clear now what the lecherous priest intended and Alderic would have no part of it. He had seen too much of this kind of behavior in the war and it sickened him. He took the coins though. Silver carried no sins, and a man still needed to eat.

I thank you for your kindness Father. Je me souviens.

He turned as if to leave, but kept his eyes on the Monsignor, waiting for him to turn his back. As soon as he did so, Alderic pulled his langmesser from its scabbard and struck the stinking fool on the back of the head with the pommel, attempting to knock him unconscious.


Attack the Monsignor - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Nov 29, 2022 11:12 pm
Raddieux sees more than most, and her elvish blood gives her access to the simplest of incantations. She uses Read Magic to discern the truth of these dark magics, although her soul shudders to expose herself so.
One last search for truth before we abandon the witch hag.
Last edited November 29, 2022 11:16 pm
Nov 30, 2022 12:16 am
The Monsignor hit the floor with a heavy thud and Marianne could barely contain her glee. A moment earlier she had been convinced that Alderic would abandon her, now her flight seemed secure. O! Eric. You did it. You hit the old drunk hard though. Will he be ok do you think? Marianne loosened her binds and made for the stairs. Quickly. Monsignor has a horse which he keeps outside of the church in th graveyard garden. If we move quickly, we will make it and we can flee before the curate spots us.


Raddieux’s probe of magical knowledge reveals great dark power in this incantation. The slaughter of beasts and men is but the first step to call upon the Devil himself. This instruction promises the would be witch an audience and the performance of one boon from the Dark One for such service.
Nov 30, 2022 12:41 am
Marianne was overeager to escape. He supposed he would feel the same if the roles were reversed, but it was not safe for either of them to leave now. Alderic put his arm in front of the doorway, stopping Marianne. It seems that the Monsignor liked to make his confessions last...I do not think anyone will be looking for us for quite some time. It would be better to wait here until it is dark and then make good your escape. If you leave now you are likely to be spotted and all of this will have been for nothing.

Besides, Alderic thought to himself, he had already assaulted a priest. He may as well take what coin and goods he could find in the tithe box and in the sacristy. Once it began to get dark he would go up with Marianne and take what he could. He would blame the woman for what was missing and no one would be the wiser.
Nov 30, 2022 12:43 am
"This is true magic, and darker than I'd believe capable in this small town. She dies tomorrow, but where did she learn this?"

Raddieux wonders how this came to pass, that the woman learned so much evil. "Perhaps she learned it from the devil herself."
Nov 30, 2022 12:54 am
No monsieur. We must leave or you may stay but I will go. I must away to my aunt. I will not stay here to die.

Marianne began to make her way up the stairs, her feet slapping across the cold stone floors.
Nov 30, 2022 1:05 am
It is, of course, your choice. I will stay here, but tell me, where is your aunts house? And might I come to stay there if things do not go well for me here?

Alderic quickly rustled through the Monsignors robes, trying to find any keys which might unlock a tithe box or some such thing before following Marianne up the stairs. Waiting for her reply he began to scan the sanctuary looking for where coin or valuables might be stored.


Search Monsignors Robes - (1D6)

(5) = 5

Search for tithe box or sellable goods - (1D6)

(2) = 2

Nov 30, 2022 1:13 am
Clermont. She lives in Clermont. If you choose to visit, I may reward you. Marianne had a mischievous look but bolted quickly.

Marianne made quickly for the back of the church and quickly left the sight. Though Alderic unfortunately found nothing inside, he heard the call of a horse and the soft gallop as it pounded on grass away. Alone in the church, the quiet austere surface of the stone statues and painted glass was interrupted only by a sudden discharge of the organ. A man, in a black doublet had staggered in. A mortal wound across his chest, he breathed his last on the floor of hallowed St Etienne.
Nov 30, 2022 1:19 am
"Are we certain it safe to wait till morning?" Gilles leans back on his hands, and would be looking at the roof if his eyes weren't closed. "The Monsignor is by himself, is he not? If this magic is as dark as you suggest..." His voice trails off, but the implication is clear. The Monsignor may not survive the night if this witch brings dark magic to bear... and then, there is no telling how anyone in the village may fare.

"I suppose there is no reason we can't leave town now, before things truly take a turn. New beginnings are full of oppertunity."
Nov 30, 2022 1:30 am
"You better be wrong, Raddiex. But it could be that small towns are exactly the best place for the devil to begin his work."

Farfule hoped that he was wrong too as he felt his spine tingle with dread.

