The Island
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The cemetery on the north end of the island is where you will find most of the undead that need to be destroyed. More powerful undead are located deeper into the cemetery. Occasionally a few undead wander off so be ready for trouble anywhere on the island.
Your orders are to sweep the shoreline as you head north then circle around the cemetary taking out any of the wandering undead. Entering the cemetery itself is up to you but does increase the likelyhood of finding undead with items of interest to the scholars who will pay you a bonus if you turn the items over to them.
"Where da 'ells you been hidin'.?" Degs asks, playfully scolding the reptile.
Degs fishes a small pouch from his pocket that at closer inspection would be moving of it's own volition. He reaches into the pouch and pulls out a wriggling insect and offers it to the lizard.
Jus' keep an eye out. I don't want any surprises.
The lizard scampers off, stealth fully boarding the boat ahead of the party.
"Master Deggs. You havn't introduced us to your friend. What's his name?", I ask.
While Deggs feeds his friend I try to evaluate our situation. I squint my eyes and let them wander over the environment, I try to catch noises with my ears and scents with my nose.
"I don’t think I understand. Do we have to kill people who are almost dead, because they're not dead enough? Who establishes the levels of deadness? I personally respect them for challenging conventions. I mean, the traditional dead bodies tend to stay still, but times change. Who says a dead person can't take a walk from time to time? Maybe we are exaggerating. What's more…"
Nixly gets distracted by Degs feeding his lizard. She applauds, hopping happly.
"Me too, me too, let me feed him."
He shows off his Too-True Mirror.
The island is covered in thin woods with large meadows and an ocasiona thicket. Most of the leaves on the trees looks slightly wilted but still have hints of green. The bushes are a bit better and most of the grass looks to be almost healthy given the time of year.
You speculate the plant life conditions are likely due to the undead. The absence of any large animals is not too unexpctd on an island but the lack or small animals other than some birds makes the sickly vegitation all the more depressing.
Lets get a awareness Test from everyone. Shautz has advantage, 3d6, form his survivor trait and Degs does likewise from his hunter Trade.
I still want awareness Test from the rest. Let me know any preparations you want to make before they get closer.
Secret Roll
Just for laughs, he readies the Too-True Mirror in his left hand while he balances the shillelagh in his right hand. Maybe even the deceased have regrets that could distract them from violence?
Check DC: 5 - Basic Awareness - (2d6)
(65) = 11
She readied her bow and took aim at one of the undead.
"We don't want to bother you, but we need you deader."
As soon as Nixly begins speaking the pack all turn to look at her then begin heading directly in your direction.
Bow ready Nixly takes aim. Fire at will
Round 1
The undead pack is currently Far from you and can only be attacked with magic or ranged weapons. At their current pace they will be on you in 2 rounds.
Check DC: 5 - Basic (spelltouched) - (2d6)
(23) = 5
But I'd like to decrease distance with the move action (Far to Near),
and unsheathing my dagger.
A hissing escapes my throat. I set back my ears and bare my teeth.
Bow Check DC: 5 - Adv Attack nearest Undead - (3d6)=;(3,6,6)
Bow Check DC: 5 - Adv Attack nearest Undead - (3d6) =(6,6,1)
Everyone can be thinking about their next trait as I still be awarding those after a few encounters/problems are resolved.

