Nov 17, 2022 12:08 am
The anguished cries of poor Marianne Closnot as the mob dragged her from her home in the still morning were piercing the air with terror. She begged, she pleaded but alas the simple farming community were convinced they had found their culprit. Their cows were miscarrying and dead cats were found all over the neighborhood. With jeers, and cries of spite and malice they dragged her to the small watering pond below the hill of the church of St. Etienne. There she protested her innocence still further. To no avail. Three strong farm hands were instructed to hold her, and drag her beneath the surface bringing her up only so her tormentors could extract a confession of guilt from her. Marianne was accused of witchcraft. It had been the only possible explanation for the wrong doing and this fact was verified by Mme. Leauxtreaux who had seen a peculiar birthmark on the girl’s leg as she washed her families clothes in the adjoining village stream.
Confess your guilt. Confess brayed a villager, practically spitting in the girl’s face with bile. If you do, we promise to be quick. We’ll even send for Monsignor Dallexrand to hear your peace with God. Marianne’s cries of innocence were not the compliance the mob was looking for. Dip her again!
With gargled scream, Marianne plunged once more under the surface. By now the commotion had drawn a steady crowd. Here in Brioude, an important center for trade and livestock, there were many to witness the event. Amongst the crowd some were in terror. Some cheered with every splutter. Most held their tongues in shocked awe and uttered what prayers they might that they were right.
Confess your guilt. Confess brayed a villager, practically spitting in the girl’s face with bile. If you do, we promise to be quick. We’ll even send for Monsignor Dallexrand to hear your peace with God. Marianne’s cries of innocence were not the compliance the mob was looking for. Dip her again!
With gargled scream, Marianne plunged once more under the surface. By now the commotion had drawn a steady crowd. Here in Brioude, an important center for trade and livestock, there were many to witness the event. Amongst the crowd some were in terror. Some cheered with every splutter. Most held their tongues in shocked awe and uttered what prayers they might that they were right.