Dec 30, 2022 10:54 am
Sure, we won't deny you access to the ship you 'earned' during Character Creation. We don't expect you to play without it.
We could do that, if people want, but that sounds a lot like 'you don't have your ship at the start'.
I do not need anything like that, I am quite happy for you all to start on your working ship if that is what you guys want.
No ideas yet. I can see several ways to make that happen. It did seem like a way to bring the characters together, but the rules assume you are 'already together' so we can assume that already happened. It was just a 'quest starter' idea.
I don't think we are starting on that planet/colony, though. So we can assume you managed to get off (or were driven off?) somehow, even if that was a while ago.
If you really want to start at the time of that accusation we can start things at the point that the others have just swooped in and gotten you out? Not being there with your ship could help keep the 'accusation' from tainting your ship's reputation along with your own?
Sure. You are majority owner of the ship, whether the other characters continue to accept you as 'captain' may depend on what you do.
And yet, there are those rumours... Maybe your memory is worse than you think? I don't mind if it starts with guns. If we are just going to convince everything to buy guns anyway, then there is little reason to restrict them. If think that will be interesting, and we want to play out the purchase and installation of those guns --on the black market, presumably-- then we can turn that into a mission, but if they are just going to be bought we can as easily start with them.
Not the ones in the Core Book, in High-Guard there are TL10 Pop-Up Mounts that allow for that at the cost of +1 Tons and +1 MCr. If you really want those, then we might have to 'play to get them', they are 'high-tech' devices and not common.
I believe you get one hardpoint for every 100 Tons? So two? There are rules for hulls with more than the normal amount.
Sounds like a job. :)
Pedrop says:
... I feel that Raf should come to the adventure "with a ship". ...Pedrop says:
... Maybe he just got it "yesterday" ... still don't know what are the quirks ...Pedrop says:
... landed somewhere and it didn't took off again ...Pedrop says:
... If you need that for our first adventure? ...Pedrop says:
... it can also be that our first mission is to go and pick up our ship if you already have good ideas for that ...Pedrop says:
... Raf can get false accusation without his own ship too... but it would make much harder for him to get off the suspicious planet/colony ...If you really want to start at the time of that accusation we can start things at the point that the others have just swooped in and gotten you out? Not being there with your ship could help keep the 'accusation' from tainting your ship's reputation along with your own?
Pedrop says:
... balancing between this and staying with his "noble intentions" can make him an interesting captain ...Pedrop says:
... "I don't remember a single instance of that... ...OOC:
Are you interested in exploring that more?Pedrop says:
... If it will not come with a guns, Raf will try convince everyone to get some. ...Pedrop says:
... aren't turrets in this system retractable ...Pedrop says:
... Far Trader has some turrets hardpoints? ...Pedrop says:
... "No! Let's take those Beam Laser... I know that specifications are the same... but the look much more dangerous!" ...