Pedrop says:
... Let's look at the connections in the same time my character will gradually go through his life ...
The trouble with that is, until we know how many Terms you are doing we can not align those 'times'. The end of your
final Term is 'now', so the end of your previous Term is 4 years ago, and so on. Then end of your first Term might well be 32 years ago or just 12.
We have a record of each term that we can refer back to. It is easy enough to line them up afterwards, that's a benefit of PbP.
Pedrop says:
... I always start with the name, concept and art ...
In these times of internet images that art can have a significant impact on the direction a character goes. I remember when we used to use
words to paint that picture. /sigh :)
Pedrop says:
... Art will have to come after my career ...
Yeah, and then we find that we just can not find any art that captures that one specific element that became integral to our description... so the final artwork ends up being from the left so we can't even see the massive scar that tore out their right eye and is their defining characteristic, or whatever. :)
Finding the right art can be the hardest part. :)
Pedrop says:
... make my "final" character already ...
Pedrop says:
... But will reserve the permission to discard it if I will really, really dislike him ...
While I would never force someone to play a character they really don't like --so there is always the option of discarding a character that does not work in
all games-- this is intended to be your final character, you can make it work.
Pedrop says:
... intentionally not to specific, as I presume we will create the world and see ...
Yes, though we create the world based on your specifics.
Pedrop says:
... born on some planet ... near the so called rim ... can you provide me with the name for this planet? ...
I don't have any planets. We will make them as we need them. I can always roll up a random name, but you can also tell us about your home planet. If you want, we can work together and go through the World Creation procedure and make a Sector for them as well. Or we can leave this till we see or hear about them.
Pedrop says:
... old traditions and noble houses ...
We also get to decide how much 'nobility' and such matter in the outside world. I am inclined to say a quasi-feudal system makes a lot of sense in a setting where we need lords to operate and manage the machinery of war and provide protection for those under their care.
Pedrop says:
... named a knight ...
Though maybe these titles are not valid outside your world if you don't meet the SOC req. If you want to run into problems with recognition we can bring that into the game as much as you want.
Pedrop says:
... every male member ...
We get to decide how gendered our societies are. If some places place restrictions on women it could be interesting with our newest member
Cat presenting as female.
Again, though it is up to us --the players-- if this is ever an issue we face. There is no mechanical effect for any gender we choose, it is purely a roleplay choice.
Pedrop says:
... long military traditions and ... is taught the Way of ...
You might be getting ahead of yourself. :)
It is fine if the mechanics don't bear out your background. Even if you have to take these Skills in later Careers we can pretend you got them --or their basics-- as part of your background. If you don't get them we can work out something to keep them in the background if you want (it could be that this 'military as sport' training does not carry over to real world melee and guns any better than fox hunting readies earth nobility for being a knight).
Pedrop says:
... go for medical university ...
We do have a very accomplished doctor (
Lio). It is completely fine for you to double up, but you may end up playing second fiddle there if you focus on Medic. Some Medic Skill is always good, and who knows where the vicissitudes of Career will take you.
Pedrop says:
... few first semesters everything was normal ...
We shall see. You might not even get into University this Term.
Roll EDU 6+ For University Entry.
This means you roll `2d6+0` and need to get a 6 or higher.
Pedrop says:
the imperium(we have some kind of military power or global want-to-be government in our world?) ...
Sure. We can make something like that. We might assume --at first-- that it is some 'power' local to your system out there on the rim. It can turn out to be a bigger thing as the story unfolds.
Pedrop says:
... planet was sealed up by the military forces ... make those mechs unavailable for him ... after long enough game there will be an opportunity to find a way back to this concept for Rafael ... his future career choices will reflect ... trying to at least get to know what
realy has happened ...
I worry slightly that this is a rather big thing in your life and could end up dominating your choices, and interfering with the normal flow of the game. Traveller is not a game about heroes saving their homes, it is a game about the day-to-day life of people trying to make a living. It might be incongruous for your character to spend the needed amount of time trading and adventuring with something like this hanging over them.
But that is up to you. Don't expect anyone else to care about petty problem of a missing rim-world.
Pedrop says:
... all traces about it started to be erased by other forces like it never even existed ...
The universe is big, and information travels at the (slow) speed of light --or ships and jumps where it can-- so most worlds have never been heard of except by those in the vicinity. This sort of 'information erasure' does not need to go far. Most people don't care.
Pedrop says:
... a real weakling ...
Really only slightly below average.
Pedrop says:
... Wasn't there a rule to give one stat a 14 ...
Not that I recall, no.
Pedrop says:
... Will there be a way to make them bigger later in character creation process? ...
Yes. Your Characteristics can go up (and also down) during Character Creation. This is the main time you get to improve your Characteristics, they are very hard to change after Character Creation. Skills are easier to improve later, but Traveller is not a game about 'leveling up' so Character Creation is the main time to look for self-improvement, later it is mainly money and gear.
Pedrop says:
... Athletics 0 - training in fighting ...
Makes sense. That would have been my suggestion since you can't take Melee and Guns at that stage.
Pedrop says:
... Drive 0 - learning to drive mechs and other stuff ...
As chatted about during recruitment, we can look at modeling mechs upon the vehicles.
I don't know much about this 'mech' business, so don't be surprised if I look down on the concept as an impracticable and nonfunctional version of a vehicle. :)
Pedrop says:
... Mechanic 0 - you have to know your own mech, right? It's a pitty that it is on some non-existing sealed planet ...
Only if you want it to be. We can make a plan to include them in the setting. But they could also be a mere curiosity of your home planet.