Dec 2, 2022 8:37 pm
Having made his way back to the village in a circuitous, unobtrusive manner, Alderic finally emerged in the central commons. No sooner had he done so than he spotted the four people who had caused the commotion in the mob. It was curious to him that the same four people should now be gathered around the well. Perhaps they had known Marianne?
Whatever the reason for their being there, Alderic still wanted an alibi for where he had been after coming from the church and people who could verify having seen him in public. With this in mind he approached. Bonjour mon amis! I saw you all earlier during the…incident, did I not? Did you know the poor girl? You seemed more…involved, than the rest. I’m Alderic by the way. I’m sure you must have seen me around before. Pleasure to make your acquaintances
Whatever the reason for their being there, Alderic still wanted an alibi for where he had been after coming from the church and people who could verify having seen him in public. With this in mind he approached. Bonjour mon amis! I saw you all earlier during the…incident, did I not? Did you know the poor girl? You seemed more…involved, than the rest. I’m Alderic by the way. I’m sure you must have seen me around before. Pleasure to make your acquaintances
Last edited Dec 2, 2022 8:41 pm