New Paphos (The Base)

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Jan 28, 2023 11:18 am
Baruman listened as a terrifying winged creature with sharp claws, the like of which he had never seen before, spoke to Phlan.

Safe sound good, but to come all this way just to stay on a base? That would just be like being in the town.

He blurts out "Do guards get paid the same as scouts? How much does the accomodation cost? How much more do the freelancers get paid? How many hot meals are there? How dangerous is the work? How do you make up the teams anyway? Will there be somebody bigger with me to help?"

Realising that everybody is staring at him after the nervous flurry of questions, he bows his head and takes a step back, embarrassed.

"Erm, I mean, I can do whatever you need really"



Jan 28, 2023 3:19 pm
Baruman says:

"Do guards get paid the same as scouts? How much does the accomodation cost? How much more do the freelancers get paid? How many hot meals are there? How dangerous is the work? How do you make up the teams anyway? Will there be somebody bigger with me to help?"
Guards earn 5 golf a week plus 1 good each day they leave the base, to protect the researchers or other assignments.
Accomodations are free for employees and freelancers who perform regular work, as are two meals a day.
Freelancers work on commission so their pay varies by job. Basic jobs are 1 to 5 gold but they must pay for healing and supplies.
The danger of the missions vary. Scouting is of course more prone to unexpected dangers. We will inform you of any known threats when you ask about each mission.
Teams are formed amongst yourselves or assigned if a teammate can not be found.
As for the size of the teammate, that is not always an advantage.
FYI from here on out i require all players to be in parties. That is one reason i asked everyone to share their preferred posting rate on the survey. Running a bunch of solo threads takes about more work.
If you do not want to join the others on the island I have a couple things you can do in the bar and surrounding area. There are a couple of others in the pipe and can still be joining you at the base later.
Jan 28, 2023 5:12 pm
I'd like to join the others on the island, but if it's easier for you I'm happy to remain here with Eels until others arrive
The prospect of a regular income was something that Baruman had never had before. He was used to having to scavenge for what work he could. The freelancing sounded like that to his inexperienced ears, so he said,

"Sounds like the money's in scouting, so if it's OK with you mister, I'll give that a go."
Jan 29, 2023 12:19 am
As there are 2 of you on base and two on the Island I am going to temporarily get you all together on the island then we can shuffle things up based on posting rate. This will make the game more enjoyable as your interactions will be posting at similar rates.
As you are talking a guard enters the room and at a gesture form Phlan approaches and whispers in his ear. A few quiet questions and whispered answers later he is sent off.
It appears we have a bit of a situation that may be the lucky break we have been looking for. A pair of scouts came back from the island and reporting encountering undead there then followed up on a lead and lost another pair of scouts just after they said they had found something. I would like to send all of you that are willing to the island to assist the the search and rescue operation. The high priest will accompany you to step in should any additional information about the undead problems we have been having there be uncovered. For this mission I will offer a base pay of 1 gold with bonuses up to 10 gold to any who uncover information about the undead.

Treat this as a chance to try out the scouting life with numbers to back you up, which would not normally be the case.

Now I must go confer with the priest so please talk with the clerk outside my office. He will direct any interested in assisting in todays even. The rest will have to wait for the mission to depart before seeing to other matters. I apologize.

The clerk shares what is known in greater detail that was revealed by the administrator. The island is across the river and was the site of a dark ritual raising the dead. There are two classifications of undead on the island.
1. Those that guard a fortress are known to be non-hostile unless attacked and have never given any trouble. They have even helped the expedition in the past and are being interviewed by the researchers. If you are in need you can go the the fortress and rest safely within its walls.
2. The cemetery on the northern tip of the island has been spawning random undead. Normally these are quite weak but the priest has been unable to locate the ritual enchantment creating the undead. Thus though he has blessed the site several times the corruption continues to fester.
The scouts that returned indicated that they were working with another pair in scouring the cemetery after fighting some undead in the area. The pair that has been lost was searching the cemetery that has been submerged by the river. The search effort is to focus on searching the cemetery area that has been submerged. The slope is slight and the current is slow so most will not have trouble walking though the structures. Baruman is assigned to a small skiff with another volunteer and will begin searching upriver and move toward the island shore.
Are there any questions?
We can keep this loose for now and have Baruman paired with Elph but either of you can move the story along. This should let us get you to the other group more quickly.

If there are no questions I will move you along early next week
Jan 29, 2023 9:39 am
A cold feeling crept over Baruman. Scouts missing, before he even started the job proper, maybe his old life hadn't been so bad.

Still, there was no way out now. He looked around the room and his eyes rested on the strange winged figure that had spoken before.