Check DC: 5 - Degs - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (1) = 1
Check DC: 5 - Shmautz - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (2) = 2
... then shakes his shillelagh at one of the zombies who menaces Degs.
Check DC: 4 - Basic (spelltouched attack on skeleton) - (2d6)
(53) = 8
Check DC: 5 - Basic (spelltouched attack on zombie) - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Check DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Resolute trait Check DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(115) = 7
Opportunist trait Check DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)
(1) = 1
"Back inta the ground with yous!"
Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(51) = 6
With a quick move of my left arm, I reach out to an enemy and grab him. In a mirrored movement, I pull back the left hand and thrust with the right that is holding the dagger to cause maximum damage.
Then I retreat a few steps swiftly.
Thrust the dagger into the oppenent (1 action) - basic melee attack - (2D6)
(62) = 8
Skeleton Check DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Skeleton Check DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Arrow to the Zombie Check DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(444) = 12
Check DC: 5 - Degs - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Check DC: 5 - Shmautz - (1d6)
(4) = 4
Degs and Shmautz each close to an undead. Eddisham and Nixly are a bit off from them.
Adjusted the HP.
Just two of them left. I cannot let 'em do more damage to one of the others or me.
I take a deep breath and try to spot a weakness in the movement of the one near to me.
Stab the undead next to me (Focus: 4, 5, 6 hit IIRC) - (2D6)
(26) = 8
Check DC: 4 - Basic - spelltouched attack - (2d6)
(31) = 4
"I put ya down once already!" Degs shouts at the skeleton while swinging his sword.
Focused Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(63) = 9
"Hey, no dodging! That's cheating!"
Nixly Bow Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(36) = 9
As stillness settles around you and you take stock you notice that the tops of the fortress battlements can be seen over the tree tops. You were told the cemetery is along the river shore almost directly north of the fortress.
He glances over at Shmautz and says, "Ziggy, the lizards name is Ziggy. He's not really a pet...I mean he does his own thing mostly but he's stuck around for awhile now and we kind of look out for each other'. I dunno where he's run off to this time, sometimes he finds things even I miss when I'm huntin'"
Degs searches for anything left behind by the vanquished foes.
"Well Eddisham, Degs muses as he rifles through rotted flesh and shattered bone fragments, if we follow the shore a bit north it should take us to the Cemetery. I dunno how I feel about this cursed place though...seems someone should have figured out what is causing all this mess here? If ya let an infection like this fester too tends to spread.."
"That's not good. We should be careful. Personally, I prefer to be one hundred percent alive. Apparently, being half dead affects your ability to dance, let alone sing. The undead don't seem to be able to carry a tune."
I'm really grateful that I had been able to meet Ziggy.
Otherwise I would never have met you, Degs. I'm glad that you've been next to me.
I hold out my paw to the honorable goblin.
In fact, I'm glad that all of you are here.
I don't want to imagine what would have happened, if I was out here with bigoted humans.
Thank you. I highly appreciate, that we're fully alive
, and I twinkle towards Nixly.
Eddisham, I don't know where this cemetery exactly is.
However, I see wisdom in master Degs' words. Why are the guys from the camp constantly sending scouts over to this place?
Any ideas?
And: what's next? I know that we're supposed to clean up here and that we are just a hired 'cleaning service'. But my life is too precious to me as that I would just gamble with it.
Adventure? Yes. Suicide squad? No.
This was just a small encounter and I already took wounds. If this gets more dangerous ...
I leave the sentence unfinished.
... I think we have to be smart. Or at least smarter than a horde of undead corpse. They'll outnumber us sooner or later. Maybe we should find a way to get rid of them without putting ourselves in danger.
Should we take a rest in the castle? Maybe we can overhear something?
"Well, I don't think we'll be findin' much loot here. We can continue clearing some more of the island and look for clues mayhaps lead to the solving the riddle of this island? Or maybe the safer option is to ask around? Maybe some other 'venturers know a thing or two?" I 'dun think will have much to show for with the small amount of undead we have destroyed here though, may be too soon to head off the island just yet. Shall we take a vote?"
Degs holds the amulet around his kneck and it begins to emit a soft blue hue.
You finally find a small thicket where you pause to look north to the cemetery. The cemetery begins over a hundred yards north of the fortress, 50 yards beyond its cleared area. The forest has grown into the cemetery but this is obviously more recent as the trees are more sparse and thinner. The cemetery has a wide variety of burial stiles from simple cairns to headstones and even mausoleums. The larger and more elaborate markers and structures become more frequent further to the north. The cemetery continues up to and beyond the shore. Some of the taller structures appears small islands in the river with a few even standing and entire story up out of its waters.
"Well, I don't think we'll be findin' much loot here. We can continue clearing some more of the island and look for clues mayhaps lead to the solving the riddle of this island? Or maybe the safer option is to ask around? Maybe some other 'venturers know a thing or two?" [/ooc]
The fortress is safe for us to visit, isn't it? I think, we should go there first. As you say, master Degs: maybe some other's know a thing or two.
I don't see the benefit in just heading over to that graveyard and see what happens. Even if we don't get any new information in the castle, we possibly can get onto the wall and have a better sight on the things happening down there.
Maybe there's nothing in the cemetery, maybe there are way more of those undead than we think, maybe there are even more dangerous creatures and ... maybe they have some sort of rhythm between day and night. So we just have to be safe in the castle and keep an eye on the cemetery to study what's going on there.
What do you think?
I wait for the others to decide.
Welcome. The commander has ordered that the courtyard and smithy are free for your unescorted use. However before entering each of you must give your parole not to attack any of the guards, enter restricted areas which are guarded, or damage the fortress or any of it's facilities. If you will give me your bond to obey these restrictions you may enter. And he gestures into the fortress while glancing at you with a bit of curiosity and expectancy. His accent is unusual, sounding archaic and formal, but not too different from the common speech you all use.
The Lieutenant escorts you counter clockwise around the west side of the keep and points out a door on the east exterior wall and indicates it is the smithy and the best place for you to stay and rest while here. Don't enter any of the adjoining rooms though. You are only permitted the courtyard and smithy, except under escort
You notice most of the defenders are skeletal like the gate guards but most wear chainmail. There are also small squads of ghostly soldiers that patrol the area either walking or floating high in the air. You estimate there to be several hundred undead in the fortress, none of which look to be as simple as zombies or the basic skeletons.
Entering the keep you pass more full plate guards in front of a door that leads to the keeps main hall. It has a cross shape to it and you are taken to the middle where there is a large table placed and several undead confer with each other in low voices that stop as soon as you enter. Turning to look as you and receiving a signal from the Lieutenant approaches. Behind him another of the undead stares at you then waves a claw like hand causing mist to fill the intervening space cutting of your view of the area beyond the lone approaching undead.
Ferran Martinel

Ferran Martinel

I'm perplexed by the situation ..."
I recap the situation with the cemetery, the fortress and the different parties we've met so far.
Commander Ferran Martinel

Commander Ferran Martinel

However one of the enchantments of the fortress ensures that as long as we maintained our honor even death was no barrier to maintaining our oaths. Thus we were created free of their control and many of us retain much of our memories of our lives. The other undead from the cemetery are former citizens of the city we swore to protect. While we will ensure they do not harm the fortress, as we are sworn to do, the men under my command have of mixed feelings about destroying the forms, cursed as they may be, of those we swore to protect. And I, I have not made up my mind.
The first of your comrades that came here disrupted the that initial ritual and slew the necromancers that were here at the time. However the ritual has not failed completely, due we suspect to a secondary ritual believed to be in the cemetery, causing the cemetery to continually bring forth more of those that should remain at rest. The magics of the fortress maintain us here as well. Again my men are not united in their desires and I have not made a decision on whether to seek means to return to our rightful slumber or if there is something else we must do before we can do so. The fact that the fortress magics and our honor are both keeping us here in this state and both are dedicated to the defense of the Mortal Realm and the People are the crux of our dilemma. If simply destroying the other undead and what remains of the ritual or even the fortress itself would fulfill out oaths then we would feel compelled to do so. Yet all we feel compelled to do at this time is Guard and Wait.
"Then would ... if we were to find a thing in the cemetery that drove these undead, it would not bother you to have us destroy it?"
Commander Ferran Martinel

