Pedrop Character Creation

Nov 28, 2022 7:53 am
Read through the Traveller Creation chapter starting on Page 8, take a look at any Careers that you think might be interesting to you, but there is plenty of time to look up and ask questions about specific Careers as they come up.

If anything does not make sense, ask as many questions as you need.

By coincidence all the excising players ended up with characters who had done exactly 5 Terms. None of us thought it fun to limit the number of Terms --preferring to push it as far as we felt safe to-- so don't feel any pressure to follow that pattern. However, if you do decide upfront that you want to also do exactly 5 Terms it is possible to look at Connections between the characters at each Career/Life Event step, but that can slow things down in PbP and it is simple enough to go back at the end and see who else was involved based on what they were doing at that time.

We can forget about and redefine the existing Connections that the existing players might have based on the new crew, we can start afresh.
While it might feel a little funny to us to give a name as the first thing --as the rules demand-- it does make some sense.

'First' is a strong word, though, and I would recommend doing the whole first part as a unit. So: Name; Background Skills; Where you Came From (working with the background skill choices), and where you hope to end up. The name might be tied to the place you come from, your culture, or what your pre-adventuring background was.

The above part is the bit where you have control, and can make choices, this defines who you were before you went out into the world.

I won't enforce 'name first' thought, if you want to save it for the end as is often more common these days.

You also don't need to ever use your given name... (except with your parents?)

We can also shift the Background Skills around during the first Term if we find we messed up the choices and such (but this should be based on the choices not the dice, of course:), so don't stress about getting things exactly right the first time.

There is no problem taking the same or similar Careers as others may already have, and it can make for interesting connections and shared in-game goals.
Nov 28, 2022 7:54 am
Do you want to make test character --to try our the system-- or get right to the real thing?
Be warned, characters can be sticky and hard to get rid of once you start making them. :)
Nov 28, 2022 10:01 pm
Let's look at the connections in the same time my character will gradually go through his life. So maybe they will come naturally, or we will get back to them at the end of character creation. Ok? As you know the other characters I'm counting on insight from you on this subject - where are their paths could cross.

When I create RPG character I always start with the name, concept and art. Art will have to come after my career will come to life:) So his name will be: Rafael Lasaro. As you promoted - I have sent my "empty" character sheet already. It looks that you have accepted it. Thanks.

I will try to make my "final" character already. But will reserve the permission to discard it if I will really, really dislike him... after we will end his creation (something like mindless basher, without charisma and intelligence... ;) ). As I'm still not sure how much decision will be on my side or the dice.

Ok my general concept for Rafael is following. It is intentionally not to specific, as I presume we will create the world and see what will happen together.

Rafael was born on some planet that is located near the so called rim - not too close to the "main galaxies" (can you provide me with the name for this planet?). This planet has old traditions and noble houses fighting against each outer for the domination on the planet, but at the time Rafael was born it was more political and secret service fight then any real battles. But that doesn't change the thing that each of big families(like the one from which Raf comes) had long military traditions and every male member is taught the Way of the Sword (hand-to-hand combat), the Way of Thunder (laser gun combat), and the Way of the Lance (fighting inside mech-like armor) from the early years. As one is coming to 16 yo he is named a knight and starts his final training to get his own personalized Lancer(Mech). Mech technology is quite unique on this planet, not know on other planets and maybe even have some organic components in those mechs not only the mechanical ones. So - of course - piloting a lancer is a great honor and so on...:)

But... Raf liked all the training for self development and so on... He even loved to participate in training or tournament matches. For the rivalry and checking his progress. But never was so keen on actually hurting someone... for good or for bad. So to his parents surprise when he get to 18 yo he wanted to "postpone" his lancer training and go for medical university on some other planet, nearer the "human galaxy center". To actually heal people, not harm them. His father wasn't too happy about that - of course - but he liked his son's perseverance to chase his goal.

Ok... so far so good - quite standard story I think:) But here's the twist that I wonted to introduce from the beginning: to allow my character change to the Traveller career system... and make those mechs unavailable for him... for now... Maybe... after long enough game there will be an opportunity to find a way back to this concept for Rafael? What you think GM? .

