Pedrop Character Creation

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Dec 5, 2022 1:05 pm
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... I meant from story point of view ... hope I have enough imagination to make it interesting and reasonable ...
Sounds like you are well on your way already. :)
I hope so:)
Pedrop says:
... the eccentric multi-bilionner ... is the main donor to the media company ...
And owner of the megacorporation you end up Merchant Marining in? Or don't you know that yet? :)
Really? That sucks... ;) Well... you have to know your enemy if you want to win over them. And not all people working there are evil... I hope so at least... :D
Pedrop says:
... really wanted to go Navy, Army or Marine ...
Yeah, but beggars can't be choosers, and your previous failed Career must have some negative effect on your getting in.
Now... you are harsh ;) ;)
Pedrop says:
... Coincidence? ...
Sure. That is all it was. Where's your tinfoil hat anyway? :)
Mine? Always on... always on... man. ;-D

Rafael's? He is still too proud for this... probably too young and didn't see enough... ;-D
Pedrop says:
... Luckily - as it turned out - the captain of the ship was a retired military captain, who served near his home planet at the time of sealing it ...
Or so the rumours go. Is this a good or a bad thing? We shall see. :)

We shall see... But there must be some good people at the higher ranks at those organizations, sometimes... don't they?
vagueGM says:
What's next for you?
So know he is 26 yo? Will note this on the sheet. Probably he will stay at this career, but I will see into that at my evening today. Now have to get back to work. Thanks for all the help!
Dec 5, 2022 1:13 pm
Pedrop says:
... Really? That sucks... ;) Well... you have to know your enemy ...
Hey, might not be. It was just a rumour I heard.
Pedrop says:
... there must be some good people at the higher ranks at those organizations, sometimes... ...
Might be. Though whether they are willing to risk their positions to help you is the question. You might need to come back to them later, if you manage to maintain friendship after leaving.

Right now we are making obstacles to finding the answers, not actually looking for answers.
Pedrop says:
... So know he is 26 yo? ...
Yep. 18 + 4 + 4.
Pedrop says:
... Probably he will stay at this career ...
That seems wise. But decide when you get back to this later.
Dec 5, 2022 7:25 pm
Ok. Lets try to get up in the ranks some more... Staying with this career. So I presume I just roll for the next term in one of the tables? Ok choosing... it was a chard choice, but will get PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - maybe will help with advancements later.



(6) = 6

Dec 5, 2022 7:37 pm
Streetwise... again ? On "Personal development"? lol:) It was a Merchant Marine ship... or more like pirate ship? ;) Or was it that our beloved captain wasn't exactly a saint himself... ?

Streetwise 1 -> 2

Ok, time for survival...


survival EDU 5+ - (2d6+1)

(34) + 1 = 8

Dec 5, 2022 7:41 pm
Not bad. He is good at survival it seems:) Event roll.


Merchant Marine - EVENT - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Dec 5, 2022 7:46 pm
Again: "A good deal ensures you are living the high life for a few years. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll."
Hmmm... good... indeed... getting some wealth and power I hope...:)



ADVANCEMENT roll - INT 7+ - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Dec 5, 2022 7:51 pm
Yes!!! :D
"4th Officer"
I feel this time it will be good to go for: MERCHANT MARINE table - because of advancement.



(6) = 6

Dec 5, 2022 7:55 pm
So that would be Electronics - choosing Remote Ops. 0 -> 1.

