vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... you think it could be actually a Scouts Services themselves that erased Raf's memory? ...
Scout Services? The people responsible for finding and
mapping where planets are? Do I think they might have been involved in erasing a planet from the registry? Seems now that they would have to be, right?
What is 'memory' if not just a big map? (It is probably more than that, which is why they mess up when fiddling with memory.)
Now... when you put it that way...
someone from them
had to be involved in erasing Raf's planet... for sure! But personally I don't think the most of the organization is so corrupted... as if that was the case, then no one would relay on their maps and services. I would prefer them being in the most part this idealistic organization of brave pioneers, silent keeper of the known for humans universe. But that doesn't mean every single one of them is like that of course. And of course there is a possibility that someone was forced to do that by some secret services blackmail....
To state it clear: I was thinking about this event, that Raf's memory was erased "only" for the period of this particular mission. Not before it and not after. And he is wanted only this system/planet. I think it would be not fun to be afraid of some arrest in the whole universe, at the beginning of the game. So at least for first few months it should be restricted to this system.
Pedrop says:
... accused of some criminal activities ...
Just 'criminal' in general, or are there specific accusations of crimes? It is fine if we don't know yet what they are, but surely the locals or the local law would know the accusation? If not, then there is more going on, of course.
But remember, you don't know what happened. So maybe we should honour that and not have you start in a situation where you are learning what happened?
I think that, how specific this crime is depends on that if Raf will go for this "new colony planet" before we start the game or after(eventually at the beginning). We can get to know what are the accusations
together during the play.
But as I don't see (so far) much interest in this storyline from other players and (probably) you - it looks that we should establish it as event that happened before the point in time of our game beginning. What do you think about that? Do you consider to start our game with this?
Pedrop says:
... arouse respect in other small criminals ...
You are free to claim such things, but they are not backed up by any mechanics since there are no Contacts or anything happening here. When you interact with these criminals --or anyone else-- you could always say they might have a past with you and roll to see how they feel.
Ok, you are right probably thats too much for now. We can go back to it, when we will know what was the crime. And other criminals reaction will be "natural" depending of who they are and what the crime was. Not need to say to much:)
Pedrop says:
... Could it be a place where he meet the rest of the team ...
That requires us to all align our Connections with that one point right at the end. If it turns out that we do that anyway, then fine, but let's not push it.
For instance: There is an inflection point in Term 2 where almost everyone was a Merchant at the same time (and one med-student).
Traveller assumes you are not a new crew, that many of your have known each other for years and worked together before. If we want to be strangers until recently, we can do that, there is no strong mechanical reason to force you all to be old acquaintances, though it does smooth over some starting struggles. But those 'struggles' can also be fun to play out.
I agree again - no need to push it, especially on other players. I have put out the idea - maybe it will be useful, maybe not. But for my character story - if we want to go by what dice have told us and I think we do - this event(fals accusation) probably should happened at the end of his 5th term, as it was an effect of mishap - a reason he had to leave the career. So not long before the beginning of our game, or at it very moment. Yes?
Pedrop says:
... a gun and good vest ...
Cool, you need help with speccing out any of those? I assume it is an Energy or Slug Gun --and not Archaic?
Whatever you buy, you can start practicing with it --though maybe not on the ship!-- and work towards Specialising in that type. Currently you are equally good at all types of Guns (so you might want to shop around and play out finding what sort you like?). Energy weapons are probably better in those zero-G environments you were practicing in?
I limited myself to TL 9. I would like to take:
Flak Jacket Cr300 - Now that he may have some law officers on his back, Raf has to protect himself. Probably hidden under other ordinary clothes.
Magnetic Grapples Cr100 - Fancy, military-like looking boots with... hidden little surprise for his enemies, when he turns off the gravity on the ship with a hidden buttons, cleverly placed around the ship.
Laser Pistol Cr2000 - what is the point of playing sci-fi system without laser weapon ? ;)
Additional power pack Cr1000 left in ship to charge.
Dagger Cr10 - hidden in right boot of his, more like knife, just in case... now as he is treated as criminal by some.
All good?
He would also like to have:
Autorifle - for some added firepower on planet surfaces,
Antique Rifle - for some style(hanged in the ship, but fully functioning) and nostalgia of his home planet, as such weapons were kept in his family home as decorations and traditional items
But I presume there is limit for initial equipment?
And what about the Vacc Suits - do we get them with a ship, or have to buy them? The same question about some kind of comms?
Pedrop says:
... erasing of a memory can really change man approach to life... you know? ...
"Er... no. Who are you?" :)
"It's a me! Rafio! Don't you remember that you promised me your sister for my wife?" ;)