After long farewells and Raf's departure from his home planet, he started medical studies. For few first semesters everything was normal. But then something really strange has happened. Whole Rafael's home planet was sealed up by the military forces of the imperium(we have some kind of military power or global want-to-be government in our world?) and all traces about it started to be erased by other forces like it never even existed. To this point: that for some, after few years after that event - claiming that this planet existed is a conspiracy theory. But Rafael knows the true, and his future career choices will reflect the thing that he will be trying to at least get to know what realy has happened.

Ok, thats all for my background and my character "WHERE DO I COME FROM?" thing. We are roughly at his 18 yo. What do you think about that? Is the place for such background in your setting?

Time to roll the stats. I wonder what will come up:)


Roll - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Roll - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Roll - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Roll - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Roll - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Roll - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Nov 28, 2022 10:15 pm
Oh... my... he is a real weakling... not the strongest child of the noble family... I presume. Wasn't there a rule to give one stat a 14 or I have mixed this idea from other system? Will there be a way to make them bigger later in character creation process? Ok... for now I will go will go this way:

Athletics 0 - training in fighting
Drive 0 - learning to drive mechs and other stuff,
Mechanic 0 - you have to know your own mech, right? It's a pitty that it is on some non-existing sealed planet... ;)

Noted on character sheet.
Nov 29, 2022 4:32 am
Pedrop says:
... Let's look at the connections in the same time my character will gradually go through his life ...
The trouble with that is, until we know how many Terms you are doing we can not align those 'times'. The end of your final Term is 'now', so the end of your previous Term is 4 years ago, and so on. Then end of your first Term might well be 32 years ago or just 12.

We have a record of each term that we can refer back to. It is easy enough to line them up afterwards, that's a benefit of PbP.
Pedrop says:
... I always start with the name, concept and art ...
In these times of internet images that art can have a significant impact on the direction a character goes. I remember when we used to use words to paint that picture. /sigh :)
Pedrop says:
... Art will have to come after my career ...
Yeah, and then we find that we just can not find any art that captures that one specific element that became integral to our description... so the final artwork ends up being from the left so we can't even see the massive scar that tore out their right eye and is their defining characteristic, or whatever. :)

Finding the right art can be the hardest part. :)
Pedrop says:
... make my "final" character already ...
Pedrop says:
... But will reserve the permission to discard it if I will really, really dislike him ...
While I would never force someone to play a character they really don't like --so there is always the option of discarding a character that does not work in all games-- this is intended to be your final character, you can make it work.
Pedrop says:
... intentionally not to specific, as I presume we will create the world and see ...
Yes, though we create the world based on your specifics.
Pedrop says:
... born on some planet ... near the so called rim ... can you provide me with the name for this planet? ...
I don't have any planets. We will make them as we need them. I can always roll up a random name, but you can also tell us about your home planet. If you want, we can work together and go through the World Creation procedure and make a Sector for them as well. Or we can leave this till we see or hear about them.
Pedrop says:
... old traditions and noble houses ...
We also get to decide how much 'nobility' and such matter in the outside world. I am inclined to say a quasi-feudal system makes a lot of sense in a setting where we need lords to operate and manage the machinery of war and provide protection for those under their care.
Pedrop says:
... named a knight ...
Though maybe these titles are not valid outside your world if you don't meet the SOC req. If you want to run into problems with recognition we can bring that into the game as much as you want.
Pedrop says:
... every male member ...
We get to decide how gendered our societies are. If some places place restrictions on women it could be interesting with our newest member Cat presenting as female.

Again, though it is up to us --the players-- if this is ever an issue we face. There is no mechanical effect for any gender we choose, it is purely a roleplay choice.
Pedrop says:
... long military traditions and ... is taught the Way of ...
You might be getting ahead of yourself. :)
It is fine if the mechanics don't bear out your background. Even if you have to take these Skills in later Careers we can pretend you got them --or their basics-- as part of your background. If you don't get them we can work out something to keep them in the background if you want (it could be that this 'military as sport' training does not carry over to real world melee and guns any better than fox hunting readies earth nobility for being a knight).
Pedrop says:
... go for medical university ...
We do have a very accomplished doctor (Lio). It is completely fine for you to double up, but you may end up playing second fiddle there if you focus on Medic. Some Medic Skill is always good, and who knows where the vicissitudes of Career will take you.
Pedrop says:
... few first semesters everything was normal ...
We shall see. You might not even get into University this Term.
Roll EDU 6+ For University Entry.
This means you roll `2d6+0` and need to get a 6 or higher.
Pedrop says:
... the imperium(we have some kind of military power or global want-to-be government in our world?) ...
Sure. We can make something like that. We might assume --at first-- that it is some 'power' local to your system out there on the rim. It can turn out to be a bigger thing as the story unfolds.
Pedrop says:
... planet was sealed up by the military forces ... make those mechs unavailable for him ... after long enough game there will be an opportunity to find a way back to this concept for Rafael ... his future career choices will reflect ... trying to at least get to know what realy has happened ...
I worry slightly that this is a rather big thing in your life and could end up dominating your choices, and interfering with the normal flow of the game. Traveller is not a game about heroes saving their homes, it is a game about the day-to-day life of people trying to make a living. It might be incongruous for your character to spend the needed amount of time trading and adventuring with something like this hanging over them.