Where to?
Aaaaahhh. That rest was good. And the breakfast as well.
My friends, before we get out into the cemetery, just a few things that I still have on my mind.
The guys in the expedition camp pay us. For 'cleaning' the area and find 'stuff', right? But they've not explicitly said, that cleaning equals killing. If you can manage to end whatever the reason for the undead is, we still adhere to our contract. Additionally we do Commander Martinell a favour? This could also be beneficial for us. And if we don't act like complete morons, we maybe can achieve all that without getting from one battle into the next. Because, let's be honest: there will be a moment where we might not be as lucky as yesterday. And I don't want get get seriously harmed.
What do you say?
We can discuss this on the way to the cemetery - maybe it's safer at this time of the day.
The commander suggests looking for any hidden passageways underground and any structure large enough to house stairs as a good point to start your search.
I constantly try to have an eye on the environment to avoid being suprised by the undead or getting into an ambush.
Where shall we start? Let's say we're looking for a party of human-sized beeings. They might be a handful and maybe - I don't know much about magic and wizardry - they need some tools. So they'll have some luggage and guys who carry it.
Whatever the entrance might look like, it must have a certain size. Even if it's hidden.
Maybe Master Deggs' friendly little lizzard can help us finding such spots?
So, y'all. What do you think? Which building or part of that cemetery we are about to inspect first?
Together, with all our skills, I'm confident, that we can find something!
I turn around to the party and purr.
Water? Yuck!
This really is no friend of mine. There's a saying in my tribe: Don't go deeper than you tail's length.
... and I turn my head and take a look at my back.
I turn around to the party and purr.
"Also, I have seen tigers swim."
That’s a nice offer, but it would be a huge disgrace for me to let me be carried.
If there’s no tide, I’m confident that I can overcome my fear.
A little wetty toes won’t do any harm, right?
Shyly I look at the landscape before me.
So, let’s go then. Eddisham, would you mind going at first and decide what we’ll examine first?
Give me a test if you want to try something (search, open, read the worn writing, etc)
I'd like to search for traces of people that might have been here lately.
Hm ....
If anyone was here recently, they must have left some traces. Look at the water and mud on our boots.
Shmautz: Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Shmautz, due to your Sensitive Eyesight you can search with advantage next time
To balance that out a bit Eddisham can roll a search with advantage, due to a tingling from his Precognition guiding your efforts.
Shmautz, due to your Sensitive Eyesight you can search with advantage next time
To balance that out a bit Eddisham can roll a search with advantage, due to a tingling from his Precognition guiding your efforts.
I was aware of the Eyesight-Trait. However, I've refused to use it as it's a once-per-day action and I thought it would be a waste so earling in the morning applying it on the first-available building. :)
Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(641) = 11
As he reads on he gets somewhat distracted when he find some related markers and absentmindedly begins to follow a pattern only to find then end of the family line. Blinking he looks up, realizing he wandered a bit from Shmautz. As he looks around he notices a two story stucture with openings on the second floor, well above the water line. Having noted this before from the shore he is about to turn and rejoin Shmautz when he notices that some of the vegitation on the structure has been disturbed. Almost as if something has climbed up or down the structure repeatedly . . .
By G'ar-Field, the heavenly guard of my tribe. YES!
You're right, Eddisham. Now I can see it.
Let's get over there!
But we have to be careful and silent.
", I say to Eddisham.
My whiskers begin to twitch in excitement and my eyes focus on the building.
Have you noticed any movement? Are there guards or any of these undead out or up there?
", I ask.
Though I'm excited, I am well aware that any thoughtless action could bring us in great danger.
Examine the Tower E, S DC 5 - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (64) = 10
2d6 : (11) = 2
You easily scale your way to the 2nd story balcony along the pathway worn to the thicker vines and root past the lush leaves and flowers around you. Peering over the balcony Eddisham sees a single room with a balcony on each of the 4 sides. The balconies all are partitioned off from the outside by metal latices twisted and hammered into the shapes of plants. Only the one between this balcony and the top of its archway have been roughly bent and twisted to create an easy passage into the interior.
1.between the buildings (on the way from the first one to that one you described)
2. at that building (standing in front of it)
climbing the balconies
I’d like to look around in the level/story we’re at.
Do you see, Eddisham? Something was here. But where did it go?
As you circle the single smoth floored roomyou find stairs leading down behind the smallest of the stone caskets. The mud on the stairs is also disturbed with foot ptints. A weak breeze bring the sent of earth and a hit of fire from below.
Eddisham extends his senses and feels a dark corrupting energy that seems to be covering like an oily film over a much fainter and older sense of natural strength, much like you feel in deep forests. The dark everyone are below but the getting of natural vitality is all around you.
After a few moments he opens his eyes.
"Eddisham, what was that? What did you feel?", I ask.
I ask him, as player-knowledge is not character-knowledge. But I assume he‘ll tell to me. No need to repeat, what we as players already know.
"Should we really go down there? If yes, then we should be really alert!"
I don‘t know if it‘s a good idea, if we two walk down theses stairs without more support
You can also just go back and report. This is good new information.
You can also just go back and report. This is good new information.
I'd go all in, if that's okay. Shmautz must get his honor back - even if that means, that he won't survive this adventure.
tibbius / Eddisham?
He gestures with his hand, a glowing orb appears above his head. Its harsh white light diminishes the gloom in this odd room, casts weird shadows from the caskets.
"We should be able to proceed in good light, anyway," he adds.
Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Did the Commander Martinell in the castle ever mention these families?"
Did any of us have some 'lore' on this?
I shiver ...
+ All rolls to surprise you are at disadvantage.
Bracing yourselves you gingerly step over the ruins of the gate and head down the stairs. At the bottom is another door. This one is solid metal though the lock holding it in place is twisted allowing you to push it open. As the light spills into the room beyond you see movement to the side as a massive paw slams thought the little light and into Eddisham.
Eddisham blinks his eyes as he comes back from his vision. His hand just about to push the door open and he reaches out stopping his companion. Though the door is still in the doorway its shattered lock has doubtlessly allowed your light into the room alerting its current occupant.
I leap back off the door, staring at it.
I shiver, and an angry squeak leaves my throat.
"What was that!?"
I draw my dagger, knowing that it is little help against otherworldly powers. Though I feel a little safer feeling the handle in my paw.
"There's darkness behind it. I mean ... not just the absence of light, but a deep and cold darkness. I saw figures passing this door in a dream ..." ... and I whisper the facts I was able to recall to Eddisham.
Are we really ambushed, or was that a "passive magical alarm system"?
What is the impression we currently have, despite the visions of what might be behind the door?
The door is currently shut and there are no signs of anything beyond other than the pervasive chill emanating from somewhere beyond the door.
"And now? I can feel that there is something behind this door. Maybe not directly behind and maybe not awaiting us, but at least well prepared to handle unbidden guests."
We're standing in a stairway in front of a door, right. I assume the stairway is 'just wide enough', but not ending in a hall or bigger room befor the door.
But is there something special (besides its magical alarm-alike mechanism), that we can use?
"Do you think, we should just wait behind the door wings? Maybe the two I saw in my vision come out again soon. We hide, and when they're away, we slip in.
Searching the tracks: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(241) = 7
The narrow landing and stairwell give no place to hide. Hiding would be possible on the first floor with it's decorations.
Eddisham: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(34) = 7
The creature is about 8 feet tall and very muscular but not quite right. The eyes are white and the facial expression is vacant. It moves in a halting, lurching manner. Ogre Zombie!
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - shillelagh (light weapon) - (2d6)
(25) = 7
@tibbius hold off on Ed till Shmautz has a chance to go
FYI you only need to use an action to move if you are traveling more than 10' or so, bassically changing zones. I am not enforcing zones but will be tracking them and just let you know if you are close enough or need to move
Also note if he does not evade his fist roll next round is at dissadvantage
Attacks Ed DC: 5 - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Dis (Evade) - (1d6)
(1) = 1
We slipped into the door? Okay, let's go then ...
While the creature lets his fist down on Eddisham, I sidestep and leap forward to slit him with the blade.
If the creature has turned around and faces Eddisham, I should be right next to it - maybe even "behind" his viewport/sight.
Attack Zombie-Ogre with Tanto blade - (2D6)
(62) = 8
Attack Zombie-Ogre with Tanto blade - (2d6)
(53) = 8
I added 2nd attack
@tibbius you're up with disadvantage on the 1st action you roll this round
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Basic shillelagh - (2d6)
(66) = 12
undead ogre