"Excuse me my scaled friend, What is your name? You look like a tough fellow, with that and my guile, we could perhaps help out, and make it back alive. I used to work on the dock sometimes in my homeland, so know how to handle a skiff. Shall we head off together and see if we can find these poor souls?"
Last edited January 29, 2023 9:40 am
Jan 29, 2023 11:16 am
@wilsric if you add something like this (at symbol with player name or just add the character name with possible emphasis or color) it ensures the other player knows your are talking to them.
PS Elph is a serpent folk @seanfsmith can give more details
Jan 29, 2023 4:14 pm
Elph offers his hand to Baruman to shake ─ it's soft and very dry, feels almost like baize. Elph stands tall as he can, which isn't quite as tall as the average human. He looks like someone with the body-shape of a stoat stood full upright, though his tail is short and wide. He wears the sort of clothes you'd expect a goat farmer to wear.

"Well met, friend. They name me Elph which works well in the common language. My name in my language is made of smells and I haven't met a man who can enunciate it.

"But this scout job does bring my attention and I am glad to join you in it."
Jan 29, 2023 5:16 pm
Baruman knew from living on the streets that first impressions are critical. If some strange rogue sizes you up as a target, then that is what you will remain to them. He knew that despite the fear and uncertainty he felt, it was best to appear confident and purposeful. "Excellent, it's nice to meet you Elph, and I hope one day to be able to smell your name properly, even if my small body cannot say the smells itself. Shall we go to the skiff and make our way up river? We may even find some of these undead to sort out"

He inadvertently shivered when he said the word undead, a chill running down his body.

By the gods I hope I never have to see one of these creatures. My new companion is terrifying enough, I can only hope that I don't do anything to offend him.

He makes to leave and head for the skiff to start the search upriver. A sudden thought takes him before the doorway, and he turns back to the clerk and says "Do we get paid in advance?"
Jan 29, 2023 6:13 pm
The clerk quickly sorts out everyone and informs you that you will be paid upon completion. As the mission is technically search and rescue and not exterminating the undead you are free to avoid combat if you wish. Elph and Baruman are sent ahead to the dock. Once there the dock master looks skeptically at the two of you. Can you handle a boat? No never mind. You might get it in your heads to leave the boat and wander off "investigating" or whatnot. Hank. HANK! Grab the canoe and take these too out to the watery graveyard. Mind them hear but you bring that boat back.

With Hank at the back and Elph at the front Baruman is given the run of the canoe, thoroughly enjoying it as his small size lets him walk the length with little worry or tipping the boat as the other two sitting are still taller than him. You cross the river directly then head back upstream as Hank says the current is slower on the east side of the island (map), basically circling the island counter clockwise. As you near the norther tip of the island the towers and walls of the fortress come into sight and the chill that passed through Baruman returns doubled. After several minutes you pass the island and Hank lets the current push you south again and only nudges the canoe toward the cemetery.
The structures of the cemetery cover the northern tip of the isle and continue north as the gradual slope of the land slides under the river level. At the northernmost tip, where you start your search there is little but the tops of crypts and mausoleums. Further south near and on the shore you can see individual tombstones as well.
Give me a couple of standard test (roll 2d6) and let me know if you have any specific ideas on how to manage the search.
Welp, where to mister and he looks to Elph a bit nervously, casually ignoring the little Baruman.
Feb 4, 2023 2:06 am
The story continues in the Island thread
This is locked and I copied your search and time inside onto the other thread. Follow the link above to continue the adventure



Mar 13, 2023 1:07 pm
@Yunera aka Fable is joining the expedition and are now at the base
@Miss_Sadie aka Meep came on the boat with them but is not staying in the game so Meep will be retiring.
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.
Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. The guard and boy exchange greeting and you are introduced to the boy

Welcome! he says cheerfully. Things are a bit hectic here as we are resolving a problem that has been getting worse over the the last couple of tenday/weeks. Once that is resolved you will be able to meet the administrator but I will have to do for now. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition as a scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with a guaranteed pay but you are required to complete assigned tasks before picking up additional contracts. Do you have any questions?
Mar 14, 2023 4:16 pm
"Pleased to meet you" , Fable bows in a grand gesture, "I am Fable the dashing adventurer and this is the Magnificent Meep, bane of the river pirates. We were send here by Corwin to join the expedition. Just a moment ..."

Fable turn to Meep and starts whispering: "We staying together, right? What do you think? Getting a roof over our head might not be the worst idea..."