But that is up to you. Don't expect anyone else to care about petty problem of a missing rim-world.
Pedrop says:
... all traces about it started to be erased by other forces like it never even existed ...
The universe is big, and information travels at the (slow) speed of light --or ships and jumps where it can-- so most worlds have never been heard of except by those in the vicinity. This sort of 'information erasure' does not need to go far. Most people don't care.
Pedrop says:
... a real weakling ...
Really only slightly below average.
Pedrop says:
... Wasn't there a rule to give one stat a 14 ...
Not that I recall, no.
Pedrop says:
... Will there be a way to make them bigger later in character creation process? ...
Yes. Your Characteristics can go up (and also down) during Character Creation. This is the main time you get to improve your Characteristics, they are very hard to change after Character Creation. Skills are easier to improve later, but Traveller is not a game about 'leveling up' so Character Creation is the main time to look for self-improvement, later it is mainly money and gear.
Pedrop says:
... Athletics 0 - training in fighting ...
Makes sense. That would have been my suggestion since you can't take Melee and Guns at that stage.
Pedrop says:
... Drive 0 - learning to drive mechs and other stuff ...
As chatted about during recruitment, we can look at modeling mechs upon the vehicles.

I don't know much about this 'mech' business, so don't be surprised if I look down on the concept as an impracticable and nonfunctional version of a vehicle. :)
Pedrop says:
... Mechanic 0 - you have to know your own mech, right? It's a pitty that it is on some non-existing sealed planet ...
Only if you want it to be. We can make a plan to include them in the setting. But they could also be a mere curiosity of your home planet.
Nov 30, 2022 12:44 am
Ok, I'm moving my character creation further and tomorrow I will comment/answer all the things you have written here(it's almost 2 o'clock here).

So... indeed, as stated before Rafael have gone to the university before his planet was sealed. Let's see if he got the Entry.


University entry EDU+6 - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Nov 30, 2022 1:05 am
Lol... he really was determined I can see:)

Medic 0 - he indeed enlisted mainly for medical studies as he intended...
Science (Cybernetics) 1 - but after getting to know more about "this Cybernetics things" he couldn't help himself not too look into new ways of "better connecting" with his mech... and he ended doing more curses about it than medical things:) He is mostly interested in non-invasive cybernetics that work by the side of body, enchanting it, but not getting into it or modify it permanently... like mechs on his planet, that are still unique and have even different approach for human-mech connection. Not known for general public/science.

Addding +1 to EDU - getting visibly better at it at 9! :)

Rolling for event.


Pre-Career Events - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Nov 30, 2022 1:07 am
"Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table (see page 46)." Getting even more interesting.


Life Events - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Nov 30, 2022 1:11 am
"Ending of Relationship: A romantic relationship involving you ends. Badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy."
Uhh... romantic BS... ;) I will have to think about that. Until tomorrow then!
Nov 30, 2022 6:07 am
Pedrop says:
... Lol... he really was determined I can see:) ...
He could not stand to let you down, you were so sure he would get in. :)
Pedrop says:
... Addding +1 to EDU - getting visibly better at it at 9! :) ...
Education --even more than travel-- broadens the mind. It would be disappointing --though, unfortunately, not uncommon-- if you came out of University without a better EDU. :)
Pedrop says:
... Uhh... romantic BS... ;) I will have to think about that ...
It can be whatever you are comfortable with. It is less about the relationship that ended than about the Rival (or Enemy) you now have because of how it ended.