Check DC: 5 - Eddisham - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(24) = 6
I really try to keep it in mind, but get carried away by the story and time between posts. GamersPlane is such a great platform, but I'm a 'visually-functioning' being. Sort of a graphical representation would help me a lot. Anyway, that must not be your problem.
"Eddisham, can you light a spark?", I shout, while fumbling with my bag to get the lantern-oil out.
I try to 'bob and weave' around the creature to stay out of sight and reach.
"It shall either burn or slip out and break his bones."
1st Action: getting the lantern-oil out of the rucksack in that situation.
2nd Action: dancing/moving around the Zombie-Ogre. Is this EVADE?
Yes, moving around so as not to be hit is an EVADE
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Basic (dragon's spit spell) - (2d6)
(56) = 11
Man the monster rolls have been weak.
Good thing there is still the boss to come. Evil grin 😁
Watch Eddisham - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (25) = 7
2d6 : (21) = 3
but fails and gets hit by a flaming fist
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Dis (evade) - (1d6)
(1) = 1
The ogres body sprawls across a large diagram recently traced onto the floor. Your best guys is this may have been where bodies where prepared for internment.
Then he Focuses and tries to get his light back.
Eddisham: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Are you okay? Shall we have a little rest? Though I guess it's not wise, as some one else might be around here. Or come back soon." , I wan to know from Eddisham. After all he took some blows from the Ogre.
Try just a bit further. You might funny something fun to play with 😉 ignore that maniac in the corner cackling gleefully with a maniacal gleam in his eye. 👹
Try just a bit further. You might funny something fun to play with 😉 ignore that maniac in the corner cackling gleefully with a maniacal gleam in his eye. 👹
Does that mean we've overlooked the other guy and he was watching us burning his "pet"?
I thought we where alone and now might turn to the other 3 doors.

"I can swim some, but I don't think that we'll find much that way. Hank, do you have any spare oars? We could coast slowly around the graveyard, using them to poke under the water to see if we can feel anything there. We should check these old crypts out as well. Elph.."
Baruman pauses, not sure if his question may cause offense.
"Erm.. can you, you know, smell if there are people in there who aren't alive? I mean I know there'll be folks who are dead, I mean those ones that have forgotten that they ought to be"
Rolls: Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)(4,6)
Elph has a paddle and had been helping move the boat under Hank's guidance.