"Perhaps not, Gilles. I have no love for the priest. We could leave now," he suggests, looking at the others.
Nov 30, 2022 1:43 am
Merde Alderic hissed. Nothing was ever simple was it? That organ blast was sure to have been heard outside of the church and he now had no choice but to make a hasty exit.

Still, curiosity got the best of him and he slipped quickly, quietly over to where the man in the black doublet had fallen. Who had killed him? Why? He rifled through the mans doublet and pockets, searching for any clue as to who the man was. He took everything he could find, not waiting to see what it was, before leaving the church the way Marianne had gone, out into the graveyard. He needed to find a public place, full of people. People who would later be easily convinced that they had seen him there for a long time. With that in mind, he made his way into the center of town.


Search - (1D6)

(6) = 6

Dec 1, 2022 12:08 am
The blast of organ discord sounded throughout the hallowed walls of St Etienne. Finding nothing on the body of the man and observing only the animal like wounds across his chest, Alderic quickly made his escape. Across the hill into the fields of Brioude, the same organ call softly rang in the air. A few heads of nearby labourers perked up and a few muttered to themselves but nobody came to the grounds of St Etienne in that moment. As far as the frightened peasants were concerned the Monsignor and the church had the heretic witch imprisoned and the morning’s ordeal was resolved. Tomorrow the hanging would be a sight for the whole village.

It would now be up to Raddieux, Gilles, Farfule, and Magdalena to decide what they would do with the information before them.
Dec 1, 2022 4:46 am
"Leave now? Oh, I don't know. I suppose if the magic has been released then who could stand against it?"

She paces back and forth. "We need to talk to the girl. Find out what she's done, or if she had only been planning."
Last edited December 1, 2022 4:47 am
Dec 1, 2022 2:51 pm
"I dunno," Gilles counters, "I feel like letting her know we know the truth is a remarkably bad idea. I spend enough time avoiding people, I don't want to need to avoid the Devil himself too, chere."
Dec 1, 2022 4:05 pm
"What makes you think she will tell us anything, Raddieux?" This wasn't exactly how Farfule had expected his day to go. "I'm with you Gilles. I don't like the idea either."
Dec 1, 2022 10:56 pm
She stares at the two men, wondering if it is wisdom or cowardice that compels them. Could be both, could be both.

"Why run if she has not done anything yet? For if we run, do we not also look complicit? Consider, a wise woman who spoke to her would do so with care and coax the truth, rather than threaten her. Appear as a possible ally, and cajole her secrets. If the results are uncertain, then we're no worse off."
Dec 2, 2022 2:27 am
"I would rather look complicit in another town, chere," Gilles says with a wry grin. "You say we're no worse off, but I cannot agree. Her attention is not something I want... especially if her witchcraft is real."
Dec 2, 2022 3:55 am
Magdalena’s eyes widened as Raddieux read the dark spell contained in the book. It was not difficult to tell that the thing contained infernal phrasings and diabolical diagrams, but the elf clearly saw more. She saw that this book held power, and was truly dangerous. Saying nothing as the others argued and debated, the slender, wild-haired woman took the tome and turned away with it… so she could better understand exactly what casting the spell would do. Turning the pages, her fingers traced the ink as her eyes drank in each passage and illustration.

Then she interrupted the other three.

"Could this have been planted in her home? By someone with a grievance against her? I do think a quiet word with her will tell us much."
Last edited December 2, 2022 2:35 pm
Dec 2, 2022 1:16 pm
"Oui, as I said I had considered that, but... it seems like a great deal of work that is ultimately unnecessary. No one knew of this book when she was being drowned," Gilles points out. "And it was not out in plain sight where it would be found. It was truly buried within her belongings."

Still sitting, he looks to Farfule and shrugs before continuing. "You women are so eager to draw the attention of the Devil, I will not stop you. But I will not go with you, and you will not take the book to her. Let me know what you find out, though... I would caution you to be careful, but why would you start now, eh?" He chuckles at his chide, but it isn't carried in his eyes. The worry in them is obvious.
Dec 2, 2022 3:39 pm
Farfule looks at Magdelena curiously."A quiet word could turn into an opportunity for her to work her devilry skills on us. Is it worth it for us to take such chances? I think not! And you Raddieux. Coax the truth? Such naivete from you both. I stand firmly with Gilles on this. I understand that you women would like to stand together on this but there comes a time when you must put your lives to the fore. Leave the witch be I say."

Farfule rubs his knuckles subconsciously as he struggles with his thoughts. He would rather not see Raddiuex, his companion in their successful nefarious schemes go willingly to her death or worse, become a servant of the devil himself.
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