1. Verses le vin…

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Dec 14, 2022 9:51 pm
"To be sure, an important detail to omit. I am of the same mind as my compatriots here. We require some kind of assurance. Something tangible perhaps. Maybe something very valuable to you that you would place in our care."

Farfule looks at the others and then back at Sehk.

"And what exactly are these nobler reasons you speak of?"
Dec 15, 2022 6:48 am
Trucking with the diabolical was a dangerous business, Magdalena knew. To do so without some means of leverage or assurance was folly. Folly that ended in flames, at the end of a rope, or in some fate that was far, far worse. But if the right protections and charms were in place, if the proper demonological thaumaturgy were to be employed... well, that would be a different matter. With a very different, and vastly preferable, outcome.

"We cannot dally here, musing over your murky offer. Asking what you mean, and what toll you will exact. If the townsfolk see or hear, that will be the end of us and you will have no agents to carry out your aims. So we will pursue this girl that you seek, and find out the truth. And if we determine her fate should be what you desire, we will speak again, and we will name our terms."

She glanced at the others, knowing she was speaking out of turn for at least one of them, but then continued despite whatever looks she was given.

"Do you accept, Sehk?"
Jan 3, 2023 6:51 pm
Sehk was quiet for a moment. Perhaps the demon was thinking. If you do as I ask, there will be rewards. Money, women, what you might ask for. Nobler might be a stretch for mortals. However, you may seek knowledge and for that I have more than you can fathom. If, instead as your companion suggests, you would prefer to assign yourselves as judges over the girl and name your own price, I am happy to hear it when you return to me.

As a token, mortals still enjoy money don’t they? Well in a field by the end of the village nearest the crossroads, you will find a lamb from this year. There is a pouch of money, 100 Louis d’Or, in his guts. If you can stomach the slaughter, I give you this as a token. Regardless I will have your answer now. Be my agents and reap the rewards I offer or not and watch to your backs.
Jan 3, 2023 8:45 pm
The offer was now more palatable, a tangible reward to be found inside a lamb which was a little odd in itself but was nevertheless welcome.

"Not being squeamish types, I'm sure harvesting the bag of coins will be no problem for me at least. Despite Magdalena's impertinence speaking for all of us, I will agree to what she has suggested and that is that we name our own price and be the judges of the girl's innocence."

Farfule looks to the others for their expected assent. Knowledge was power and that was also an attractive carrot that the devil had dangled if Sehk was true.
Jan 3, 2023 10:26 pm
While secrets hidden in dark places and the possibility of gloomy ruins filled with riches fascinated Alderic, it was hard to beat the promise of cold hard coin in his hand.

He licked his lips nervously and nodded his assent to Farfule. It was clear there was more to these newfound acquaintances than met the eye, but he could understand their outwardly presented motivations, for they seemed to be his own.
Jan 4, 2023 7:29 am
Beauséjour nodded at the infernal being -- twice. Once when it described the goat that was sure to soon be slain and butchered, and once when the voice rumbled in her head.

"We should move quickly," she said to the others, wondering how Gilles was taking all this. "And not breathe a word of this to anyone."
I think Mags still has the book, is that right?
Jan 4, 2023 1:59 pm
Raddieux address the others fall into line and agrees. "Very well then. It's a bargain." She crosses her arms, knowing they've crossed a line and that cannot be undone.

She leaves the building, quietly looking around before heading to the well once more. They need to make a swift plan.
Jan 4, 2023 4:42 pm
Gilles takes a few measured breaths.

"Non," he replies, eyes flashing cold.

"You say you would have our choice, but the only choice presented is to do as you say or suffer should we choose not to. You also demand our answer now, before we have any proof whatsoever you can do as you promise. All we have in this moment are honeyed words from a snake's tongue.

If you are as powerful as you portray, waiting for confirmation should not frighten you. Ultimatums are for the weak, and devils are known for their lies. A poor combination for you.

I am a slave to no man. I do not relish the notion of being a slave to a devil... but if I must, I want the assurances we spoke of. You will have my answer once we see if you are being truthful, foul one, and not a moment before. Do not think slaughtering lambs was lost on me."
Last edited January 4, 2023 4:54 pm
Jan 5, 2023 4:54 pm
Such honeyed kisses come from your lips sweet one. Sehk laughed. As the others of your little group of interventionists seem to be content, you may do as you please. When you need call on me again, simply speak my name into this book. As for now I have spoken enough. With that, the voice and face of the demon left.
Jan 5, 2023 5:01 pm
After Sehk... leaves?... and Mags hides that infernal book, Gilles visibly deflates. After a moment, he offers a weak smile to the others.

"Well... that could have gone worse."
Last edited January 5, 2023 5:02 pm
Jan 6, 2023 8:31 pm
"It could have I suppose. I'm not sure I like this situation very much. The demon is not to be trusted. Giles, will you leave us then since the demon gave us little in the way of assurances?"

Farfule is thinking of the bag of coins and how one less among them means more coin for those remaining.
Jan 6, 2023 9:03 pm
"Perhaps, mon ami, perhaps." Gilles shakes his head. "I may just follow you, to see what happens. I want nothing from the devil though. I'm not selling my soul for some coin."
Jan 6, 2023 11:16 pm
It may be a vain hope, but perhaps the demon has no power while it is still bound within the book. It has only offered us knowledge of coin so far, rather than simply conjure it out of the air or burn us with hellfire.

I might not sell my soul for coin, but as hungry as I am I just might sell it for the bread which the coin will buy.
Alderic gives a jokey wink, trying to mask the shivers he still feels moving through his muscles, before following Raddieux out of the barn. So many dangers. So many possibilities, all swimming through his head.
Jan 8, 2023 6:36 am
Removing her cloak, Magdalena wraps up the book in a kind of makeshift sack, which she holds at her side as the group talks.

"We should find Marianne, no? And get to the bottom of this. Decide then what to do." As they begin to walk, she adds, "I once knew a woman knowledgeable about such books, and such... entities. I am not ignorant on these matters -- I will better examine the book when we have quiet and privacy... to see if this devil is indeed bound to it."
Jan 11, 2023 9:26 pm
I agree. I heard she went to stay with her sister in Clermont, not far from here. Perhaps we can have some roasted mutton from a certain sheep before we leave though…
Jan 11, 2023 11:31 pm
"Yes indeed we can collect our bag of coins and have dinner all at once, eh?"

Farfule slaps Alderic on the back, relief that the demon is gone at least for now floods over him. Fear of unknown things is always unnerving and it was exhausting not showing his grave concern.

"We should waste no time examining the book in detail as well. There must be something that will help us better understand this demon."
Jan 12, 2023 12:51 am
"Undercover of night, we can accomplish both. The lamb and the maiden."
Jan 12, 2023 4:15 am
Magdalena is uncertain as of yet regarding the slaying of the sheep. But she nods, deciding to ponder the cost of the bloody coins in the intervening hours -- before the animal's throat and belly were slit at the behest of a being not one of them truly comprehends.
Jan 18, 2023 12:52 am
From outside the dimness of the building you hear the sounds of muttering villagers and clanking metal and wood. Evidently the morning’s excitement has worn off.
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