There's a pole tied to the side. Just be careful, the tip on that is sharp
The like is 6 feet with a sharpened barbed metal spike on the top with a blunt hook.
Baruman focuses looking in the water while Elph directs Hank around the larger structures once you get closer.
As you move into shallower water it is amazing clear. At first Baruman finds little of interest but notices some oddities that become clear the closer they get to land. There are paths on the river bottom under water. The lead to and from a few of the larger structures with a couple heading deeper into the river depths.
The portions of the buildings above water reveal less to Elph but he continues scanning the structures and testing the scents in the air as they passed each. Then one structures catches his eye. It is closer to the shore but still a ways from the other scouts you now see one that looks disturbed.

He looks quickly around for a means of escape, but the water still stretches a good distance on all sides of the boat.
Well, there's no easy way out. I guess if I was in trouble I'd want them to rescue me. So be it then
"We should probably check out one of these grave houses with the paths going to them. Which one do you think?"
The aquatic pathways are mostly clear of vegetation and the mud along the general route has been disturbed and kicked down to a more rocky subsurface than the surroundings. most of the buildings they go to are entirely submerges save for an occasional spire or rooftop. There are some paths that head closer to the shoreline.
As you paddle from structure to structure [color="red"]Elph searches them and sniffs at each. He detects odd scents from a couple and you take note of those to describe to the expedition leaders later. Unfortunately(?) there are no entry ways that you can find, above water anyways. One is larger and faint traces of one of those "Paths" under the water have been worn into the river leading from one of its doorways.
Continuing onward as Elph does not smell any living people from any of the building so far. As you gey to the point where You are nearing the shore, Elph could stand in the water, you spot a structure where a couple of scouts are waving you over and calling to others as well. Heading that way you can see that the vines growing on the outside have been worn down a bit and a balcony on one side is open to the inside while on another it is still sealed by bars.
Suddenly undead burst from the water and begin attacking the scouts, pulling them underwater and clubbing them with rotting fists and bone. A bright flash from the shore reveals the power of the priest as he marches out, walking on the water, smiting undead with a blazing staff. A booming voice is heard from him. We have found the ritual site! form groups for defense and follow me. We must disrupt the ritual
The scouts who had been at the structure were chased off by the undead and you are now the closest. The nearby undead are all engaded fighting those scots in the water. [/color]

He checked his dagger was secure and lifted the pike in his hands, focusing on the nearest undead, and lining up the sharp point, waiting for it to be close enough to stab. "I guess this is it @Elph"
Hank move the boat next to the building and Baruman grabs a couple of vines and gets a good footing.

Now close to the tower Elph scents the smell of the living going into the tower less than an hour ago

Baruman scales the rest of the vines as quietly as he can and creeps onto the balcony. With his back pressing against the wall next to the door, he carefully peeks around the corner to see what is inside.
You easily scale your way to the 2nd story balcony along the pathway worn to the thicker vines and root past the lush leaves and flowers around you. Peering over the balcony you sees a single room with a balcony on each of the 4 sides. The balconies all are partitioned off from the outside by metal latices twisted and hammered into the shapes of plants. Only the one between this balcony and the top of its archway have been roughly bent and twisted to create an easy passage into the interior.
Inside the dust and mud that covered the floor has been disturbed but little else. Looking around the room you see a likeness carved into the ceiling in the center of the ceiling. The face appears elfin but has a wildness that is enhances by two fangs barely visible and animal like ears poking out of here hair. Around the rooms are several large caskets of odd sizes and shapes. The top of each depicts a creature with the sides showing that same creature performing various things with the woman above.
As you circle the single smooth floored room you find stairs leading down behind the smallest of the stone caskets. The mud on the stairs is also disturbed with foot prints. A weak breeze bring the sent of earth and a hit of fire from below. The few clear footprints in the dirt are a mix of humanoid and skeletal.

The image of the lady carved on the ceiling is quite striking. Upon closer examination you see it has snake like eyes, a wolf's ears, a few feathers in is hair, smaller scales around her eyes, and a pair of antennae that are folded back into her hair. One casket shows a large wolf, as large as a pony, being ridden or fighting and hunting with the lady in firsts and plains. Another has a slizard, a lizard with extremely long neck body and tail, in similar scenes to the wolf except in desserts. A large eagle accompanied her through cloudy skies and high mountain tops. A great turtle swims with her in rivers and seas. And a powerful looking beatle tunnels through the earth with her.
You do note that a couple of the prints in the dirt are boots and head down bit none come back up

He casts his eyes around the room, eyeing the caskets. "These look like they might contain something of value" he calls to Elph "If we're going to die, we might as well die rich. If we hit luck, there might even be weapons that we could use. Help me see if we can get one open"
Thinking that it might be of most interest to his new friend, he walks over to the slizard box and examines it to see how best to get in.
There is no lock. The simple combination of gravity and the mass of the solid stone lif keeps it closed. You would need to chip a notch then pry the lid up before shoving it aside. Or just lift the 500 lbs lid off. Either would work.

Lifting the crowbar high he hefts it at the join, trying to create a slot that he could fit the crowbar in to jemmy it open. "Elph, If i can create enough of a gap, stick the end of that pike into it, we might be able to use that to lever it open."