We also don't need to know the details, and those details may feed into future events, or only come up when we meet the Rival.
Dec 1, 2022 1:11 am
Pedrop says:
"Ending of Relationship: A romantic relationship involving you ends. Badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy."
Uhh... romantic BS... ;) I will have to think about that. Until tomorrow then!
Hmmm... I think it is connected to the moment when his home planet was sealed... or just before that. She was a girl from different noble house. Her name is Esmera. And the funny fact is that she was designated for him as his future wife - arranged marriage thing. They first meat about when Raf was about 16 years old. At first he didn't like her. It seemed to him that she turned up his nose a lot and that Esmera thought that she was a much better match than he deserved(her family was higher status than him). Petite, energetic and intelligent(maybe more like "smart-ass") brunette. But after getting to know each other... something sparked between them. He promised to marry her after he get back from his studies. She promised she will be waiting;-) But before he ended his studies she somehow came to him, to the university... and she began to tell very strange stories about their planet and that he must com back immediately... Raf didn't listened to her, or even ignored not believing those stories... that broke her heart. "Badly". ( ;-) ) And before she managed to go back to their homeworld... the planet become sealed. And now she blames Rafeal for not doing anything and that she is too separated from her family now. That was the last time he saw her. And she is not a fan of him... certainly. What is sad for Rafael even more...

Would that be ok? Now let's see if he had enough discipline to end his studies in such circumstances...

Rolling for graduation.


Graduation INT 6+ - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Dec 1, 2022 1:15 am
Ehh... those princesses... always some trouble ;)

Ok, so that's the end of my adventure on the university and I should choose some career now?

And Raf is 22 yo now?
Last edited December 1, 2022 1:15 am
Dec 1, 2022 2:27 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Let's look at the connections in the same time my character will gradually go through his life ...
The trouble with that is, until we know how many Terms you are doing we can not align those 'times'. The end of your final Term is 'now', so the end of your previous Term is 4 years ago, and so on. Then end of your first Term might well be 32 years ago or just 12.

We have a record of each term that we can refer back to. It is easy enough to line them up afterwards, that's a benefit of PbP.
Ok, understood and agreed.
Pedrop says:
... I always start with the name, concept and art ...
In these times of internet images that art can have a significant impact on the direction a character goes. I remember when we used to use words to paint that picture. /sigh :)

Finding the right art can be the hardest part. :)
Yeah, you are right I use art mostly for character concept inspiration. Probably because I'm better with describing events and actions then human appearance. And this time it probably will other way around: the old school way:D And probably there indeed won't be proper art fro this character.

Pedrop says:
... born on some planet ... near the so called rim ... can you provide me with the name for this planet? ...
I don't have any planets. We will make them as we need them. I can always roll up a random name, but you can also tell us about your home planet. If you want, we can work together and go through the World Creation procedure and make a Sector for them as well. Or we can leave this till we see or hear about them.
I think this can wait. I think it won't be too easy to get there in the first place. Let's call it: Ignomia :)
Pedrop says:
... old traditions and noble houses ...
We also get to decide how much 'nobility' and such matter in the outside world. I am inclined to say a quasi-feudal system makes a lot of sense in a setting where we need lords to operate and manage the machinery of war and provide protection for those under their care.
For this I meant it as "local nobility" - in old fashion way. But you are right there is always some kind of 'nobility' be it by blood or by pure money and power.
Pedrop says:
... named a knight ...
Though maybe these titles are not valid outside your world if you don't meet the SOC req. If you want to run into problems with recognition we can bring that into the game as much as you want.
It's exactly as I have seen this: Raf is "noble" on his planet, but outside of it he is just an ordinary student as many other. He was a little richer then others - before his planet was sealed and money were coming from his parents - but nothing extraordinary. And now not many know that there was such planet as Ignomia.
Pedrop says:
... every male member ...
We get to decide how gendered our societies are. If some places place restrictions on women it could be interesting with our newest member Cat presenting as female.

Again, though it is up to us --the players-- if this is ever an issue we face. There is no mechanical effect for any gender we choose, it is purely a roleplay choice.
It is very traditional planet. People there don't use genetics modifications or cybernetics implants - so by the facts of biology science: human males are simply statistically stronger and "better equipped" for physical fights. And thats the main reason why things are in that way for many years now - there. There are sporadic situations that women also train martial arts and no-one have a bigger problem with that. But that's just uncommon that girls want to do that. As statistically they are more interested in people then things(like metal swords or robots).