Mar 16, 2023 12:35 pm
The boy continues organizing papers and writing on some before storing them on shelves behin himself. If you like you can head to eithr the diner or the bar to discuss your plans. One thing to note is that food and lodging is provided to employees, at the baracks and mess hall, but freelancers have to pay. Anyone can stay in the rooms above the diner and bar but they have to pay for those rooms.
The boy prattles on about base life and the odd tidbit about acyivities outside. Though he has never ventured farr beyond the walls he has visited the grippli shaman in the swamp to the east and he organizes all the scout reports so knows quite a bit. The primary focus of the expedition is archeological in nature, recovering relics and knowledge from the Dawn age and war by scouring the neaby ruins and Remnant, large mostly intact ruins. They are having some trouble wit undead, goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs. Some kobolds are working for a dragon and demanding tribute for him. They have been less confrontational but are wandering the area. There are many local fey and some have been causing mischief. bla bla bla . . . .
Mar 17, 2023 8:15 pm
As you talk another group of adventurers, wounded and weary looking, enters the office.
@tergolap,@seanfsmith,@wilsric : Enter Eddisham, Shmautz, Baruman, Elph
Tibbius/Eddisham is away from the game for a bit so I will phase him out of the party for now.
Mar 17, 2023 8:30 pm
Eddisham, Shmautz, Baruman, and Elph have been back from the isle for a few days now resting and doing some lighter duties to become more familiar with the area before undertaking their next large assignment. Their report was received verified and they were each given a bonus in their pay for their "exemplary work" in the form of a leather pouch with a healing salve.
[ +- ] Pouch of Healing Ointment
Eddisham has been hanging around the grippli shaman and she has been teaching him. You are not quite sure what but it has taken so much of his time that he stopped going scouting with the rest of you. At the end of your 2nd week here you are paid 10 additional gold.
You all should now have about 20GP. Basic shopping list is on the Tiny Notes shared sheet accessible at to bottom of each page. Additions/modifications to this are in the works including some magic items. like the healing salve, potions, etc.
Shmautz, Baruman, and Elph are just coming back from exploring the river banks to the north. While on the north river bank they encountered a band of goblins who thought they look liked easy picking and had to dissuade the goblins from "taxing" the party. As the four enter the clerks office they note a couple of new faces fresh off the boat.
Mar 20, 2023 3:18 am
The birdfolk, Meep, expresses their thanks but has decided it is all a bit too much so will be finding jobs about the base for a bit before deciding whether they will stay or return to safer and more civilized lands.

The clerk takes your report and between all the conversations going on the four of you decide to retire to the diner to discuss options.

The clerk gave you the following options
1. Scout the area further to the west
2. Go talk with the intelligent golem "Dean" in the NW corner of the swamp
3. Search and verify the safety of the residential Remnant that the lead scout team cleared out recently.
4. Begin scouting to the north where the hobgoblins have claimed several Remnants

You wander over to the diner and enjoy a hearty meal with good drink as the veterans fill Fable in on the current situation and their activities to date. Undead on the island, Necromancers and spirits in mausoleums, a dragon to the south, orcs to the west, hobgoblins to the north, and Fey everywhere though rarely encountered.
mission options/opbective will be updated on the Tiny Info sheet accessable from the bottom of the page
@tergolap,@Yunera,@seanfsmith,@wilsric take it away.
Mar 20, 2023 12:24 pm
"Phew, sounds like there is a lot going on", Fable says with interest. "Say you don't happen to need another adventurer by chance. I just got of the boat and I can fight." Fable pats their rapier on their belt.
Mar 20, 2023 12:39 pm
With the boat that Fable arrived on bringing new supplies you know the bar will get busy tonight so you are enjoying the quiet of a diner lunch. A few other guards and scouts are about but the diner is more often populated by the researchers. While you sit, eat, drink, and talk, you hear some of the local news discussed by other patrons.
With the breaking of the necromancers ritual on the island the risee of the undead has been greatly reduced. The continual creation is a fading side effect of the previous ritual and planar rift to the Shadowfell that will continue getting weaker. The clearing of the isle of undead has returned to a minor task for new scouts and guards to practice their skills and prove their worth to the expedition.
Fable informs the others about the river pirates he encountered on his way to the base.
Likely this is a result of the frequent supply runs now hapening twice a week and the expented return wealth. Guards will have to begin being placed on the supply boats to ensure thei safety.
Aparently one of the lead scout teams has recently started looking into the troubles the expedition has been having with the fey. With the hostilities with the orcs and hobgoblins having escalated many are nerveous as they are known to outnumber th expedition guard and the bases arcane defences have been continually upgraded.
Mar 20, 2023 8:46 pm
After filling up our stocks, we all met at the Tavern again.
While we sit at the table and drink, I catch some words from a stranger.

"Hey, good sir! You're hungry for adventure, right?"
I offer a place to the person with rapier.
We need a way to get fabel to our table, I think.
Fast forward: we introduce us and tell our stories of necromancers, burnt zombie-ogres, spirit-women and how great we've been defeating them.
"Tink ya wonna join us on our neggst adventure?" I ask. The strong beer slurred my speech. I'm not used to that.
Regarding the re-strocking: I havn't gone over the full list yet. But I need lamp-oil again. :)
Mar 21, 2023 12:30 am
I am keeping basic supplies very simple in this game so take off 1 GP and say all needed maintenence is done on your gear and all used supplies are restocked
There is a list in the info sheet for refference if you want to get something specific beyond your current gear.
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