Elph tries to help him form the gap

The casket was solid mahogany with a 500lb statue on top of it. Baruman realized that he had known from the start that there was no way into the casket. He had to face the reality that they were going to have to go down the stairs to face who knew what.
"Sorry Elph" he said again, "We're going to have to see what's down there. Lets go quietly to see if can work out what's down there"
Lighting a torch from his backpack, he picked up the pike in his other hand and started heading down the steps.
Rolls Stealth? - (2d6) (4,4)
@seanfsmith playing Elph
@tergolap playing Shmautz
@tibbius Eddisham
@wilsric playing Baruman
Have fun storming the crypts! Think it will work? It will take a miracle. :)
If we're still apart - can Shmautz sense the noises from the upper levels?
"Hello." I answer. The fact that other living beings also found the way down here is a good sign.
So I try to be nice. My shoulders go down and I relax a little ...
I show my empty paws.
"Are you also Adventurers sent out from the base?"
An elf, he has come across before, but the strange cat creature is another race that he has never encountered. It looks friendly enough. It's fur is quite beautiful, but he manages to wrench his eyes away to look around the rest of the room. "Are we alone in here? Are there any of those corpse men about?"
Entering the room, his small duende figure moves quickly around the walls, examining and listening at each of the doors, all the while keeping a suspicious eye on the 2 scouts.
"My name is Baruman, and this is my friend Elph. Have you found anything of interest so far? Anything of value?"
"Hopefully that will slow down these ones at least, so we don't have to deal with so many at once"
He draws his dagger and focuses on attacking the first undead that he sees.
"We should gather at the door to the stairway and slip out, before they overrun us. This would be one narrow passage for them. Any more ideas on how we could block the other doors?", I say whilse moving to the door and getting out my knife again.
As Shmautz and Eddisham heard the noise - can we estimate the number of enemies?
@tibbius,@tergolap Eddisham and Shmautz have mastered their primary weapons so have advantage on attacks using those from now on.
Everyone like Shmautz's idea of fighting enemies only coming from a single passage sounds and quickly retreats back up the stairs to the first floor, leaving the door open to hear the enemies progress.
Listen Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Yellow @ AB13 stairs go up to where you entered on the 2nd floor
Use the map grids to indicate where you wish to stand when the undead enter the room.
If you like you can quote this message and edit your characters coordinates and add your actions where I have the OOC
I wont always use maps in this game but as you have a moment to prepare you can use the map to plan
To everyone. If the target is close, 10-15 feet from you, then you do not need to use one of your actions to close into melee and attack.
If yes, is there a statue or something we could tilt/toss/throw onto the enemies?
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Adv (shillelagh) - (3d6)
(522) = 9
Evil Laughter
No need to identify your target, as I said the map was just to give you a frame of refference and apply any desired tactics. I'm just counting bone now.
Baruman: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Secret Roll
Baruman: Evade - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Stabbing Skeletons in reach (weapon mastery) - (3D6)
(514) = 10
Elph: Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Elph knocks one down at his feet but another moves into take its pace.
Eddisham and Edisham are also attacked by skeletons.
At the back of the hoard of skeletons you see a robed figure move up the stairs cautiously(white). Though skeletal in form it reatains some skein and possibly some flesh over its bones. This figure at the back thrusts out his hand and a bolt of black energy strikes at Eddisham
Health : Eddisham 3/6 : Elph 4/6
attack 1 damage DC: 5 - Elph, Elph, Eddisham, Shmautz - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (5) = 5
1d6 : (4) = 4
Attack 1 damage DC: 5 - Eddisham + Save or have disadvantage next round - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Ignoring the possible consequences for myself, I leap over to disturb the robed figure's concentration.

Baruman: dagger attack - (2d6)
(63) = 9
@wilsric you have another action as well
Baruman: dagger swing - (2d6)
(46) = 10
@wilsric you have another action as well
Hit enemy in robe with tanto (mastered weapon) - (3D6)
(152) = 8
Edit to add and rainbow light bursts from its withered flesh as it suffers 1 damage.
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Basic spelltouched attack - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Secret Roll
The skeletons move to attack
Health : Eddisham 2/6 : Elph 4/6
Skeleton Attack Eddisham,Eddisham,Elph,Shmauz - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (5) = 5
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (2) = 2
Necromancy summoning - (3d6)
(222) = 6
Elph: Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(54) = 9
Every one can go now, including Elph
Baruman: Dagger slice - (2d6)
(31) = 4
Baruman: Dagger - (2d6)
(65) = 11
He Focuses another Rainbow Burst on the dark cowled figure.
Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Eddisham: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(24) = 6
The robed figure is right in front of me. I have to take the chance to harm it. Now!
Stabe the figure with the Tanto knife once (1st Action, mastered weapon) - (3D6)
(554) = 14
Stabe the figure with the Tanto knife a second time (2nd Action, mastered weapon) - (3D6)
(531) = 9
Eddisham hops about in the hopes of not dying as his wounds remind him these things can kill. This thought distracts his making his attack just miss the necromancer.
The skeletons move to protect their master as he focuses on another spell.
Though the sketons failto strike Shmautz who easily evades their clumsy attacks 2 of the fallen undead rise and join the fight.
Skeletons attack Shmautz - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (2) = 2
Necroancy DC 4 - (3d6)
(546) = 15
Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)
(61) = 7
Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Secret Roll
Elph lowers his bow and watches the fight (focus and evade).
Check DC: 4 - evade - (1d6)
(5) = 5
Beeing right in the center of the pit stretches me to the limit. Where I get exhausted, the skeletons seem to stoically doing their stuff. I try to harm the robed figure as much as possible again, hoping to finally place that one blow that ends all this.
"Anyone got something fancy in their bag? A fishnet, maybe. Or some oil? They're dry and burn well!"
Action 1: Trying to stab/hit/slash the robed figure again with the Tanto knif (mastered) - (3d6)
(226) = 10
Action 2: Trying to stab/hit/slash the robed figure again with the Tanto knif (mastered) - (3d6)
(266) = 14
Skelton attach - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (4) = 4
"Ha! Your master is dead! and now you will die too!"
He turns on the remaining skeletons and strikes with his dagger..
Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Baruman: Evade - (1d6)
(5) = 5
Just a few days before, the disembodied voice would have frozen Baruman to the ground with fear. Now he felt so numbed with the bizarre events of the last days, and the unworldly things that he had seen, that he searched the body, just as the voice had commanded.
Artenia Lien

