Shmautz and Eddisham recognize the name Artenia Lien as being prominently diplayed outside this mausolleum. It was also on th 2nd floor.

Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
She reaches out and the cloak rises to hover next to her folded in light. Floating back up the stairs while facing you she gustures
Come let me reward you first. The you can help my companions watch over me as I delve into the secrts of this necromancer.
As you move cautiosly up to the second floor you are startles as it no longer resembles a structure so much as a doorway to various lands. Each window or door to balcony is no longer barred and leads to a divverent vista. Mountans, plains, the ocean, caverns, a forrest, jungles, etc. Into and out of each of these poratls pass a variety of beasts ad plants fill the interior. All are vaguely discernable as spirits when they enter the structure but beyond the portals they look quite real.
Let me heal you first and green, blue, yellow, and red motes of light break off from various spirits and fall onto each of you Any wounds start to close and the fatigue of the batle is washed from you to be replaced with the urge to move about and roar! Then it passes and you see the lady peering at each of you.
You have yet to awaken your full potential. Let me help you with this. I shall call to your souls and give you an oportunity. Focus your mind and calm your heart. Your sould will know best of its own potential. Find what my spell will bring to the surface and bring it into the light of day.
If you feel you are not ready then I have a few trinket that may be of use to you and help you in the future.
With a wave of her hand 4 items float out of various efffigies in the room.
A scale armor curias decorated wiht images of spiders
A dagger that glows faintly bue white and eminates cold
A staff of wood and bronze worked to appear as a dragon with the head atop leaking whisps of flame
A small pendant carved in the shape of a fox head. About this dances a small fox spirit.
Choose your reward. Enter the circle or take up an itemOOC:
Basically a magic item or unlock another trait of your choice