But that is: for this planet. I don't know what is the standard for the whole universe:) But I'm for exploring different views and social conflicts. As with slavery. This is a disgusting concept for me, but pretending it was not a thing (or even is today) like ever is a missing opportunity to remember how awful some people can become. So exploring such things as societies that impose restrictions on man or women is ok with me.
Pedrop says:
... long military traditions and ... is taught the Way of ...
You might be getting ahead of yourself. :)
It is fine if the mechanics don't bear out your background. Even if you have to take these Skills in later Careers we can pretend you got them --or their basics-- as part of your background. If you don't get them we can work out something to keep them in the background if you want (it could be that this 'military as sport' training does not carry over to real world melee and guns any better than fox hunting readies earth nobility for being a knight).
Yes. Exactly. Raf was about to end his training with getting to know lethal technics at least, but it was supposed to be after his university and connected with joining a new family by marriage. "A knight don't have to know how to kill, if he don't have a wife to protect" ;)
Pedrop says:
... go for medical university ...
We do have a very accomplished doctor (Lio). It is completely fine for you to double up, but you may end up playing second fiddle there if you focus on Medic. Some Medic Skill is always good, and who knows where the vicissitudes of Career will take you.
Medic was just a beginning - finding his way in the brutal world for Raf - but I didn't think it would be his focus. So I think no problem with this. Especially that now he is kicked out of his studies....
Pedrop says:
... few first semesters everything was normal ...
We shall see. You might not even get into University this Term.
Roll EDU 6+ For University Entry.
This means you roll `2d6+0` and need to get a 6 or higher.
Apparently dice were agreeing with my initial ideas... :)
Pedrop says:
... the imperium(we have some kind of military power or global want-to-be government in our world?) ...
Sure. We can make something like that. We might assume --at first-- that it is some 'power' local to your system out there on the rim. It can turn out to be a bigger thing as the story unfolds.
Pedrop says:
... planet was sealed up by the military forces ... make those mechs unavailable for him ... after long enough game there will be an opportunity to find a way back to this concept for Rafael ... his future career choices will reflect ... trying to at least get to know what realy has happened ...
I worry slightly that this is a rather big thing in your life and could end up dominating your choices, and interfering with the normal flow of the game. Traveller is not a game about heroes saving their homes, it is a game about the day-to-day life of people trying to make a living. It might be incongruous for your character to spend the needed amount of time trading and adventuring with something like this hanging over them.

But that is up to you. Don't expect anyone else to care about petty problem of a missing rim-world.
Yes. His career choices will be dominated by that. But after them - at the point when he will start to be a traveller and I think our adventures will start - he will realize that official paths to solve this issue leaded him to nowhere, probably leaving him a little bitter in the process. But he have to live somehow, make money, gain in his own power - not counting on official ones, as they seem to be corrupted - and by traveling a lot, making contacts, meeting people, he still hopes to get some information/clues at least about what has really happened there? He needs his own organization, his own power and influence to set things straight... ("good"/noble mafia? ;) we will see... how far he will go... )

So it would be a good thing if his home planet would be not so far from "party's base of operation" or something like this.
Pedrop says:
... all traces about it started to be erased by other forces like it never even existed ...
The universe is big, and information travels at the (slow) speed of light --or ships and jumps where it can-- so most worlds have never been heard of except by those in the vicinity. This sort of 'information erasure' does not need to go far. Most people don't care.
Pedrop says:
... a real weakling ...
Really only slightly below average.
His determination will have to do... :)
Pedrop says:
... Drive 0 - learning to drive mechs and other stuff ...
As chatted about during recruitment, we can look at modeling mechs upon the vehicles.

I don't know much about this 'mech' business, so don't be surprised if I look down on the concept as an impracticable and nonfunctional version of a vehicle. :)
I think mech for him in this case should be more like lightsaber for Jedi - very hard to get in current circumstances. A praise. But maybe other players will be also interested? We could become some kind of voltron/mecha mafia in this setting.... lol ;D Mafia in the sense of - opposition to official forces.

I have Mecha Hack rules, so when proper time will come we can use them - if other players will be interested. They are quite easy and elegant, and mainly they are about the mechs statistic - not necessary pilots, so I think we could blend this ruleset with Traveller without a bigger problem.