I watch and listen, while Baruman hands over the cloak to the lady. But I also keep an eye on the party. We've just defeated skeleton after skeleton and also that robed figure. Somehow I believe it was luck, as our little group does not look like battle - tested mercenaries.
My whiskers twitch, I take a deep breath and purr. That calms me down. I even see some cat spirits behind the woman.
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)

As you move cautiosly up to the second floor you are startles as it no longer resembles a structure so much as a doorway to various lands. Each window or door to balcony is no longer barred and leads to a divverent vista. Mountans, plains, the ocean, caverns, a forrest, jungles, etc. Into and out of each of these poratls pass a variety of beasts ad plants fill the interior. All are vaguely discernable as spirits when they enter the structure but beyond the portals they look quite real.
Let me heal you first and green, blue, yellow, and red motes of light break off from various spirits and fall onto each of you Any wounds start to close and the fatigue of the batle is washed from you to be replaced with the urge to move about and roar! Then it passes and you see the lady peering at each of you.
You have yet to awaken your full potential. Let me help you with this. I shall call to your souls and give you an oportunity. Focus your mind and calm your heart. Your sould will know best of its own potential. Find what my spell will bring to the surface and bring it into the light of day.
If you feel you are not ready then I have a few trinket that may be of use to you and help you in the future.
With a wave of her hand 4 items float out of various efffigies in the room.
A scale armor curias decorated wiht images of spiders
A dagger that glows faintly bue white and eminates cold
A staff of wood and bronze worked to appear as a dragon with the head atop leaking whisps of flame
A small pendant carved in the shape of a fox head. About this dances a small fox spirit.
Choose your reward. Enter the circle or take up an item
"Ma'am, If I may?" Baruman moved forward to take the pendant
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)

When you are ready good cat. and a glowing circle surronded by a strange assortment of glyphs and spirits glowss on the floow after she waves her hand. Step in and remain it will take a few minutes.
"Good lady ..." is all I can say. A deep purr comes from my throat and I blink slowly.
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)

"Outcast by my tribe, the connection to my ancestors was cut.
I can't find my totem animal. Are you able to help me? Find that one spirit to accompany me and guide my soul to G'ar-Field?"
I bow, then kneel down and stare into the ground, hoping that noone can see the tears ...
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)

The glowing circle surrounds Shmautz and a dazzling light fills the circle for several minutes. As the light dies the figure of a sleek mountain lion can bee seen in the air above him. The cougar releases a roar and leaps into the air before sinking into Shmautz who falls to his hands and knees as the pressure of the spirit fills his body. The pressure fades and the pride of the mountain lion fills Shmautz heart and he rises strong and proud.
When summoned, the spirit will appear within 25 feet of its summoner and will remain manifested for an hour. Each hour after that requires a test to see if the summoner is able to provide them the strength they need to stay with them. The spirit must rest 1 hour for each hour it was summoned.
The spirit understands the summoner and with eye contact while within 50 feet can share emotions, impressions freely and memories with a test at disadvantage.
The spirit has a movement of 30 and can attack once a turn but will only do so in defense of itself or its summoner. The spirit has half the hit points of the summoner. If the spirit is reduced to 0 hit points it can not be summoned again for at least a day.
Mountain Lion totem trait : Stealthy : the cougar is difficult to notice unless it wants to be. It has advantage on tests to hide and disadvantage to do so only reduces it to a standard test.

I wil be performing a ritual and the necromancrs cloak to temporarily allow his splls to take hold of my mind. My companions are too suseptable to the necromancers magics so they wil seal the portals so the infection can not spread to my other pets. I ask that you keep me bound within the ritual circle for as long as possible then break the purity gem. This wi release a wave of purity that will negate the necromancers spells. This will allow me to peer into their plans and methods.
Will you assist me with this? Remember keep the circle whole as long as possible then as soon as it is openedbreak the gem
Extending he hand a crystal ball full of green, blue, white, yellow, and red lights floats for all to see as she awaits your answer.

Imediately the cloack conceals the sprits figure and sinks to the floor shaking as groans and unintelligable cries come from the figure under the cloak. The shaking and cried turn to moans and then shrieks as the minutes pass Then all is still. Slowly the figure rises up and pushes back the hood exposing a set of antles that now grow from her head.

"Keep in mind, we must keep that circle whole. This witch must not get out of it!" , I shout.
I feel frightened by the sudden transformation and wonder if the cougar inside of me is some sort of trojan-horse.
"Cougar, are you here?", I think to myself, hoping for a telepathic response.
- There's some sort of magic circle (hermetic circle/influence sphere/summoning), the Yule Witch yet can't escape easily.
- She might try to get out / break the circle: we need to prevent this. But can we 'cross' the circle's border?
- Once she breaks the circle, wer're supposed to destroy the gem. This would be @wilsric 's task, right?
Yule Witch

As he hand passes the above circle border green flames are ignited on her out stretched hand and the circle begins sproutingsmall green tendrils. Snatching her hand back she snarls and glared at you and glancing down at the cicle stops a foot. Back slime and fungus begins growing from the impact and soon spreatds to fill the circle and eat into the green there.
Calmin herself she reiterates Give it to me and we can dispense with this silly circle
Yule Witch