Ok, now he is 30 yo... and face the choice to stay at this career or change it... Probably stay... but will think about it some more...
Dec 5, 2022 11:38 pm
Ok... so far it wasn't bad, so I think it will be the last term at this career - I hope it will be by choice...:) So rolling a for ADVANCED EDUCATION... that was a hard choice but didn't want to get another Streetwise or Vac Suit...:)



(4) = 4

Dec 5, 2022 11:41 pm
A Pilot - nice one! :) It will be Spacecraft specialization. Noting on the sheet.
So... now survival...


survival EDU 5+ - (2d6+1)

(32) + 1 = 6

Dec 5, 2022 11:44 pm
Nice! It will be by the choice! I like it! :D So now event


Merchant Marine - EVENT - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Dec 5, 2022 11:59 pm
Lol... So Raf indeed had some criminal opportunities... but... on Imperial Ship?!?!? ;) ;) ;) Interesting... did captain knew about that? Was he directly involved in such activities? Or maybe he was not the "government guy" in the end of the day?

"You are offered the opportunity to smuggle illegal items onto a planet. If you accept, roll Deception 8+ or Persuade 8+ to gain Streetwise 1 and an extra Benefit roll. If you refuse, you gain an Enemy in the criminal sphere."

I think they were illegal... but only by the eyes of the planet's awful dictatorship and they were a weapons for the opposition... so Raf could help fight against some communist regime and... make some money:) Two birds with one stone. He would definitely try that... :) Let's see if he managed to pull it through? I wonder what should happen if he wouldn't pass this test? But I really hope he will:) I'm not sure, but after reading skill examples it would be 2d6 + Persuade (0) + INT(0) -> so in this case 2d6? Rolling that. But will wait for the confirmation.


Persuade 8+ - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Dec 6, 2022 12:03 am
A REAL pity... ;( So what now?
Dec 6, 2022 7:05 am
Pedrop says:
... Streetwise... again ? ... more like pirate ship ...
Could be. But Streetwise is about how wise you are on the street, not necessarily about crime.
page71 says:
A Traveller with the Streetwise skill understands the urban environment and the power structures in society.
Pedrop says:
... 4th Officer ...
That Streetwise getting you in contact with the officers? On you way to schmoozing with the captain? :)
Pedrop says:
... after reading skill examples it would be 2d6 + Persuade (0) + INT(0) -> so in this case 2d6 ...
Elsewhere possibly, or possibly +SOC if you are Persuading with your 'nobility' or possibly +DEX if you are using your 'grace and beauty', or other options, the fiction will inform the Characteristic. But in this case, no, just 2d6 + Persuade, exactly like it says. As they say on page 11, this is a special rule for Character Creation, later --in actual play-- you will get to add further Modifiers. It is a pity that they don't use the proper/full rules during character creation, but I suppose they are tying to keep it 'simpler' for new players?
Pedrop says:
... So what now ...
Nothing. You did not refuse, so you don't get an Enemy, but you also did not do well enough to really benefit from this (you did not Learn more Streetwise or get the extra Benefit roll).

Did you succeed in getting the stuff in? Was it, maybe, so easy that you did not learn anything, or such a close shave that you kept your head down and don't want to risk accepting any rewards and drawing attention? Or something else? Tell us the story.