What you think? When time will come for this:)
Pedrop says:
... Mechanic 0 - you have to know your own mech, right? It's a pitty that it is on some non-existing sealed planet ...
Only if you want it to be. We can make a plan to include them in the setting. But they could also be a mere curiosity of your home planet.
I'm counting on that. There must be another planet with similar technology somewhere? Sister/Mirror/Twin planet? At very specific coordinates in relation to the Ignomia? Maybe finding those other mechs will help somehow to get to Raf's home planet? Maybe it was in old legends and Raf still remembers that? Or something will make him recall that? In proper time. Time will show...
Dec 1, 2022 5:38 am
Pedrop says:
... she blames Rafeal for not doing anything and that she is too separated from her family ...
Sounds like this is bordering on Enemy, but until this bit I was seeing her as a Rival (Page 20). Your choice which she is.
Pedrop says:
... that's the end of my adventure on the university and I should choose some career now? ... And Raf is 22 yo now? ...
Failing to graduate has no negative side effects (you keep the Level 0 and Level 1 Skills you learned), and is a story to add to the flavour. One wonders how much your lost love had to do with your failing out.

You are four years older, though you can tell us if you failed at the end and went straight to the next thing, or if there was a period where you bummed around for a bit after dropping out early, either way you are 22 when we see you next.

By my ruling you could also attempt entry into Military Academy, with the second Term penalty.

If you go on to a Career, this is your first Career (even though it is not your first Term) so you get the full Basic Training for that first Career.
Pedrop says:
... there is always some kind of 'nobility' be it by blood or by pure money and power. ...
Indeed. Cat is also part of that circle.
Pedrop says:
... pretending it was not a thing (or even is today) like ever is a missing opportunity to remember ...
I agree, though if we tread into uncomfortable territory there are Safety Tools and we should talk about things.
Pedrop says:
... it would be a good thing if his home planet would be not so far from "party's base of operation" ...
I am not sure we will have a 'base of operations', we are Travellers after all. But we can move to there if and when we need to. I don't want to make this a big part of everyone's story, so we should not be so close that we have to deal with this blockade all the time.
Pedrop says:
... some kind of voltron/mecha mafia in this setting ...
I have no idea what any of this is. :)
Pedrop says:
... I have Mecha Hack rules, so when proper time will come we can use them ...
I doubt it.
Pedrop says:
... I'm counting on that ...
I hope that is not the case. I was clear in the recruitment that I don't know 'mechs' and would not do more than what the Vehicle rules provide. Your 'mech' could be a vehicle, or a suit of armour, or even a Small Craft, but remember the TL9 restrictions. They may not prove all that valuable or useful in the outside world and are not a defining characteristic, they are probably more of a 'fun oddity' from your home world.
Dec 1, 2022 9:33 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... she blames Rafeal for not doing anything and that she is too separated from her family ...
Sounds like this is bordering on Enemy, but until this bit I was seeing her as a Rival (Page 20). Your choice which she is.
Yes. Bordering, but I think she is still a Rival - she don't wants Rafael dead. And deep inside she knows that it wasn't his fault completely. But those were traumatic experiences and she vented all the anger and fear on him. This way it is easier for her.

Failing to graduate has no negative side effects (you keep the Level 0 and Level 1 Skills you learned), and is a story to add to the flavour. One wonders how much your lost love had to do with your failing out.

You are four years older, though you can tell us if you failed at the end and went straight to the next thing, or if there was a period where you bummed around for a bit after dropping out early, either way you are 22 when we see you next.

By my ruling you could also attempt entry into Military Academy, with the second Term penalty.

If you go on to a Career, this is your first Career (even though it is not your first Term) so you get the full Basic Training for that first Career.
Dropping was mainly because of the sealing event and realization that what Esmera was telling was indeed true, looking for her(with no luck), loosing income from his parents and all distractions connected with all of this. He didn't pass the final exams:(