You realize the haze to be spores form the fungus growing at the witches feet. The haze allows you to now clearly see th confines of the binding circle. However to your dismay, though not unexpected, you see small black spots poke through the barrier. These gaps are quickly sealed by the living enregies of the cirlce but Elph sniffs the air and says Stand back, the mist is poison
As you watch the escaping whisps of spores settle on various surfaces, take root, and begin growing outside the circle. The new black spots grow both out towards you and in to attack the circle from the outside..
Elph treads on a rooting spore and tries to smear it across the ground.
Elph: Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Enemys like this are often fight with soaps and sunlight. Indeed you not the areas in direct sunlight are free of the dark growth
Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(666) = 18
Baruman rushes to a balcony and using his small dagger begins cutting away the vibes and leaves to allow more light in.
Ed throw the orb (give a roll with focus)
Everyone else post any actions/reactions
Eddisham: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(61) = 7
I run to get between the collapsing circle with the Yule Witch and Eddisham so that he has enough time to destroy the crystal.
I call my Totem Spirit to have an additional barrier between the Yule Witch and the crystal.

I have shown all I learned to the Foxfire Familiar. He will help guide you. I am sorry but I must rest now
Her voice fades till you can barely hear the last words. A glow descends from the ceiling and pulls the spirit away Goodbye
He moved his gaze down to look at the young fox, winding itself around his legs like a cat. "Erm... Hello" he said, as it looked up at him with puppy like eyes.
He had canoed through a mysterious graveyard. He had been attacked by undead skeletons. He had watched as a spirit had spoken to them, a witch had tried to kill them, and an explosion had filled the room. Now, a fox had just apparated from his neck and was rubbing it's nose against his ankles.
Well. It's been quite the day.
"What's your name?" he asked the fox. Think about it, You're speaking to a fox he realised "Well, you leapt from flame, so I'm going to call you Ember"
"Are you guys all OK?" he asked the others. "Is anybody hurt? That was an.... unusual event"
Looking back to the fox he said "What did the spirit tell you Ember? What do we do now? Please tell me the plan is do go back to camp, have a beer, and get some sleep?"
The spirit also was instructed to assist with some form of necromantic ritual. The details are vague but from the little she was able to comprehend the results would be desasterous for all creatures in the areas. The ritual will take some time, weeks or even months, which is why they were looking for spell casters to turn into additional undead help..
The spirit also was instructed to assist with some form of necromantic ritual. The details are vague but from the little she was able to comprehend the results would be desasterous for all creatures in the areas. The ritual will take some time, weeks or even months, which is why they were looking for spell casters to turn into additional undead help..
"Eddisham and me, we started at the base camp. Basically our order was to just clean the area from the undead. We've been quite good at it so far." I chuckle.
I kneel down and pet the little fox.
"Or follow the fox on behalf of our lady?
Whatever the decision might be, I recommend we first do a little self-care. Recover and restock, maybe?"
I feel unconfortable when thinking of necromancers ...
"Well, lets make sure that they can't make use of this place again, if nothing else" he says, heading down the stairs, dagger in hand "Once we destroy the circles, we can decide where to go next. Looking again at Ember he continues "but I think this young creature has been given to us to help us through this, so we should probably take his advice. We can search and see if there are provisions or similar as well"
After a short discussion you decide to try and disable the circles without removing all traces at this point so that you can show them to the priest who should be nearby with the others having last been seen fighting the undead. Between the two of them they find key points of the ritual that should disrupt their functions
and make note of the symbols before Eddisham uses magical liquid light to wash away the key glyphs and symbols.
As they are doing this Baruman pokes around the crypts but a cautioning word form Elph, who kept an eye on the inquisitive youth, about the all to real spirit they met perhaps not appreaciate her relatives bodies form being looted. Baruman does not give up and scours the pathways you travel and comes up with several small baubles, only about a third of which seem to have markings or emblems denoting them personal items. Collecting the unmarked goods he comes up with a small but not unimpressive pile of gleaming metal and gems.
Completing the disabling of the 3 ritual sites you head back up to the 2nd floor and stepping out onto the balcony look out to see the cemetery empty but there is a large contingent on the shore that looks to be treating their wounded. The boatman that brought Elph and Baruman here has joined them. Looking around you see none of the undead that were being fought when they arrived.
1. Locate and assists and scouts in trouble
2. Help silver the undead issue
The rest of the force on the island had the same objectives with reversed priority
"And now?" I ask the others.
"I still wonder, what happened to the Castle and its Commander. Anyone willing to join me?"
After a few moment he arrives and calls up to you that the priest would like to talk with you. The boat barely holds all of you and in a few minutes you are on the island in front of the priest.

Lord Felspar

Dont worry about the fort and it's undead I investigated that place thuroghly, or at least as well as they would let me. Though they still house some secrets I am certain it is not related to the other undead and their ties to the fortress prevent them from leaving the island except under very special lcircuimstances. We are keeping an eye of them as well as allowing the other researches to question them. many reatin memoried of the Dawn War and several have been quite helpful
Turning to Lord Felspar "I'm afraid the we destroyed the ritual circles, but I am sure a man of your wisdom will be able to gain some information from what is left"
As he leapt into the boat to leave, it swayed suddenly, and the boatman had to quickly pull his oar to steady it. A splash of water came from the paddle and landed on Ember's back. The young spirit looked up into Baruman's eyes, and then suddenly disappeared.
A wave of panic came over him at the loss of his new friend, and he felt the amulet grow cold around his neck. Reaching his hand to clasp it, he could somehow still feel some form of energy coming from it though. It's OK, I can feel that you are still there.