This need not have any effect on you 'leaving on your own terms', though it might add flavour as to why (or make you stay?). Where do you want to go next?
Dec 6, 2022 9:01 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Streetwise... again ? ... more like pirate ship ...
Could be. But Streetwise is about how wise you are on the street, not necessarily about crime.
Hmm... I'm not intending to "force" criminal themes on those results, but to be honest I don't have other good ideas for that. How do you see streetwise in context of imperial merchant ship?
page71 says:
A Traveller with the Streetwise skill understands the urban environment and the power structures in society.
So could it be that ship was so big that it had it own "society"(in some sense it is always a case)? But I always thought about it as applicable mainly outside of the ship? Well... in the streets, starports and so on. Ships and i.e. starports - as I see them - probably have quite different social structures. I.e. at ship the hierarchy is strictly defined or it won't function too well.
Pedrop says:
... 4th Officer ...
That Streetwise getting you in contact with the officers? On you way to schmoozing with the captain? :)
By "4th Officer" I meant Raf's new rank. (Was celebrating it:) ) And still only one thing that comes to my mind, right now: that becoming an officer on the ship and/by getting streetwise would mean that all the higher ranks on the imperial merchant ship were involved in some shenanigans? Or what other ideas you have for that? Probably I have made myself too narrow-minded :(
Pedrop says:
... after reading skill examples it would be 2d6 + Persuade (0) + INT(0) -> so in this case 2d6 ...
Elsewhere possibly, or possibly +SOC if you are Persuading with your 'nobility' or possibly +DEX if you are using your 'grace and beauty', or other options, the fiction will inform the Characteristic. But in this case, no, just 2d6 + Persuade, exactly like it says. As they say on page 11, this is a special rule for Character Creation, later --in actual play-- you will get to add further Modifiers. It is a pity that they don't use the proper/full rules during character creation, but I suppose they are tying to keep it 'simpler' for new players?
Yes, so far I love the process of character creation - for generating interesting story and being its own mini game . But... it has a lot of "exceptions" to what is stated in the next few pages of main rules - and that's sometimes confusing for me. Thx for explaining that. Luckily this exception didn't changed anything for this roll.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... So what now ...
Nothing. You did not refuse, so you don't get an Enemy, but you also did not do well enough to really benefit from this (you did not Learn more Streetwise or get the extra Benefit roll).

Did you succeed in getting the stuff in? Was it, maybe, so easy that you did not learn anything, or such a close shave that you kept your head down and don't want to risk accepting any rewards and drawing attention? Or something else? Tell us the story.

This need not have any effect on you 'leaving on your own terms', though it might add flavour as to why (or make you stay?). Where do you want to go next?
I will think about that. But first lets see if he got advancement...


ADVANCEMENT roll - INT 7+ - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Dec 6, 2022 9:28 am
Excelent! This failed mission with contraband apparently didn't help Raf, but still he somehow manage to advance and now he is:
3rd Officer
Rolling at MERCHANT MARINE table - for advancement...

I must say... it become more tempting to stay for this career... But I have to decide well: the next term will be the last one. Gotta use it well.

Also: by checking for what else Vacc Suit skill is useful I found that there is something called a Battle Dress... could it be that on Ignomia it was what they called as mechs? :) That would explain why Raf has STR and DEX so low... as this armor compensate for this. But still I'm not sure....:) Huge robots with human inside still are tempting even more... But such Battle dress seems more subtle and probably have more useful applications.



(3) = 3

Dec 6, 2022 9:38 am
Athletics... nice... Being a 3th officer requires you to get into shape... I think? Noting on the sheet as Athletics - Endurance 1. Being in the mech or battle armor for longer period of time requires some trained endurance I presume, more then Strength or dexterity which are exchanged by it...
Ok... it leaves me with the aging roll for this term and I will want to tie up all the above loose story threads + choose the career for Raf's last term... or to stay in this one... He is so close to being "noticeable" by the Captain... could it be worth to stay here? Or he decided that this paths don't leads him to anything useful? That I leave for my evening to decide...
Dec 6, 2022 9:43 am
Hmmm... would getting "Pilot 1" as potential bonus because of next rank would allow Raf to get Capital Ships at 1 or it will not change anything as he already has 1 at Spacecraft ?
Dec 6, 2022 10:12 am
Pedrop says:
... How do you see streetwise in context of imperial merchant ship? ...
I can help out if you need, but this is your story. This is also an empire local to your homeworld or system, so you can tell us about them. If that is what you choose. Remember that the book says Merchant Marine is working for megacorporations or 'the Imperium' which is an organisation in the official setting and not something we have here. 'Imperium' and 'imperial' are not the same thing, so that is your word, if you want it.
Pedrop says:
... I don't have other good ideas for that ...
It can just be a skill you learn on your travels. It does not have to a big part of the story. But it does seem this one might be as you learn how the real world really works.
Pedrop says:
... ship was so big that it had it own "society"(in some sense it is always a case) ... streets, starports and so on ...
Indeed. A ship of any size will have its own society, but the skill also applies when you go ashore at a variety of places during your many years here.