I think this will be straight ahead a brand new career - but I will do it at my evening again. At this moment I'm thinking about Journalist - good for young active man(or woman) who tries to find "the truth"... but will think about it some more.
Pedrop says:
... pretending it was not a thing (or even is today) like ever is a missing opportunity to remember ...
I agree, though if we tread into uncomfortable territory there are Safety Tools and we should talk about things.
Yeah. I didn't meant to say that we should focus on that, just claiming that those are important and interesting subjects(human nature and in what circumences it turns to its bad side - to prevent that). But for now probably it will be better to start with lighter themes.
Pedrop says:
... it would be a good thing if his home planet would be not so far from "party's base of operation" ...
I am not sure we will have a 'base of operations', we are Travellers after all. But we can move to there if and when we need to. I don't want to make this a big part of everyone's story, so we should not be so close that we have to deal with this blockade all the time.
Yes. Of course. I was thinking about more like neighboring sector - something that you can reach in reasonable time (1-1.5 months considering that one jamp is 1 week) but not too close.
Pedrop says:
... some kind of voltron/mecha mafia in this setting ...
I have no idea what any of this is. :)
It was meant to be some kind of a joke... but it it looks like a poor one now... hope it's more about that I'm not native speaker. Never mind.
Pedrop says:
... I have Mecha Hack rules, so when proper time will come we can use them ...
I doubt it.
Pedrop says:
... I'm counting on that ...
I hope that is not the case. I was clear in the recruitment that I don't know 'mechs' and would not do more than what the Vehicle rules provide. Your 'mech' could be a vehicle, or a suit of armour, or even a Small Craft, but remember the TL9 restrictions. They may not prove all that valuable or useful in the outside world and are not a defining characteristic, they are probably more of a 'fun oddity' from your home world.

Ok. No problem with that. As you can see... sometimes I get too much enthusiastic and want to do too many things in too less time or to fast... :)
Dec 1, 2022 10:04 am
Pedrop says:
... she don't wants Rafael dead ... she vented all the anger and fear on him ...
Cool. Think about how she is a Rival in terms of the mechanics. What might she do to hinder your plans? What is it she wants.

Sounds like it might even be possible to get her back on your side... if you put the effort in.
Pedrop says:
... she knows that it wasn't his fault completely ...
What does she think you could have done? It does not need to be logical, but how would your going home have helped or prevented the larger government from erasing your planet? Is there any validity to this belief?
Pedrop says:
... He didn't pass the final exams ...
Did he try to write those exams?
Pedrop says:
... thinking about Journalist ...
That sounds suitable. Think on it and decide tonight. Then let the dice decide for real. :)
Pedrop says:
... for now probably it will be better to start with lighter themes ...
Completely up to the players. We can say that this sort of thing exists and then decide as we play (including on the first mission/job/adventure) how much we see or do about these issues. It is a dial we can adjust constantly.
Pedrop says:
... considering that one jamp is 1 week ...
More like two weeks. You spend about a week in 'jump space' then maybe another week in the new system dealing with refueling (if that is an option or needed) and getting to the correct place to make the next Jump. If you need to go to a place in the new system, that might take a week to get to and then another week to get from, and you might spend some time on the planet (or whatever). So, unless you are rushing somewhere --where the two weeks per Jump is a baseline-- you can possibly think about making a Jump per month under normal 'trading'.
Pedrop says:
vagueGM says:
I have no idea what any of this is. :)
It was meant to be some kind of a joke... but it it looks like a poor one now... hope it's more about that I'm not native speaker. ...
No, just that I literally have no idea who 'voltron' is. I understood the language, just not the reference.
Pedrop says:
... sometimes I get too much enthusiastic ...
No worries. I just didn't want you getting your hopes up about mechs, since they are not going to be a significant part of this game.
Dec 2, 2022 2:05 am
Rolling for Qualification: Journalist


Qualification: Journalist INT 5+ - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Dec 2, 2022 2:26 am
I had a feeling.... ;) Ok, no personali investigation... than maybe through official military ranks - to know something about his planet from friends he may make at the army?


Draft Table - (d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 2, 2022 2:30 am
oh... no... Merchant Marine probably the most boring career from the whole list?
Dec 2, 2022 5:44 am
Pedrop says:
oh... no... Merchant Marine probably the most boring career from the whole list?
I don't know. Their Service Skills are pretty good, and their Personal Development table has a lot of Characteristic increases and you were complaining about being weak. You qualify for their Advanced Education table and that has some Skills that seem like they could be very useful in your search.

Any ideas on what happened? 'Draft' is used a bit loosely. Were you rejected as a journalist because you were too outspoken about subjects that should not be talked about? Were you tricked into joining the Merchant Marines on the pretense that you would learn answers there? Did you decided this was the way to go --as suggested in your post-- and, if so, how did you end up in the Merchant Marines instead of the Army? Are they a stepping stone, or do you believe they are more likely to have the answers you seek? Or did a war break out and your burgeoning Journalist Career had to be put on hold till next Term (you can try again, if you want)? Just to name a few options.
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