You also don't have to have been on the same ship the whole time, maybe that captain you speak of is just where you end up? Maybe you worked your way towards getting onto that specific ship? Streetwise will help you learn the ropes on any ship you join --which is why you had to learn it on your first Term in the real world. You might further your Skills as you deal with more people and hierarchies, on and off ships.
Pedrop says:
... ship the hierarchy is strictly defined or it won't function too well ...
All strongly defined hierarchies have black markets --too rigid a system snaps under pressure-- and you have seen firsthand that there is smuggling in yours.
Pedrop says:
... By "4th Officer" I meant Raf's new rank ...
Yes, an officer's rank. So now you are rubbing shoulders with people who might be able to give you answers, now you have access to ship's systems and records you would not have as a mere worker.

Now, as a 3rd Officer, you may even have access to the captain, though not close or regular access.
Pedrop says:
... Probably I have made myself too narrow-minded ...
I have worried about that a few times. On of the first things I said was that this backstory might end up dominating your game, I have seen it before.

Given what we have, it makes sense that his life so far has revolved around this event. We can work towards resolving it now to free you up, but I don't get the impression that is what you were wanting. We can try to fade it into the background, it has been over a decade and you have seen the real world outside your planet.

The Streetwise Skill is your Skill, it does not tell us anything about the other officers (and you got it before being an officer?). You are welcome to say they were all involved in any criminal activities, but it does not need be a conspiracy, it is just a thing you learned.
Pedrop says:
... "exceptions" ... sometimes confusing ...
Confusing for everyone, which is why I called it out. Rather confusing now for a roll or two than confusing later throughout the game. :)
Pedrop says:
... become more tempting to stay for this career ...
Yes and no.

On a meta level note that getting to 2nd Officer does not give you anything mechanical since you already have Pilot 1 (I am not totally happy with the Rank tables).

On a in-fiction level 2nd Officer (if you get there) would get you substantial access to the captain... which might a reason to come up with a reason to not go there?
Pedrop says:
... Battle Dress ... what they called as mechs ...
A suit of armour was one of the possible ways I mentioned to do your 'mechs'. Though Battle Dress is 4 Tech Levels above what we have, so we would need to tone it down. A Cargo Lifter Vehicle (page 145) is also possible as a starting point.

Your lightsaber analogy has worried me, since --in that setting-- lightsabers are the pinnacle of technology, and walker style vehicles are not very practical outside of fantasy settings. I say again, mechs are not going to be a big or important part of this setting.
Pedrop says:
... aging roll ...
Yep, but you are still young, so it should not be a risk...
Pedrop says:
... I will want to tie up all the above loose story threads ...
Tie up any you want to, but we can also leave some of them unanswered and see if your next Term brings more enlightenment or if they come up later as we play to find out. Your choice.
Pedrop says:
... would getting "Pilot 1" ... allow Raf to get Capital Ships at 1 or it will not change anything as he already has 1 at Spacecraft ?
Very good question. I will look into it more, but I think I will probably rule it as another, different Pilot 1 so you can get Capitial Ships. This is only because this is a special case and it is still Pilot 1 and not increasing the level.

Unless someone can show in the book where it contradicts this, these Specialities will work like that. In which case ignore the above 'meta' discussion about your next Term.
Dec 6, 2022 3:43 pm
Pedrop says:
"You are offered the opportunity to smuggle illegal items onto a planet. If you accept, roll Deception 8+ or Persuade 8+ to gain Streetwise 1 and an extra Benefit roll. If you refuse, you gain an Enemy in the criminal sphere."

Depending on the time period, this might line up with my character's smuggler days. My smuggling event was a success though, so maybe we were rival smugglers (is that a thing?)? Or we could just have met at a smuggling social gathering?
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